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5 techniques:

1. Make mistake – when you feel that you’re making mistakes its ok because you detect the
problem and then you solve it
2. Scrap the foreign alphabet – in Portuguese real - heau
3. Finding a stickler – relationship with someone who is guru in their language
4. Shower conversation –
5. Buddy formula – communicate to someone

Successful language learner

Realize that they need to devote their available time in productive ways.

What makes a good teacher great – great teacher eat apples. Kids have their own way of thinking and
they want teachers understand like them, adults should listen

Great teachers love learning, they should involve in the teaching process. Great teachers notice that
there is struggle

There are 3 Cs: Collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity – essential skills that 21 st
century kids should have. And teachers are made to learn these skills to kids

Teachers centered classroom – students centered classrooms

Let the kids have choices, they love it

Grammar – translation method - it focuses on accuracy from the beginning. and very little time is
allocated for speaking, writing etc. If the grammar structure is not the same it’s hard to translate

The direct method of teaching was developed as a response to the Grammar-Translation method.
teaching is done in the target language, grammar is taught inductively, there is a focus on speaking and
listening, and only useful ‘everyday' language is taught. The weakness in the Direct Method is its
assumption that a second language can be learnt in exactly the same way as a first, when in fact the
conditions under which a second language is learnt are very different.

The audiolingual method – overcome grammar – translation method’s problem and they start speaking
in the first lesson. There was no true communication because they were easily repeating what professor

Audio lingual method – it is an oral based approach to help students in the use of grammatical sentence
pattern. In this method we don’t use native language in order to explain words, but we use actions,
pictures, media to give meanings. And as you start speaking in a new language it will become habits later
and in practice you will develo
The role of teachers in ALM is to directing and controlling the language behavior of students.

The role of teachers in ALM is to follow teacher’s instructions, correct the mistake and response
accurately and as fast as possible

Teaching methods – dialogs, learning through imitation and repetition, use of games while teaching. E.g
correct mistakes

Audio-lingualism is a method of foreign language teaching where the emphasis is on learning

grammatical and phonological structure, especially for speaking and listening. It is based on behaviorism
and so relies on formation as a basis for learning, through a great deal of mechanical repetition.


The teacher spends most of the time in the class drilling the learners on grammatical and phonological
structures. Error correction is also important. The teacher explains new vocabulary using realia, visual
aids or demonstrations.
Communicative language teaching – when you know how to use a language for different purposes and
also you should know how to vary our use of language according to the setting. For example, with whom
we’re talking and whether its formal or informal speech style is appropriate. You should also know how
to maintain communication despite lack of proficiency in one’s language

When you are learning a new language it’s important to have interaction with the user of language, you
should be so attentive while studying a new language through communicative language teaching (CLT)
method and you have to pay attention to the feedback learner when they use language

Activities such as pair working, role play, group working, project working – all of them are methods to
use in CLT.

The role of teachers and learners. Learner should know how to participate in classroom activities.
Learner should have interaction with other rather than having individualistic approach to learning
language. Learners should be so comfortable while having communication with others and they
shouldn’t be relied on the teacher for a model. THE CLASSROOM SHOULD BE LEARNER CENTRED

Meanwhile the role of teacher is to know how to be a great facilitator and monitor the situation rather
than correct the speech and writing every time. Teachers have to find out different ways to solve the
errors problems.

Communicative competence. there are 5 important things we should consider while using CLT methods.
These are: accuracy, fluency, complexity, appropriacy, capacity.

Accuracy – when you’ve got capacity to use a new language and you don’t make any grammatical or
phonological errors

Fluency- when you’re speaking fluent while communicating

Complexity – there are questions such as, is your voc expanding, is your grammar knowledge expanding,
are you using language that are more complex than the language which you used to speak about two
years ago

Appropriacy – the ability to know how to use language in specific situations, such as instead of say get
me a glass of water, it could be better to say I wonder if you would mind getting me..

Capacity – how much can you express in what you know of language

Task-based teaching (TBLT) – this method engages students in using language in a creative ways, it
involves four language skills which are: listening, reading, speaking and writing. This method includes
use of tasks for providing language teaching, it is focusing on meaningful tasks rather than on particular
grammar units. And we should mention there PPP which means present practice produce, it is the
method when teacher leads and control everything so there are limited space for students, so lessons
are a little bit boring and predictable and it’s not the best way to learn less motivated learners. In the
other hand, TBLT approach is more open

Benefits of TBLT: greater motivation, repetition without boredom, natural error correction, increased
student satisfaction
Tasks create opportunities for focusing on form. A task-based approach enables teachers to see if
students are developing the ability to communicate.

TBLT approaches includes two things which are: theory of language and theory of learning

Theory of language - Lexical units are central in language use and language learning. “Conversation” is
the central focus of language and the keystone of language acquisition.

Theory of learning - Task activity and achievement are motivational. Tasks provide both the input and
output processing necessary for language acquisition.

Role of learner: group participant, monitor, risk-taker and innovator

Role of teacher – selector and sequencer of tasks, preparing learners for tasks, consciousness-raising

There are 4 stages for planning a lesson. 1. Pre-task 2. Task preparation 3. During-task 4. Post-task

1. Pre-task – mentally and linguistically prepared students for upcoming task. Ex. What makes a
good party? Start brainstorming with a wordweb, they’ll tell you words. Next step you’ll show
them pictures and ask what are people doing and students should start brainstorming again
with pictures and discuss about questions. What are they doing.. Read or listen to a sample
text. You should ask questions which includes important words which they can use while
producing sentences
2. Task preparing – stage two. You will give them tasks and you should give them very clear
direction. For example group students and give them paper where written exactly what to do
step by step
3. Durin-task – stage three. Students independently do their tasks. You should encourage students
to use target language, then they will present their task. As a teacher you shouldn’t interrupt
through the process and make some notes quietly. As a teacher you should always point out
strong and weak features.
4. Post-task – repeat the main key language features and also repeat the words you’ve learned
past hours
How to teach vocabulary

Vocabulary is crucial for getting meaning from a written or oral text. Without knowledge of key
vocabulary in a text, a learner may have serious trouble understanding the message.

Example lesson: using PPP method

1 step – you start speaking about the topic of your lesson and then ask student some question in order
to get involved in the process.

Step 2 – you show them different pictures and they brainstorming ideas. For example, in this case the
man showing them picture of shop assistant and students had different ideas but ultimately, they
answered. For this result teacher used elicitation, he showed the picture of shop assistant, then he
wrote the word in the board and tried to teach them the right pronunciation.

Step 3 – you give them tasks based on what they’ve learnt. They need to use new vocabulary. In this
situation, teacher gave them paper where task was written, after they had done exercises, teacher asked
them to check with their partner in order to practice new vocabulary

Step 4 – more practice. Students ask question, using new words

Step 5 – ask them question to speak more and using new vocabulary. In this situation, teacher asked
them do you want to become austranant and then asked them why

6 ways to teach vocabulary

Tip N1 – SHOW WORD STRESS. Not pronouncing a word can cause the student to lose confidence when
trying to use English. And word stress provide them to master their pronunciation skills. For example,
write circles above each syllable and write the biggest circle above stressed syllable

Tip N2 - SHOW THE WORD IN CONTEXT. It is crucial for students to know how certain words are used in
situations. You can give them an example sentence, where they can guess the meaning of the word
without searching in the dictionary. For example, “I have never eaten raw seafood because I prefer my
food to be cooked”. From that context they can guess the meaning

Tip N3 – TEACH SYNONIMS. Try to teach words related to the key word. For example, when they study
word “hungry” you can suggest words such as “famished” or “starving”. Therefore they collect
additional vocab

Tip N4 – USE PICTURES. Some students can learn vocabulary visually. So, showing pictures benfit
students awareness of new language .

Tip N5 – GUESS THE TRANSLATION. Instead of using dictionaries, it can be better to guess what is the
possible translation of the word

Tip N6 – TEACH PHRASES AND COLLOCATIONS. Learning a new word is good but when student know
how to use particular word correctly that’s better.
How to teach grammar

Example lesson using PPP method.

Step N1 – present target language in a text. You can give them text where are lots of examples of past
simple and you can ask students to discover sentences where the information is not true, then they
compare their answers with their partner and eventually teacher check the answer together

Step 2 – you should use answers from the text and write it out at the board, students should try to
notice how language works but for this results you need to asks question and focus on target language.
Students should identify and highlight verbs in past simple

Tips to teach grammar

Tip N1 Inductive – deductive teaching

Inductive- allows students to discover grammar rules by themselves. For example, present or past tense.
When you read some passage, ask them questions which lead to the answer. You should help them to
notice word formations (-s in third person, comparative- superlative and so on.)

Deductive – more standard method. Teacher goes over the rules and gives examples and students apply
these rules to some exercises

Tip N2 – provide context

Teaching rules in some specific context. Give them songs, movies etc. which help students to identify
rules. They can learn about articles, phrasal verbs, modal verbs, present simple and so on

Tip N3 – incorporate all skills

Pick an activity where you can incorporate all skills – listening, speaking, reading, writing. Choose a song
which is appropriate for students and identify the target grammar you want to learn them, you can
remove words/phrases and students can fill gaps while listening

Tip N5 – other activities

Watch movie clips, short stories

Tip N6 – games

Writhe down tasks or sentences with the target grammar, choose one student to read the task and ask
them to explain the structure
How to teach pronunciation

We need 5 Ps’ principle:

Perception – we need to learn How different sounds are perceived, for example if the students can’t
hear a particular sound properly, they can’t make it properly

2. Pronunciation – actual pronunciation of the words using the correct articulatory organs

3. Predict - predict the danger of mispronunciation of your students and give them feedback before
making a mistake

4. Performance - observe the performance and give them precise feedback

5. Practice - practice makes perfect, or practice makes better?

Connected speech brings together the three branches of practical phonology: sounds, stress and
intonation. English is sometimes called a stress timed language, as stressed syllables occur at roughly
equal intervals of time.

Stress is term used to cover both accent (or word stress) and prominence (or sentence stress). accent
belongs to the words and is a fixed attribute of that word, while prominence is chosen by the speaker to
highlight the intended meaning. Therefore, prominences form the major part of the rhythm.
What is TPR? It is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it
attempts to teach language through physical/motor activity. It is combination of movement and
language to enhance language acquisition. Teachers and children are involved in this process, typically
teacher demonstrates something and then children should repeat, so they are connected. This method
is useful for all three types of learners: visual, kinesthetic, audio

How to use TPR? There are two types how we can use it and one of them is instructional TPR which
means when you give commands such as: stand up, sit down, what is your name and you should use
physical movements in the process. Second type of TPR is educational or content TPR which means for
example you teach them a new word like TIGER, then you can somehow demonstrate how tiger acts and
when you do this action, student should tell you that you’ve demonstrated tiger.

How to use the whole of our brain in language in the way that we do when we’re very young? As we
know we’ve got two main hemispheres in our brain. While the right hemisphere is controlling language
learning, other part is concentrating on body’s movements. And James Asher who created TPR method
suggests that when we want to teach a new language to children, they should use both parts of the
brain, so they can use movements in learning process and doubling the capacity of their learning within
that process.

For example, if the lesson is about body part, teachers can help their body and while explaining word
like hand, they can demonstrate it, and shake their hand and this would actually enhance the learning

Ultimately, pros of this kind of learning are that it is obviously good for young learner, because the
process is not boring and they enjoying learning also it has long term retention

Cons of this method are it is not suitable for high level students

Theory of multiple intelligence

Theory of multiple intelligence is developed by Howard Gardener. When Gardener was doing his
research, people believed that they were born with a certain level of intelligence and that’s what you
had whole life and that was your IQ score. And Gardener didn’t believe that and based on his research,
he found that first intelligence was not static and it wasn’t something like you were born with. And
secondly, he believed that IQ test were mainly about certain type of intelligence, but actually people
have other types of intelligence beside logical reasoning. People have other types of intelligence; some
people are good at something and not good at something.

There are 9 types of intelligence:

1. Naturalist intelligence – usually this is related to the sciences. And people who have high
intelligence in this area, might be zoologist, geologists, biologists. Other types of people could
be involved in nature or plants. For example, gardeners, farmers etc. these are all types of
people wo have high naturalist intelligence and they often enjoyed outdoors. They like hiking,
camping etc.
2. Musical intelligence – on this type of intelligence people have ability to do all the things related
to music. As a kid they reveal this intelligence in humming or drumming or tapping their feet to
a rhythm. They often can hear sounds that other people can’t hear. So, careers related to this
intelligence are: musicians, composers, conductors.
3. Logical mathematical – this is the type which is typically tested on IQ tests, so people assume
that if you’ve got high IQ then you are intelligent, but Gardener didn’t agree. People with this
intelligence are good at numbers, problem-solving, you’ve got logical mind etc. careers related
to this intelligence are mathematicians, scientists, accountants. They are good at teaching
subjects faster and easier in school. And that’s probably because school systems are geared
toward this intelligence
4. Existential intelligence – this is type of intelligence where people connect to the bigger life
questions such as: why do we exist? Why are we here? And it also refers to spirituality. So a lot
of spiritualists, theologians and philosophers have high existential intelligence.
5. Interpersonal intelligence – this type involves communicating with others both verbally and non-
verbally. So people that have very high score at this intelligence are usually counselors,
psychologists, they get in tune how someone else is thinking or feeling.
6. Bodily kinesthetic – move physical objects and you body and people who are good at it are
obviously athletes and professional dancers. They can understand where their body is in space.
They have the ability to manipulate their body very easily and they can manipulate other objects
7. Linguistic verbal – this is the intelligence that our school system really values and tests and
appreciate. And this is the type of intelligence that has to do with language like written
language, how it’s spoken, grammar, writing skills. People with this intelligence are very good
readers and they have a good vocabulary, and they are great writers
8. Intrapersonal intelligence – some people are very high intelligence with their own emotional
states, thoughts, reactions to things. These are people who perhaps like to meditate, watch
their thoughts and they are interested in their emotional state and feelings. People with this
intelligence are spiritual teachers and leaders.
9. Visual-spatial – manipulate objects and things in your mind. For example, if I ask you “what
would a left-hand glove looked like if I turn it inside out? Someone with this intelligence
probably easily imagine and will tell you answer. And people who would score low, they would
answer nothing. They’re good at reasoning puzzles. So, generally architects, artists, engineers
are very good at visual-spatial intelligences

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