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Alphabet's Google

We have only scratched th face of truly beng there for ou users. any. anywhere
across ll devices

“Googe CEO Sundar ical!

In March 017 Alphabet’ CEO Lary age. ean on dusty wooden rin and gad scoss the
vats of Mollet Aes Hangar Two. A bal dose amined bllons each fieen tes
ameter were oto before him in the cavern ike pac, Thee years care he had goed 3.512
lon sy year se fo the sifics vget hangar which vere any ew mls fom Alphabets
Nonain Vie, Calionis besdquartes Originally bot in the 1940 o hous te US K's blip.
fc. the hangars vere ow bein sed to house Alphabets fect of private Jt 1d some of
fs more
ambitious projects. The balloons were part of Poet Loon. 3 plan 0 se High alive
balloons 0
ring net aces 1 te mart remot corner of te vol The projects nme was chosen both for
ts connection to ght and ts anacy?

Pages toughis wer ntertuped by the busing of is isl smartphone. 1 was reider tht he
ad chalet meting vith Sond Pic, he CEO of Alphabets Google briny. In August 2015.
Googles cofoudersLrty Page a Sergey Brin announce that they wold be restructuring
the com:
pany a 4 diersied conglomerate une he name Alphabet. Th Goole cofounder Indicted
hey were inspired by Berkshire Hathaway’ conglomerate structure through which he
Fad ives
ox Warren Buf, scestlly ed an ensemble of widely diferent buarscs ovr seers deces?
Alphabets agest subsidiary would tan the Google name and focus on Internet eed
services and
products wilh ich 5 CEL A former McKinsey consulta Pichi ad quickly tsa (hough the
Google ranks aftr Jiang he technology frm n 2004

J waked aos the armac o bis Tesla Model X parked In font of the hangar As he lt the
Suiopllor drive hi to Google ofc. ag’ thats swlched from Project Loo to mare er
restral concerns Although perceived a5 technology company. Goole was way ways more
of a
advetsng company. In fac dverlng accounted for lot 90 percent of Googles 016
‘Although the portion of revenue fom advertising hd decreased 1 2016.0 sll fuxded
the lee
marty of Google. se services and Alphabets “Othe Bets Including Project Loon (Ehit

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