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Nama : Yasmin Fadhillah Raharjo

Kelas : 1A
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris (Basic Writing)



In a small village nestied between lush green hills, three determined women embarked
on a mission to revitalize their comunity. Concerned about the deteriorating state of the river
that once served as a lifeblood for the village, they decided to take matters into their own
hands. Equipped with gloves, trash bags, and an unwavering spirit, the trio volunteered to
clean up the riverbanks and restore its vitally. Their journey began early in the morning, as
the sun painted the sky with hues of pink and orange symblolizing the dawn of chage.
As the women worked tirelessly, they discovered the gravity of the pollution problem
plastics, bottles, and debris had accumulated over the years, suffocating aquatic life and
jeopardizing the once-pristine ecosystem. Undeterred by the enormity of the task, the
volunteers preseed on, fueid by a shared vision of a rejuvanated river that could sustain life
for generations to come.
The first person myself, is an environmental expert who has a great passion for nature
conservation, along with to my friends, namely sofi and keira. The three of us held a
campaign evironmental awereness, education the public about how important it is to protect
and maintain rivers from plastic waste. Through river cleaning acitivies, we managed to
collect tons of rubbiesh and started the process of cleaning river gradually.
In the second stage, the three of us developed an environmental groundwater
treatment system. We created technology that is able to purify water using natural methods
and remove harmful substances. With help of this technology, river water can be restored to
water that is clean and safe for life.
Until the final stage, i and two my friends who are community activist focused on
social aspects and citizen involement. Wr estabilized a training center and reycling factory to
empower local communities to create environmentally friendly products. In this way we
create new jobs and give communities the opportunity to get inloved int he transformation of
the river.
Days turned into weeks, and the community witnessed the transformative power of
colletive effort. The riverbanks started to regain their natural beauty, and the water became
clearer with each passing day. The triumphant trio not only cleaned the river but also inspirer
others to join their cause soon, the once-forgotten river became a symbol of hope and
resilience, showcasing the positive impact a smail group of dedication indivuduals can have
on their environment.

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