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1) Take a picture of your fridge, create 10 sentences using different articles (a-

1- I have any milk

2- I have some eggs
3- I have any yogurt
4- I have some Ice cream
5- I have a chicken
6- I have any meet
7- I have a pear
8- I have the honey
9- I have an orange
10- I have an apple
2) Describe a person that you admire, use 6 ideas with the verb to be, to describe
the person
1- Maria is Intelligent
2- She is beautifully
3- She is professional
4- She is confident
5- She is friendly
6- She is hard working
3) Give 3 advices to someone you know, that is having some personal issues. (one
idea with should, other one with can and one with must)
1- Maria can be more careful whit their presentation
2.- Eduardo should study more math
3- Mishell must be more organize in their room

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