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Santiago City, Philippines

Course No: GEC 004

Course Description: Contemporary World



Instruction: Answer the following questions substantially. Should you be using researched based
information, include the link used. Corresponding points is given in each item:

1. Identify and explain what paradigms would explain the move to make necessary
changes in the economic provision of the Philippine constitution. (10)

- Global Capitalism paradigm, This paradigm suggests that the move to make necessary
changes in the economic provision of the Philippine constitution is driven by the forces of global
capitalism. The Philippines, like many other countries, is under pressure to adapt to the
demands of the global economy in order to remain competitive. This includes ensuring a
business-friendly environment, attracting foreign investment, and promoting economic growth.
Making changes to the economic provisions in the constitution may be seen as necessary in
order to facilitate these goals.

2. Filipinos put so much importance on education. Valuing education has been considered
part of our culture. In what way does globalization work in this kind of thinking and
behavior? (10 points)

- Filipino opinions regarding education have been significantly shaped by globalization. The
significance of education for both personal and national development is being emphasized more
and more as a result of the globalization of economies and society. As a result, education has
become increasingly valuable in Filipino culture, as people realize that a quality education may
equip them with the knowledge and abilities required to compete in the global economy.

The introduction of novel concepts and viewpoints to Filipinos has been one way that
globalization has impacted their attitudes about education. People are more likely to recognize
the importance of education in a global context as they have more access to global knowledge
and information. This may result in a stronger focus on gaining graduate degrees, picking up
new languages, and honing cross-cultural skills in order to compete in a world that is becoming
more interconnected by the day.

Furthermore, globalization has also led to an increased demand for skilled workers in industries
such as technology, finance, and healthcare. As a result, there is a greater emphasis on higher
education and technical training in order to meet the needs of these industries. This has led to a
greater focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education in the
Philippines, as people recognize the importance of these fields in the global economy. Overall,
globalization has played a significant role in shaping Filipino attitudes towards education,
leading to a greater emphasis on obtaining a quality education as a means of achieving success
in the global economy.
Santiago City, Philippines

3. Give example of current events (local or international) that are evident of the theoretical
paradigms associated with globalization. One for each of the paradigms. (18 points)

Global Capitalism paradigm:

One current event that exemplifies the Global Capitalism paradigm is the ongoing trade war
between the United States and China. This conflict highlights the interconnectedness of the
global economy, and how decisions made by dominant economic powers can have far-reaching
consequences for countries all over the world.


Network Society school of thought:

An example of the Network Society school of thought in action can be seen in the rise of social
media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. These platforms have greatly facilitated
communication and connectivity on a global scale, reshaping how individuals and communities
interact and organize.


Space, time, and globalization:

The concept of space, time, and globalization can be seen in the development of high-speed
transportation systems such as high-speed trains and airplanes. These innovations have
significantly reduced travel time between distant locations, furthering the interconnectedness of
the global economy and society.


Transnationality and transnationalism:

An example of transnationality and transnationalism is the European Union, which has created a
political and economic union among its member states. This organization has blurred national
boundaries and facilitated cooperation and integration among countries in Europe.


Global culture paradigm:

The global culture paradigm is evident in the spread of Western popular culture around the
world, as seen in the popularity of Hollywood movies, fast food chains, and fashion trends. This
phenomenon has led to the homogenization of cultural practices and values on a global scale.

Santiago City, Philippines

4. Which of the paradigms for you have much influence on globalization? Why? (10 points)

The network of society school of thought paradigm emphasizes the interconnectedness of

individuals, societies, and institutions through various networks and relationships. In the context
of globalization, this perspective highlights the ways in which different actors and entities are
linked and interact with one another on a global scale. This paradigm is influential in
globalization because it recognizes the importance of networks and connections in shaping
social, economic, and political processes. It acknowledges that globalization is not simply a top-
down process driven by powerful institutions or states, but rather a complex and dynamic
phenomenon that involves interactions between a wide range of actors and influences.

By focusing on networks and relationships, the network of society school of thought paradigm
helps to explain how ideas, information, and resources flow across borders, how identities and
communities are formed and transformed, and how power and influence are distributed in the
global system. It also highlights the role of individuals and grassroots movements in shaping
globalization, countering the idea that globalization is solely controlled by elites or dominant

Overall, the network of society school of thought paradigm offers a more nuanced and holistic
understanding of globalization, emphasizing the interconnectedness of different actors and the
complex, multidirectional nature of global processes. This perspective has significant influence
on how we think about and respond to the challenges and opportunities of globalization in our
increasingly interconnected world.

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