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Topic: Robotic

“Changes that robotics can bring in future jobs”


Robotics is a branch of engineering and computer science that has dealt with the design,
construction, operation and use of robots. This discipline has integrated principles of
electronics, mechanics and software, playing an indispensable role in numerous industries and
research fields. A constantly evolving field, robotics has significantly changed the way we
approach complex tasks. Below we delve into the impacts of robotics, focusing on three types
of jobs, firstly high-risk tasks, secondly tasks of high physical effort and finally repetitive tasks.

Idea 1 – High risk tasks:

When facing tasks that pose a significant threat to human safety, robotics has become an
indispensable ally.

A prominent example is the Endeavor PackBot robot, used in various military operations for the
deactivation of explosive devices. The PackBot's utility in high-risk missions has proven its
value, as it has consistently been the most effective tool in ensuring the safety of bomb
disposal teams. The implementation of these robots has become the preferred approach today,
as they can venture into dangerous environments without jeopardizing human integrity.

Looking ahead, the comparative advantage of using robotics in high-stakes situations becomes
clear, offering the greatest degree of safety and reliability.

Idea 2 - High physical effort tasks

Another task in which robotics has benefited the quality of work are tasks that require high
physical effort on the part of workers, whether lifting or manipulating weight.

An example has been robotic arms, in particular the KUKA KR 1000 TITAN, a heavy-duty
industrial robot that can lift and manipulate more than 2,000 pounds, among its uses is
automobile manufacturing.

In the image you can see the robotic arm manipulating part of a motor, which can weigh 50 kg,
a very heavy task for a person.

Idea 3 - Repetitive tasks

The last area where robots have generated changes is in repetitive tasks.

Repetitive tasks are very diverse, they can range from sorting boxes on Amazon to picking
fruits, tasks that are usually overwhelming to perform in a work day.

For some time now, programmers have taught robots like the AGRBOT to perform more precise
work to replace labor in the field picking strawberries or in the vineyards.
Another example is ecorobotix, a robot that applies chemicals to weeds, saving 70% of liquid
compared to traditional techniques. The basis of this technology is image recognition.

The benefits of this technology are that workers can perform more diverse tasks.


The use of robotics in high-risk tasks has reduced high-severity accidents in workers.

The use of robots for high physical effort tasks avoids physical wear and tear or injuries.

Using robotics in repetitive tasks allows workers to perform more creative tasks while
increasing work efficiency.

Robots will not replace people but will support them in doing their jobs, for example the tasks
of a farmer will change to those of an agromanager.

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