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Name: ELLA MAE NERO Section: BVE 3-11


What I Know What I Want to What I Learned


Assessment and instruction I want to learn more about

I have learned that all
play a crucial role in values the assessment process that
is effective for values types of assessments
education due to the fact
that they help the teacher education. I want to know can be used in values
analyze and evaluate about different assessments education. Before, I
whether the students are that are not all about thought that the
able to not just understand answering exams and assessments were only
the topic but also apply the memorizing. for specific subjects.
values that are being I want to learn different
But now I've realized
taught. The instruction also instructional strategies that
can be used inside the
that it can be used in
helps to develop the critical
classroom that can help me values education to
thinking skills of the
students, letting them make my teaching more measure and evaluate
analyze the situation since enjoyable and student- the students' learning.
the instruction ensures that centered.
they learn it.
What I Know What I Want to What I Learned
Assessment can also help Formative assessment can be
the students improve their used in all parts of the
performances inside the lesson, which can be a great
classroom, which can be a help in teaching values
great help in values education. Before the
education since they were lecture, it is important to
able to know and check if assess the knowledge of the
the learning objectives were students so that the teacher
met. can adjust the lesson. It
Instruction is important in provides a basis for making
this subject because it helps instructional decisions. While
the students enjoy the class. in lessons proper, it can help
the teachers determine what
Instruction is about how the
instructional strategies are
teacher implements the
effective. For the last part of
activities and the content of
the lesson, which is after the
his or her lessons.
lesson, it helps the teacher
know if his or her students
were able to meet learning

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