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Legal Aspects on Education


Carl Marthy M. Javier

I watched a movie called, The Ron Clark Story, which is from the real-life. It was about a teacher

who taught at an elementary school in North Carolina who moved to New York. At his old

elementary school, he was appreciated by his fellow teachers and his students for his great

teaching methods which resulted in raising test scores. He moved to New York and decided to

look for a new teaching job where he feels like he can be more useful. He was hired to teach a

class of sixth graders. He was told that these students were the worst in the school and test at the

bottom in standardized test scores. He taught with innovative and creative methods, although the

students didn’t like him at first. Mr. Clark suffered.

The Ron Clark Story tells an inspiring tale of an energetic, creative and idealistic young

teacher who leaves his small hometown to teach in the big city. Carrying high hopes and

confidence, Clark manages to cope with the stressful and tough challenges brought by his

new environment. Through his passionate use of special rules for his classroom, highly

innovative teaching techniques and an undying devotion to his students and helping

them cope with their problems Clark is able to make a remarkable difference in the lives

of his students. He re-instills courage and hope into the lives of many down-and-out

students. Even when he is almost overcome by pneumonia, Clark continues to work with

his students, hoping that he can raise their test scores to an acceptable level, or possibly

even higher.

Ron Clark Story was an eye opener for the writer. It gives the writer a clearer view of what

should be the real purpose of a teacher on their students and in the community. It

t e l l s u s t h a t t e a c h i n g i s f a r b e y o n d t h e n e e d f o r compensation and employment; it

is not a career to work at but it is indeed a vocation to fulfill. His passion for
improvement is splendid, for he sees the potential in every personality and amazingly turns it

into opportunity.

“The end justifies the means” as the saying goes. Truly, it is the way we work on

something that will determine its result. With Ron Clark’s unending hard work,


perseverance and enduring faith dictates the success of each and every character in the story,

that despite the tough and wearisome task of educating children whose undergoing

different life situations, it is still our faith and will that will lead us to the greater glory.

This story is one of the best created films of all time, inspiring not only teachers and

educators but also ordinary people who find themselves hanging on to that one great goal

of achieving their dreams.

The movie is highly recommended to aspiring teachers like the writer, whose

knowledge on choosing and applying teaching strategies and techniques are still

minimal. Helpful information on classroom and class management is more than

enough to give us ideas on how to deal with different types of students especially for

problematic ones. Thoughts on multiple intelligence and global teaching methods were

shown which are beneficial for the students to acquire learning. Furthermore, the movie

gives us an insight of how teachers should respond upon diverse situations and unusual

attitude and feelings of students, parents and colleagues.

Generally, it is one great movie that people should not fail to watch. We will discover new

things that will help us not only to be a better teacher but to be the best one. the

story can show viewers that learning indeed should not be restricted within the four
walls of a classroom and that the greatest lesson can be acquired when we learn to help

other people and learn to love them. All in all, love, passion and patience is all we need.

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