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Q1: Where can you find and share Docker container images??

a Docker Cloud

b None

c Docker Swarm

d Docker Git

e Docker Hub

f None

Q2: If you want to change the text color to red which of the following tags you'll use??

a None Of These

b None

c < Body Colour = Red>

d < Body Bgcolour = Red>

e < Body Text = Red>

f None

Q3: What is Laravel??

a None

b Laravel is an open-source widely used PHP framework.

c None

d Laravel is an open-source widely used Ruby framework.

e Laravel is an open-source widely used JavaScript framework.

f Laravel is an open-source widely used Python framework.

Q4: What do you mean by “Rolling Update”??

a Rolling updates helps the user to replace an existing replica controller to newer

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Rolling updates helps the user to replace the node pool to a newer one

Q5: Which of the following statements are true about SQL injection attacks??

a None

b Usage of later versions of MySQL, validation, and explicit setting of the charset of
user input are valid measures to decrease vulnerability to SQL injections.

c Parametrized queries do not make code less vulnearable to SQL injections.

d None of the above

e Wrapping all variables containing user input by a call to

mysql_real_escape_string() makes the code immune to SQL injections.

f SQL injections are not possible, if only emulated prepared statements are used.

Q6: You remove a paused container from Docker?

a False

b True

c None

d None

e None

f None

Q7: How can you display the top 10 number of lines of a file??
a head -show 10 file.txt

b head -f 10 file.txt

The correct Answer is: None

d head −n 10 file.txt

e head --display-only 10 file.txt

The correct Answer is: None

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