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3Rs – Introduction to Educational Planning


Summary/Key Points of Discussion/Research Understanding/Interpretation Utilization of Knowledge
Involves identifying the needs and aspirations of Based on the definition, educational
learners, analyzing available resources and planning create a positive impact to As a teacher, I will utilize properly the
Definition constraints, and designing effective educational student’s learning. It has great creation of my strategy so that it could
programs and policies. emphasis about the importance of a be a well-planned as a result.
well-planned education.
Rational Comprehensive Planning, Situational As a teacher, I will used this principles
Analysis & Needs Assessment, System Yet it is not being proven. However it not only try the one principle but the
Approach, Participatory Approach, Human could be the ways of ideas on how whole mentioned principle because
Theories & Principles Capital Theory students will learn. From the word itself, me as teacher not only working to a
it is the rule that has to be and to be student with a similar mental ability
followed. but teaching to a student with different
unique way of learning.
Learners in the modern language
● Top-down approach An approach is a way of looking at classroom often learn through
teaching and learning. An approach techniques drawn from a variety of
gives rise to methods, the way of approaches.
Approaches ● Bottom-up approach
teaching something, which use As a teacher, I will select techniques
classroom activities or techniques to from different various of approaches
● Participatory approach help learners learn. according to the learning needs of my
Helps to improve the quality of education and As a teacher, I will make it sure that
achieve educational objectives. We are making a plan because it gives
the significance of education is
significance to the student’s learning
transparent to my students. The
.Ensures efficient use of resources and allocation improvement. Whereas, the significance
reason why they are learning and the
will start from the group of teachers and
Significance of funding. future that they are making.
to the principal who is responsible for
Significance of education not only
the doing of teacher’s way of teaching.
Helps to address social and economic challenges matters from the time of learning but it
It matters the most how education being
and promote development. also needs a lot of support from the
well-planned by the group of educators.
way how I manage my teaching.
Goal-Oriented, Systematic and Comprehensive, As a teacher, I will make it sure that
Evidence-Based, Participatory, Resource- the characteristics of an education
Conscious, Long-Term Perspective, Flexible and has very well explained and illustrated
Characteristic plays a big role featuring
Adaptive, to my students. I will make my student
the quality of a well-planned education.
Characteristics engage and feel motivated throughout
It helps student moving forward their
my whole discussion
goals and vision.

Needs assessment: identifying the needs and

aspirations of learners and communities.

Goal setting: establishing clear and measurable

educational objectives.

Strategy development: designing effective

educational programs and policies.
As a teacher I have to make sure that
Visualizing stages and making steps
Resource Allocation: determining the required are another way ticket to go to the well- I am making my full responsibility
resources and allocating effectively. about the improvement of my
planned education. It guided the
students. My duty is not only focusing
Stages/Basic Steps educator setting up their lesson with a
Implementation: putting plans into action and very effective outcome so that the on how students being manage by me
but also how student will go through
monitoring progress. learners not only learn but feel
different stages of learning.
Monitoring and Evaluation: tracking the progress
and assess the impact and effectiveness

Review and Evaluation: review the effectiveness

of the strategies and make necessary revisions
or refinements

Major Types LONG-TERM PLANNING It is the broadest sense with aiming As a teacher, I will make it sure that I
education to be effective and efficient in was given a very systematic planning
MEDIUM-TERM PLANNING responding to the needs and goals of according to the needs of my
the students and society. students. I will make sure that my time
SHORT-TERM PLANNING should be used for aspects of
planning that are going to be useful
for their own purposes, and which
have a direct impact upon the quality
of learning of my students

Limited resources and fundingng It is important that educators are aware

of lacking such important things for
Cultural and social barriers. learning. Limited resources and funding As a teacher, I have to keep on my
is an important factor so that we can responsibility teaching the children. I
Inadequate infrastructure and technology. fully support students throughout the will make sure that I am always aware
whole process of learning. Educator of the school challenges so that my
also need supports from the behaviour will not may affect the
Political instability and lack of support from
government so that the school is learning of my students.
policymakers. continuous in providing good education
towards learning.
Collaboration and stakeholder engagement. As a teacher I will emphasize best
Best practices are important because
practices in teaching and learning so
Evidence-based decision-making. they help companies and organization
that I will motivate students to reach
develop highly effective processes to
for success. Grounded in educational
Best Practices streamline work. Since best practices
Continuous monitoring and evaluation research, best classroom practices for
comprise the best way to do something,
elementary school students are based
implementing them can improve
Flexibility and adaptability. on the science of child development
and how the brain learns.
There will be a shift to ‘smart’
Focus on lifelong learning and continuing As a teacher, I will agree with this.
education. However, I will also expect the
Future trend of education not only help
disadvantages in making use of too
the teacher in teaching but also help the
Increasing use of technology and online learning. much technology. Though, I will use
students to continue learning and
technology in school, I will also make
having a sort of knowledge in
Future Trends an alternative technique like a
performing a technology. Technology
traditional teaching.
has played major role in society over
Because I do believed that not all the
Greater emphasis on skills development and the passed two decades and has
time technology is free to use. Their
vocational training. naturally integrated into the education
might be also a time we have to force
sector, and in 2023 it’s more futuristic
ourselves teaching in traditional way.
than ever.
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