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Episode 1 : Le magicien des baguettes (The Baguette

Words to Know in Advance

un concours a contest
un tapis rug
s’occuper de moi to take care of me
solidaire united
faisait la vaisselle did the dishes
un métier occupation
mélanger to mix
réussir to succeed
un résultat result
déçu disappointed
un prix a prize
la chimie chemistry
le goût taste
s’améliore (s’améliorer) improves
croustillant crusty
légère light (fem.)


1. Are there any kinds of food you spontaneously associate with France? Which
2. Look at the two images above - a baguette and the presidential Elysée Palace in
Paris. Can you try to guess the relationship between the two?

Listening Comprehension

1. What was Mahmoud’s experience like as a child in the bakery?

2. How did Mahmoud help with his parents’ bakery as a child?
3. What are some of the drawbacks to becoming a baker?
4. What is the difference between boulangerie and pâtisserie?
5. How did Mahmoud’s father’s attitude differ from his mother’s?
6. What was Mahmoud’s reaction after finishing seventh?
7. How did Mahmoud’s customers react to his experiments?
8. What is the perfect baguette tradition like?
9. What are some things that the winning prize included?

Post-Listening Comprehension

1. Why was it so important for Mahmoud to win the prize for “Best Baguette”?
2. How did Mahmoud’s relationship with his mother evolve after the contest?


1. Mahmoud’s parents came from Tunisia. What type of challenges do you think
immigrants have to face when building a life in a new country?
2. Mahmoud’s mother didn’t want him to be a baker. Why is that? Do you agree
with her reasoning? Why or why not?
3. Did you ever have to justify your personal choices in front of your parents or
family and how did you deal with it?
4. Does your city, region or country have typical food as symbolically important as
the baguette in France? Can you talk about it?
Other Interesting Stuff

● Explore some of the different types of French bread. How many have you tried?
● For a scientific insight, look into the chemistry of breadmaking.
● …and maybe try to bake your own with this recipe! And if you’d like to add a bit
of an extra challenge, try following the French recipe.

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