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What the benefits of the robots in the

Robots are intelligent artificially created electro-
mechanical devices. They are designed by human
beings to assist in performing some activities that are
considered tiresome and boring and at risky
situation. The capabilities of a robot are
determined by the purpose for which they are
created. The human-robot interaction has been one of
pro and con and this interaction has led to some
conflicts and debate has been going on as to the rights
that robots should have. The essay outlines a benefit
of the robots in the future.

Increased productivity
Robot can work much faster at some tasks than
human worker can. In another application, two paint
spray robots on an automobile assembly line can
paint a complete car body in 90 seconds, inside and
out, with two coats of paint. For example, plant in
Michigan use robot that can achieve this rate and
work 20 hours per day. Human painters cannot
compete with this rate, or the quality of work
performed. Even the best painters may take 15 to 30
minutes to do this job.

Improved management control

Computer-controlled robots can carry out
preprogramed procedures with great accuracy. In
addition, they can record accurately what is being
done. This information is then available can be used
to improve scheduling, planning, and monitoring
operations in industrial plants. For example, robots
can calculate risk in industrial factory that may go
unnoticed by human management.

Reducing risk hazardous situation

Robots can work in environments which are unsafe
for humans. Robots don’t have the same
environmental requirements that humans do – such
as lighting, air conditioning or noise protection.
They can operate in most harsh condition that no
human can perform, so benefits in this field so
invaluable. For example, in future should new
mission to moon or mars announced, robot will
take first adventures to provide data and building
outpost in hostile and hazardous environments.
There is a lot of benefit of robot in future besides 3
example I gave on. In my opinion, the benefit of robots
outweighs cons and risk in long run. Sure, it will cause
unemployment should mass adoption robots in labour
and other profession. But people must see benefit that
will massively improve our way of life.

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