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the art of

Close more sales through
touching people's

Day 10: Using FOMO the

right way
the art of Emotional Selling


We've talked about how people tend to

act more if they know they are going to
potentially lose something rather than
when there is a potential reward.

Most of us operate with a scarcity

mindset wherein we see everything as
limited thus we fear losing something.
This fear of losing something (or fear of
missing out) makes us act and triggers
us to do something so we do not lose
what we already have.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

And so how do we use this

powerful emotion to trigger
people to do something?

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

We have to let prospects know the

cost of inaction.

What is at stake if they don’t buy our

What do they lose if they don't act
right now?
We have to give our prospects a
glimpse of it.

Again, people will act more on things

when they know they could lose
something if they don’t act than when
they can gain something.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

But here is where a big problem lies:

many businesses and salespeople abuse this.

Many businesses and salespeople would deceive

their customers and clients using their fear of
missing out or loss just for them to impulsively buy
what the business or salesperson is selling.

They would lie and tell clients

that someone else is looking
at this too even though it is
not true.
Some would even go as far as
threaten them and fear them
just for them to make an
impulsive decision to buy.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

Just think of all the fake gurus or scammers

who would prey on vulnerable people and
tell them they are missing out on so much if
they don’t give them their money.

It is deceit yet we simply just call it “sales

No wonder so many people hate

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

In previous generations, that would do.

People would bite the bait.

But not now.

Not with our current generation where
access to information has never been this
easy. Not now that people are more
intelligent and careful with scammers.

People can now see through

deceptions more and more.

And if people know you

are manipulating them,
guess who will not be
Guess who will lose
more? Guess who will
have a bad reputation?

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

And if we exchange chairs with the

prospect and people are using this
fear to entice us, how would we feel?

It might actually feel they are

threatening us or blackmailing us. And it
never feels good. Do we like being
threatened? Do we like being
blackmailed? If we ourselves do not like
it, how much more will clients and
customers who are all victimized by this
one way or another hate it?

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

I guess what we are really trying to say

is this:

we should use this fear of missing

out or fear of loss as that little push
when closing and not as our main
selling point.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

It acts a lot like salt in making a cake. The

purpose of the salt in the cake is to
enhance the flavor. Put too much, you
destroy the cake. The same can be said
with fear.

Put little of it in the sale, it entices the

prospect to buy. Put too much and
prospects will know you are manipulating
them. We break rapport, we lose trust.

Not only do we lose

the prospect forever,
they might even hate
us and keep others
from being victimized
not just by us but from
the company itself.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

Not only should we use it as little as

possible, we should also use it in the most
honest way possible.

Remember, people now are more

intelligent. They can see if people are
just merely manipulating them. And
once they know or at least perceive
that you are manipulating them, guess
who breaks rapport, lose trust, lose the
sale, lose referrals?

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

And if you have more control over our

selling process, we can instead use this
fear of missing out or loss in a more
positive light.

We can use it more as a loss of a

reward. If people act now, they can be
rewarded. If they don’t they lose that
reward. If they act now or within this
certain timeframe, they get discounts.
If they don’t, they lose it.

Is this fear of loss or missing

But is it threatening?
I guess you know the answer.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

Use this fear of missing out or loss as

the little push or the thing that will
enhance your offer.

To do that, let them know what is at

stake if they do not act.

But in never......abuse this or

prospects will hate you.

In fact, use it in a more positive light

and in an honest way.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

UP NEXT.....

The Buyer's fear

Project Ahente

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