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(2nd Activity)

1. The government’s role in market integration is really important because it

provide those services that the private sector is unwilling or not able to provide
goods and etc. It also serves as the policy that must be followed by anyone to
maintain peace and everything will be in order.

2. As what I’ve understand, the international institution is granting loan and

financial assistance to those developing countries in the world economy for them
to develop, spur social progress, economic growth to address and reduce poverty.

3. Market Integration has a big role in our lives especially to those farmers. It
helps them to ship their produce fast and it is a big opportunity for them.
Additionally, it influences short-term nutritional status and changes with the
traditional food decreases and an increasing dependence on market food with
lower diversity. On the other hand, it also has a big role in our economy it helps
the produce travel fast in any places and also it provides investment
opportunities available to consumers and it increases the competition in the
provision of those services.

4. Find news articles either international or domestic (thru the internet) that state
the importance of Market Integration in globalization. Explain further the article.
State as well some personal experience of the impact of Market Integration as a
student and a member of society..

A partial reform of its elementary and secondary school curricula to include

mandatory learning on coding. In the rest of the world, many governments have also made
this change. The arguments put forward to motivate the integration of computer science, and more
specifically computer programming into the school curriculum of students Is that a growing number
of jobs require a deep understanding of technology and is actually expected to increase in the
coming years considering that data science, artificial intelligence and decentralization technologies
are becoming increasingly dominant areas of the economic sector. As a student that is a great
opportunity because it helps to us gain more knowledge about computer and this helps us in today’s
generation. On the other hand, market integration in globalization is really important especially as a
member of society because it gives more opportunity that is very useful in daily lives.

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