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6:00 am A glass of Activated charcoal+
olive oil plus an addition of a glass
of lemon water.
7:00 am Vegetable juice
9:00 am ABC juice
11:00 am Potassium broth
13:00 hours Fruit juice (alternate) formula
15:00 hours Penta C juice
17:00 hours Herbal mix
19:00 hours Sprout blend
21:00 hours Rudolf Breuss juice

Procedural explanations

Activated charcoal;
Take 2 table spoons of activated charcoal in a glass of warm boiled water thoroughly mix
together then add olive oil too and swirl to a perfect mixture.
Follow it closely with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon water.

Vegetable juice
1. 2 cloves of garlic
2. 2 tomatoes
3. 2 carrots
4. 1 bulb onion
5. Quarter size cabbage
6. Any dark green leafy vegetable

Wash the above in clean water and blend or juice. Take at least a glass at most 2 glasses.

ABC juice

1. One apple
2. Sizable beetroot
3. 1 to 2 carrots.

Wash them thoroughly and blend.
Potassium broth

1. A cup of water
2. ¼ cup oats
3. 2 or 3 vegetables 2 varieties e.g. ( spinach, parsley, celery, pumpkin leaves)
4. ½ teaspoon Himalayan salt
5. 1 Irish potato
6. A pinch of cayenne
7. 2 carrots
8. 1 red onion

Take 2 Irish potatoes and boil separately with their skin till soft. Once ready, chop them into
small pieces. Take 1 cup of oats and bring to boil in 2 cups of water while stirring gently.
Chop the pumpkin leaves, carrots, spinach, red onion, and tomatoes (do not overcook). Add
the chopped potatoes while stirring, put a pinch of cayenne and salt to taste, serve while hot,
you can as well add 2 table spoons of chopped seeds; chia, pumpkin, and flax, blend the
mixture then give the patient to drink.

Note, give the patient 2 table spoons of molasses before taking the meal.

Fruit juice alternate formula

1. Mango
2. Papaya
3. Banana single pack blend in a day.
4. Grapes
5. Apple

1. Lemon
2. Pineapple single pack blend in a day
3. Orange
4. Apple

Blend and drink instantly, it should not be stored at all.
Penta C Juice

1. Cucumber
2. Celery
3. Coriander
4. Cauliflower
5. Cabbage

Wash the above thoroughly and blend in look warm water.

Herbal mix

I. 1 table spoon of cayenne

II. 1 table spoon cinnamon
III. 3 cloves of garlic
IV. 1 medium onion
V. Thumb size ginger
VI. 1 lemon
VII. 2 table spoon honey

In a glass of warm water blend the lemon entirely, then sieve, with the same lemon
water, blend the available garlic, onion and ginger then to the solution add cayenne,
cinnamon and honey and thoroughly mix and drink.

Sprout Blend

Take 3 different types of beans and two different types of grains and make their sprouts.

Procedure of making the beans sprouts

1. Take the beans and soak in water for about 8-10 hours
2. The amount of water should be at most 5 times the size of the beans
3. After the 8th to the 10th hour of soaking, cover the beans in a wet kitchen towel for about 24
to 30 hours in a sieve like trough, and then place it in a warm place in your kitchen.

After the sprouts are ready you can either juice it or add in your salad and eat while raw, but
for our case it will be blended in the following way.


The sprouts, Oat meal non sugary, Bananas and Molasses

Using hot water mix the above in a blender and blend till soft and tender to be drunk.
Rudolf Breuss juice

1 large beetroot
1 medium-sized carrot
3-4 celery sticks
½ potato
1 black radish

Wash Blend and drink in look warm water

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