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Street vendors should be evicted from the street

As we know, our country has a lot of Street vendors, especially in a big city. This case is often
controversial in our society. This phenomenon has already become a culture in society, but however,
they should be removed from the street.

The reason why they should be evicted is because it makes the street look disordered, it also makes
the sidewalks by pedestrians are getting narrower because of the large number of street vendors
stalls. Then bother the pedestrians.

In other side, street vendors are tradition in our society. Many places made it on purpose, so tourist
from other district can visit and enjoy this little market. A lot of street vendors said that the prices of
kiosk in traditional market is too high, but rarely visited by buyer. Therefore, they make stall in
sidewalk because it easier to visited than kiosk in traditional market, and also there’s no tax except
by hoodlums in there.

So, should the street vendors evicted from the street? It’s the task of our government to ordered
them, or maybe doing relocation so the pedestrians can walk freely, and the street vendors still get
money from their lively hood.




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