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Authoritative Parenting to Achieve the Best Potential | 2023

Authoritative Parenting Style to Achieve the Best Potential

Authors :
Imelda Dwi Rahman 1st, Alia Farhat 2nd, Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus 3rd
Psychology faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

This article discusses the authoritative parenting style in the context of achieving
children's superior potential. This article is made with a descriptive argumentative
approach that aims to gain knowledge and information about authoritative parenting
styles. Authoritative parenting style is a way of educating children that emphasizes
active participation, open communication, and joint decision-making between
parents and children. This article explains that authoritative parenting style has
advantages in developing children's achievement, such as high motivation to
achieve. Emotional support, high expectations, and parents' interest in children's
achievements also play an important role in building children's motivation. In
addition, authoritative parenting style also helps children become more confident,
responsible and independent. However, the article also mentions that the
authoritative parenting style has disadvantages, such as the lack of strong
encouragement to achieve high achievement goals and longer time in decision-
making. Nonetheless, authoritative parenting style is still considered one of the
most efficient parenting methods and is considered better than other parenting

Keywords: Parenting style, authoritative, achievement, children, emotional

Being a parent is not an easy task. Parents have a big role in shaping character and
behavior in children. According to Dhiu and Fono (2022), early childhood is the key that
determines children's values, attitudes, and behavior in the future. Therefore, choosing the right
parenting style needs to be done as early as possible. The parenting methods we choose can
greatly influence children's development and achievement.
According to Baumrind (2012), there are three models in parenting, namely permissive,
authoritative and authoritarian. Authoritative parenting style is one of the parenting styles that
we often hear about and is considered better than other parenting styles. Authoritative parenting
style, also known as democratic parenting style, is a way of educating children that emphasizes
active participation, open communication, and joint decision-making between parents and
children. The main principle of this parenting style is freedom of opinion and action, but within
limits and control.


Authoritative Parenting to Achieve the Best Potential | 2023

Authoritative parenting style includes a combination of approaches and limits that are
considered to have a positive impact in developing children's achievements. Authoritative
parents encourage their children to reach their full potential by providing emotional support
and high involvement. On the other hand, clear boundaries help foster self-discipline and
responsibility which are important components for achievement. This approach helps children
learn to respect rules, build confidence and feel supported All factors that positively influence
their academic achievement and personal development.

Education is an effort to prepare students to achieve their best potential in the future
through guidance, teaching, and training. According to the educational paradigm, there are
three main places that greatly influence the development of a child's personality, namely the
family environment, the school environment, and the community environment, or commonly
referred to as the Three Centers of Education. The family environment and parenting style play
a major role in a child's emotional development. Emotional development is a major factor in
influencing a child's success in the future (Dhiu & Fono, 2022).
Authoritative parenting style is the most ideal parenting style for parents and children,
compared to authoritarian and permissive parenting styles. In the authoritative parenting style,
children and parents have the space to communicate assertively. Parents and children can
express their wishes and compromise well. Authoritative parenting style can also be referred
to as democratic parenting style. Shochib (2010) mentions that families who apply democratic
parenting are usually found in balanced families. With reference to this opinion, one of the
characteristics of democratic parenting is that parents provide confidence that their children
have the freedom to act on their own. This approach shows that family socialization can be
well established through democratic parenting. In addition, democratic parenting emphasizes
that parents and children must have an open relationship with each other. Parents and children
can make rules together. Children are given the freedom to express their opinions, feelings, and
desires, as well as to learn how to respond to the opinions of others. Parents value and consider
what their child does. This parenting will help children learn to control their own behavior and
act according to society's standards. This fosters the child's self-confidence and independence.
Parents always encourage their children to take initiative which helps develop their creativity.
The advantages of authoritative parenting style can be seen in the development of
adolescents in the motivation to achieve higher. Motivation to achieve can generally be


Authoritative Parenting to Achieve the Best Potential | 2023

understood as the internal drive to achieve goals and achieve success. It involves the desire to
reach higher and exceed one's own limits. This motivation can stem from personal ambition,
the desire for recognition or the desire to grow professionally. Motivation to achieve makes a
person work hard, try to overcome difficulties, and never give up to achieve success. One of
the influences of the family environment, especially parenting style, plays an important role in
fostering children's motivation to achieve. Based on research that has been conducted, children
who are raised in a family environment that provides emotional support, high expectations, and
shows interest in their achievements tend to have a greater desire to achieve (Suryadi, Soriha,
& Rahmawati, 2018).
Emotional support provided by parents to children will create positive signals and build
children's self-confidence. High expectations from parents signal to children that they have the
potential to succeed and encourage them to determine their life goals. Likewise, parents'
interest in their children's achievements is a positive encouragement that will make children
feel valued and supported in their dreams. In addition, children raised in democratic families
have more flexibility in their development and have the ability to think rationally and critically.
Children who are raised in a democratic manner will become confident, tolerant of criticism,
respectful of others, and responsible for their social lives. Children raised in an authoritarian
environment, on the other hand, will perceive power as something to be feared and kept secret.
In fact, no parent really applies one type of parenting in educating their children.
Instead, parents apply different types of parenting because they prefer to apply what works best
for their family. Despite the fact that authoritative parenting is considered one of the most
efficient parenting methods and is considered better than other parenting methods. On the other
hand, authoritative parenting can foster children's self-confidence, but the freedom given can
sometimes cause the drive for maximum achievement to diminish. Since there is no pressure
or clear expectations from parents, some children may lack a strong drive to achieve high
achievement goals. In addition, joint decision-making between parents and children will take
longer. This can hinder children's progress towards their goals and make it difficult for them to
develop efficient decision-making skills. Moreover, giving children too much freedom to make
decisions without clear instructions can cause them to get confused and lose their way. This
can hinder the child's development and prevent them from achieving the desired outcome.


Authoritative Parenting to Achieve the Best Potential | 2023

The family environment greatly influences a child's personality. It is very important for
parents to choose the right parenting style for their child as the first education they receive
comes from the family environment. Authoritative parenting style is the best as it allows the
child to have freedom of speech while remaining under parental control and boundaries.
Authoritative parenting can help children become more confident, responsible and
independent. Children's confidence to succeed can be built with emotional support and high
expectations from parents. authoritative parenting style emerges as a better choice compared
to the alternatives.
Authoritative parenting style emphasizes active participation, open communication,
and shared decision-making, bringing a positive impact in developing children's achievement.
By providing emotional support and high involvement, authoritative parents motivate children
to reach their full potential, while clear boundaries help shape self-discipline and responsibility,
both key elements in achievement. While this parenting style is known to be the best, it still
has its downsides. In addition, changing times and technological developments will affect
human character. Modern times filled with advanced technology have made human mindsets
and lifestyles more dynamic. Authoritative parenting style has the opportunity to be replaced
by a new parenting style that is considered better and relevant according to the times.

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