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Wendy Cruz - English Dot Works

MY daily
ind e x
1. Daily routine of an
ordinary days.
2. Weekend routine.
Daily Routine

1 The week starts on Monday and on Monday I work so I get up at 5

am to prepare things for the day.

2 I get ready and organize to go to work and I fix Gaby, my daughter

so she can go to school.

3 Breakfast around 7 am to get to work and sign some papers.

4 then advise my first client in the morning i make some phone calls.

5 around 1 to 2 pm is my lunch time.

Daily Routine

1 After finishing my lunch break, I call home to find out about Gaby.

2 I eat a snack, that is, a cookie or a toy during the course of the

3 I study a little to do the course activities

4 I finish advising people or filling out some paperwork

5 at 5:30 my working hours end and I'm back home to eat

something, solve some things, do some cleaning and sleep
Weekend routine
I rest
beautify entertain

sometimes I watch
television or go out with
friends or with my
I normally wash clothes or daughter, we also know
do the market with Gaby new places
during the day

I don't usually have a

routine on weekends,
however there are things
that I always do on
Saturdays or Sundays

Si me da tiempo voy a la
peluquería y me arreglo las
uñas de manos y pies con

I do the chores
Thank u

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