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With what you have seen and heard about radio and television.

Newspaper is
another form of mass communication, what can newspaper do to function
properly? Is newspaper for the mass paper? As a form of mass communication,
what can newspaper do……?
Newspaper by most scholars is referred to as the North, East, West and south present and past event
record. It is one of oldest form of mass communication, which till date is produce daily for wide

In 1859 Henry Townsend established the first newspaper in Nigeria at Abeokuta in Ogun state which was

Newspaper does the following in the society:

Despite the overwhelming popularity of the electronic media and their ability to attract the
mass-mass audience. The outstanding advantage of newspaper is reviewability. ... The print media do
not exist in ‘time’ in the same manner as sound and motion media. They may be previewed,
scanned, or reviewed at the convenience of the reader. One word, one chapter, one picture, or
one advertisement can be examined and analyzed at the reader’s leisure. The permanence and
accessibility of words written on paper offer advantages that sound and motion media are so far
unable to equal, even with the arrival of the age of electronic video recording.

Others features include:

 It provide information on current affairs

 Newspapers alert people on upcoming events in sports, community activities (concerts,
parades, etc.), and politics (gives one an edge when considering the total candidate for
whom to vote);

 Newspapers provide platform for speaking out on issues of public importance. This could
make someone relevant in national discourse

 It provides relaxation through cartoons, puzzles, jokes etc;

 Newspapers help in locating job opportunities, searches on what to buy and so on.

 Newspaper provides the means whereby persons who want to sell goods and services can
advertise their wares.

 Newspaper comments on the news in order to bring development into focus.

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