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Coca-Cola was created by John Stith Pemberton in

1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Originally intended as

a patent medicine, Pemberton's recipe included coca
leaves and kola nuts. The formula was later sold to Asa
Griggs Candler, who founded The Coca-Cola
Company in 1892. The Coca Cola Company is an
international firm based in the United States and is one
of the leading manufacturers of soft drinks and other
related products. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, this company is best known for its
legendary soft drink known worldwide as Coca Cola. For a century, this and other
soft drinks have continued to be the best choice worldwide for billions of

The production of Coca-Cola commenced at a bottling facility at Ebute-Metta in Lagos

State, Nigeria in 1953.

Today, In Nigeria and other part of the world Coca -Cola is arguably the most valuable
soft drink brand in the world. 1 in 4 people recognizes the coke brand all over the world with
its expansion in its product portfolio to fit a range of beverages such as Diet Coke, Coca-Cola
Zero, Sprite, Fanta, and many more. Coca-Cola employs the creative use of direct marketing,
web & social media, sales, and promotion medium in a very compelling and captivating
manner, that makes its customers and patronizers fall in love with the brand.

Coca cola employ the following P.R. strategies and tactics in building a positive brand
image to its customers or partonizers by ensuring various Integrated marketing elements
are effectively utilize in creating awareness and also in reinforcement of its product in the
mind of its patronizers. These PR strategies and tactics include the following:

1. In terms of public relations, Coca Cola has several opportunities. The first and perhaps
most important is the use of Consistent Brand Image: Coca-Cola has maintained a
consistent brand image throughout its history. The company’s logo, red and white color
scheme, and iconic contour bottle are instantly recognizable worldwide. This consistency
in visual elements has helped Coca-Cola establish a solid and memorable brand identity,
thereby consistently reinforces its brand values, ensuring customers associate Coca-Cola
with uplifting experiences.

2. Emotional Branding is also a core aspect of its strategy in positioning the brand, by
utilizing messages that associates the brand with emotions like “Share ‘a’ Coke”, and
the “Holidays are Coming” that signifies or evoke a sense of happiness, love,
friendship, and relaxation and shared happiness. Over the years the Coca Cola brand has
established coke as an item for celebrating friendship. The average consumer of coke
associates the brand with a good feeling. The brand message is crafted to communicate to
the consumer that coke cares and sharing a bottle of coke reinforces friendship and love.
Coca Cola doesn’t sell a drink, it strives to sell happiness.

3. Storytelling: Coca-Cola excels at storytelling as part of its branding strategy. The brand
tells stories that resonate with its target audience and reflect the values of happiness,
friendship, and celebration. For example, the iconic “I’d Like to Buy the World a
Coke” campaign in the 1970s conveyed a message of unity and harmony. By effectively
telling stories, Coca-Cola has connected with consumers on a deeper level.

4. Coca Cola’s uses Integrated Marketing Communications /Multi-Channel Approach

ranging from billboards to TV adverts, Radio jingles to Newspapers Ads, and social
media among others, while providing engaging content with its consumers which
ultimately broadens their influence across multiple touch points, increasing brand
visibility, recall and reinforcement. Thereby ensures its message reaches the consumers
regardless of whichever platforms they use.

5. Sponsorships and partnership: The Company is a well-recognized brand for its

sponsorships of Major sport and entertainment event which include American Idol,
World cup, Olympic Games, and many more. Since the 1928 Olympic Games, Coca-Cola
has partnered on each event, helping athletes, officials and fans worldwide as well as
promoting cultural activities thereby By associating itself with these high-profile events
and aligning with famous figures, Coca-Cola expands its brand reach, generates brand
exposure, and enhances brand equity.

6. Courtesy message : It employ the use of Courtesy and Goodwill during festive
period( such Christmas celebration, new year and Muslim celebration) and important
celebration such as independence day and also giving free gifts items during such period
to increase patronage.

7. Coca cola employs the use of celebrity endorsement of it's products: The images of
celebrities of that region and messages according to the local language and culture of the
area target the local market.

8. Localized Positioning and market segmentation: The recent 'Share a coke' campaign,
launched in 2018 in almost fifty countries, has been quite a success though due its
position in both the urban and rural areas. It also employs the use of market
segmentation, making it convenient and affordable to different types of customers in
relation to their purchasing power (what they can afford/ income), by creating the bottle
and can in various sizes and amount, suitable to customers need and preference.
9. It employ the use of global advertising: it's advertising campaign goes beyond national
borders, where audience sees it in various medium such in sport in motion messages
shown in pitches during football matches.

10. Rapid responses to inquiries and public concerns /Reliable and efficient customer
service team: it also ensure its customer service department is of top notch, in
addressing customers complain, inquiring and providing suitable solution to create good
crisis management and brand relationship for promoting a good brand reputation by
assisting in amicable settlement in terms of scandalous event.

11. Brand Extensions and Diversification: Coca-Cola’s branding strategy includes brand
extensions and product diversification. The company has expanded its product portfolio
to fit a range of beverages such as Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Sprite, Fanta, and more.
By leveraging its substantial brand equity, Coca-Cola has successfully extended its brand
into various product categories, catering to diverse consumer preferences and expanding
its market presence.

12. Environmental Sustainability: Coca-Cola emphasizes its commitment to environmental

sustainability. By reducing its carbon footprint, using eco-friendly packaging, and
supporting recycling initiatives, the company aligns itself with growing environmental
concerns like global warming and environmental degradation, since bottled products
account for a big portion of the effects of pollution since they are products that require
heavy industrial involvement in production.

13. Corporate Social Responsibility: Coca-Cola integrates corporate social responsibility

(CSR) into its branding strategy. The company emphasizes sustainability, environmental
stewardship, and community involvement. For example, Coca-Cola has implemented
water conservation programs, recycling campaigns, and partnerships with charitable
organizations. By aligning its brand with social and environmental values, Coca-Cola
enhances its reputation and connects with socially conscious consumers

These Public Relation strategies and tactics contribute to Coca-Cola's overarching goal of building
and maintaining a positive brand image. By intertwining social responsibility, transparency, crisis
management, digital engagement, influential partnerships, and innovative marketing, Coca-Cola navigates
the complex landscape of public perception, ensuring that its brand remains synonymous with positivity,
happiness, and responsible corporate citizenship. By combining these strategies, Coca-Cola aims to build
and maintain a positive brand image that goes beyond the product itself, creating a connection with
consumers on emotional and social levels.

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