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1) Difference between Aura and LWC?

Aura and LWC are both frameworks for building applications on the Salesforce
platform. Aura is Salesforce's older framework, while LWC is a more modern,
lightweight alternative. Some key differences between the two include that LWC
uses modern web standards and is more performant than Aura, and LWC
components are built using JavaScript, while Aura components are built using
Aura's own proprietary programming language. Overall, LWC is generally
considered to be a superior option for building applications on the Salesforce
platform, but Aura is still widely used and supported.

2) What is Trigger framework?

A trigger framework is a set of rules and guidelines that dictate when and how a
specific action or response should be triggered in a given situation. This
framework can be used in various scenarios, such as software development,
business operations, or event planning. It defines the conditions that must be
met for the trigger to be activated and the corresponding actions that should be
taken. The purpose of a trigger framework is to provide a structured and
consistent approach to decision making and response to events.

3) What are the types of Triggers?

Triggers in Salesforce are pieces of code that automatically execute in response to

specific events, such as the creation of a new record or the update of a field on an
existing record. Triggers can be used to automate processes and enforce business rules
in Salesforce.

There are two types of triggers in Salesforce:

1. Before triggers: Before triggers are executed before the specified event occurs,
such as before a record is inserted or updated. These triggers can be used to
validate data or to set default values for fields on a new record.

2. After triggers: After triggers are executed after the specified event occurs, such
as after a record is inserted or updated. These triggers can be used to perform
additional actions after the event has occurred, such as sending an email or
updating a field on a related record.

4) What are the scenarios in security model?

1. User authentication and access control: Ensuring that only authorized users have
access to specific Salesforce data and features based on their assigned roles and
2. Data encryption: Protecting sensitive data stored in Salesforce using encryption
algorithms to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.
3. Network security: Implementing measures to secure the Salesforce network and
prevent cyber-attacks, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
4. Application security: Ensuring that Salesforce applications are secure and free
from vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.
5. Data backup and recovery: Implementing regular backups of Salesforce data and
having a plan in place to recover data in the event of a disaster or data loss.
6. Threat detection and response: Monitoring for potential security threats and
implementing measures to quickly identify and respond to potential security
7. Compliance with industry regulations: Ensuring that Salesforce follows industry-
specific regulations and standards, such as HIPAA for healthcare organizations
and GDPR for European businesses.

5) Explain Master Detail relationship.

A master-detail relationship in Salesforce is a type of relationship between two objects

where one object is the "master" and the other is the "detail." In this relationship, the
detail object is dependent on the master object, meaning that any changes made to the
master object will automatically be reflected in the detail object.

For example, if we have a "Contact" object and an "Account" object, we can create a
master-detail relationship between them, with the Account object being the master and
the Contact object being the detail. In this relationship, each contact must be associated
with an account, and any changes made to the account (such as a change in the account
name or address) will automatically be reflected in the associated contacts.

The master-detail relationship allows for better organization and data management in
Salesforce, as it ensures that related records are linked and updated consistently. It also
allows for certain permissions and security settings to be set for the detail object, based
on the master object.
6) What is the Difference between WhatId and WhoId?

WhatId refers to the ID of the object or record that is being referenced in a

specific field, while WhoId refers to the ID of the person or group that is
associated with the object or record in a specific field.

7) What is sharing rule?

A sharing rule in Salesforce is a mechanism that allows administrators to define

access to records in an organization. This can include defining who can see, edit,
and delete records, as well as the level of access that users have to those records.
Sharing rules can be based on criteria such as record ownership, record type, or
specific field values. These rules can be applied to both standard and custom
objects in Salesforce, and can be used to create more granular control over data
access and sharing within an organization.

8) What is the Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous apex?

Synchronous Apex is executed in the same order in which it is called and

completes execution before moving on to the next statement. Asynchronous
Apex is executed in a separate thread and does not block the execution of
subsequent statements. This means that Asynchronous Apex can run in the
background and does not need to wait for a response before moving on to the
next statement.

9) Explain Batch apex and its methods.

Batch Apex is a Salesforce feature that allows developers to define and run large batches
of data processing, with up to 50 million records per batch. This is useful for tasks such
as data migration, data cleansing, and mass updates or deletions.

Batch Apex is executed asynchronously, meaning that it runs in the background and
does not interfere with the user's interaction with the system. It is divided into smaller
batches of records, called "chunks", and each chunk is processed separately.
Batch Apex has two main methods: start() and execute(). The start() method is called to
initiate the batch process and specify the data that will be processed. The execute()
method is called for each batch of records and contains the logic for processing the data.

For example, a developer may create a batch Apex class to update all contact records
with a specific email domain. The start() method would specify the criteria for which
records should be updated (e.g., all contacts with an email ending in ""),
and the execute() method would contain the logic for updating the records (e.g.,
replacing the email domain with "").

In addition to start() and execute(), Batch Apex also has several other methods
that can be used for things such as scheduling, error handling, and logging. These
methods include finish(), database.update(), and system.debug()

10) What is the default size of batch in batch apex?

The default batch size in batch Apex is 200 records.

11) Can we call future method from batch?

Yes, you can call a future method from a batch Apex class.

We can call a future method from a batch by using the System.scheduleBatch method.
This method takes in the batch class, the batch name, and the batch size, and schedules
the batch to run in the future. In the batch class, we can then call the future method
using the @future annotation. For example:

public class BatchClass {

public static void futureMethod() {
// Code for future method

global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {

System.scheduleBatch(new BatchClass(), 'Batch Name', 100);

Note that future methods can only be called from batch Apex that is scheduled to
run in the future. Attempting to call a future method from a batch that is not
scheduled to run in the future will result in an error.

12) What is testsetup?

TestSetup is a method or function in unit testing that is used to initialize

resources and objects that are needed for the tests to run. It is typically used to
create a testing environment and set up the test data before the tests are
executed. This can include creating database connections, setting up mock
objects, or configuring other dependencies for the tests. TestSetup is typically
run before each test case in the test suite to ensure that the tests have a
consistent environment to run in.

13) What is the difference between workflow and process builder?

Workflow and Process Builder are both tools in Salesforce that allow users to automate
business processes. However, there are some key differences between the two:

1. Workflow is an older tool that was introduced in Salesforce in 2004, while

Process Builder is a more recent addition that was introduced in 2013.
2. Workflow is more focused on automating simple, linear processes, while Process
Builder allows users to create more complex, branching processes with multiple
conditions and actions.
3. Workflow is limited to certain actions, such as sending emails or updating fields,
while Process Builder has a wider range of actions available, including calling
Apex code and creating records.
4. Workflow is often used for basic automation tasks, while Process Builder is more
suited for more complex processes that require more advanced logic and

Overall, the main difference between workflow and Process Builder is that the latter
offers more advanced capabilities and flexibility for automating business processes in
14) What are the limitations of workflow?

Some limitations of workflow in Salesforce include:

1. Limited number of workflow rules and actions that can be created for an object
2. Limited number of time-dependent actions that can be scheduled
3. Limited ability to set up complex logic and conditional branching within a
workflow rule
4. Limited ability to customize error messages and notifications
5. Limited ability to integrate with external systems and APIs
6. Limited ability to handle complex, multi-step processes and approvals.

15) What is the order of execution in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, the order of execution refers to the sequence in which various triggers,
processes, and flows are executed when a record is created or updated. The order of
execution is as follows:

1. Before triggers
2. Record-level security
3. Assignment rules
4. Auto-response rules
5. Workflow rules and field updates
6. Validation rules
7. After triggers
8. Escalation rules
9. Roll-up summary fields
10. Criteria-based sharing
11. Process builder
12. Flow builder
13. Custom buttons and links
14. Apex classes and triggers
15. User-defined exceptions
This order of execution is important to consider when designing and
implementing customizations in Salesforce, as it can affect the outcome of
actions and processes.

16) What are Governer limits?

Governor limits are constraints placed on the use of resources in the Salesforce
platform. These limits help to ensure fair and efficient usage of the system by all users,
and prevent a single user or group of users from overusing the system and causing
performance issues for other users.

Some examples of governor limits in Salesforce include:

 Maximum number of records that can be returned in a single query

 Maximum number of records that can be processed in a single batch operation
 Maximum number of Apex script executions per transaction
 Maximum number of Apex script executions per user
 Maximum number of concurrent Apex script executions
 Maximum number of asynchronous Apex method executions per Apex script
 Maximum number of asynchronous Apex method executions per organization
 Maximum number of Apex callouts per transaction
 Maximum number of Apex callouts per user
 Maximum number of Apex callouts per organization.

17) What are some differences that you observed in Lightning Ui and Classic UI?

 Lightning UI has a modern, responsive design and is optimized for mobile

devices, while Classic UI has a more traditional, desktop-oriented layout.
 Lightning UI provides a more intuitive, user-friendly interface with customizable
components and dynamic pages, while Classic UI has a fixed layout and limited
customization options.
 Lightning UI offers new features and functionality, such as the Lightning App
Builder and Lightning Components, while Classic UI does not support these
 Lightning UI allows for faster development and deployment of applications,
while Classic UI may require more time and effort to build and maintain.
 Lightning UI has a more robust governe model and is built on the Salesforce
Lightning Platform, while Classic UI is based on the older Salesforce platform.

18) What is Bucket field in reports?

The bucket field in reports is a field that allows users to group data into specific
categories or "buckets" for easier analysis and visualization. This can be useful for
organizing large sets of data into manageable groups and identifying trends or patterns
within the data. Bucket fields are commonly used in various types of reports, such as
financial reports, marketing reports, and sales reports.

19) What is the purpose of Dynamic dashboard?

The purpose of a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce is to provide real-time, customizable
views of key metrics and data that are relevant to a specific user or group. This allows
users to quickly and easily access important information and make data-driven
decisions. Dynamic dashboards also allow users to drill down into specific data points to
gain more detailed insights. Overall, dynamic dashboards help to improve visibility and
efficiency in the sales and business processes.

20) What are Custom settings?

Custom settings in Salesforce are a type of hierarchical, customizable, and deployable

data that can be used to store and retrieve custom configuration information. They are
similar to custom objects, but are accessed using a global, static API and can be used to
store data that is frequently used but rarely changed. Custom settings can be used to
store default values for various settings, user preferences, or other application
configuration data. They can be accessed from Apex classes, triggers, and Visualforce
pages, allowing for greater flexibility and customization in the Salesforce platform.

21) What are the types of record level security?

1. Role-based security: This type of security assigns access levels to specific roles or
groups within the organization.
2. Attribute-based security: This type of security grants access to specific records
based on specific attributes of the user, such as department or job title.
3. User-based security: This type of security assigns access levels to individual
users based on their specific permissions and access needs.
4. Record-level security: This type of security grants access to specific records or
fields within a record, based on the user's access level.
5. Field-level security: This type of security restricts access to specific fields within
a record, based on the user's access level.
6. Data encryption: This type of security uses encryption algorithms to protect data
from unauthorized access.
7. Access controls: This type of security uses user authentication and permissions
to control who can access specific records and data.

What are salesforce Features?

1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

2. Sales and marketing automation
3. Collaboration and productivity tools
4. Customizable dashboards and reports
5. AppExchange marketplace for integrations and extensions
6. Data security and compliance
7. Mobile accessibility
8. Lead and opportunity management
9. Forecasting and pipeline management
10. Analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a type of computing where scalable and often virtualized resources
are provided as a service over the internet. It allows users to access and use these
resources on-demand, without having to manage or maintain the underlying
infrastructure. This can include computing power, storage, networking, and other
services. Cloud computing can be used for a wide range of applications, from running
complex data analytics to hosting websites and delivering software applications.

What is the difference between Role and Profile?

Role: A role is a way to group users with similar access and privileges. It determines
what users can see and do within the organization.

Profile: A profile is a set of permissions that determine what users can do in Salesforce,
such as create, read, edit, and delete records. It is a collection of settings and
permissions that dictate the level of access a user has to the organization's data and

In summary, a role is a way to group users with similar access and privileges, while a
profile is a set of permissions that determine what users can do in Salesforce.

What is lightning app builder?

Lightning App Builder is a tool provided by Salesforce that allows users to easily create
custom applications for their organization without the need for coding or programming
knowledge. It allows users to drag and drop pre-built components to create the desired
functionality and design of the app. Lightning App Builder is part of the Lightning
platform and is designed to work seamlessly with other Salesforce tools and services.

Can you please show me how to create picklist by sharing the screen in dev org?

1. In the developer org, navigate to the object where you want to create the picklist.
2. Click on the Fields tab, then click on the New button.
3. Select the Picklist option from the field type dropdown menu.
4. Enter a field label and name for the picklist.
5. Under the Picklist Values section, enter the values that you want to include in the
6. Click on the Save button to create the picklist.
7. Share your screen with the desired audience and demonstrate the creation of the

What is Aura?

Aura is a programming framework used in Salesforce to build and manage user

interfaces for applications. It allows developers to create reusable components and
dynamic user interfaces, and to integrate with other Salesforce services and
technologies. Aura is a key part of the Lightning platform, which is a suite of tools and
technologies for building modern, responsive, and scalable applications on the
Salesforce platform.

What are Page layouts and record types?

Page layouts and record types in Salesforce are tools that allow administrators to
customize the way data is displayed and organized within the platform.

Page layouts determine the fields, sections, and related objects that are visible on a
specific page, such as a record detail page or a report. This allows administrators to
tailor the information displayed to specific user roles or business processes.

Record types are used to categorize records based on their type or purpose. For
example, an account record type may be used to differentiate between different types of
accounts, such as customers and vendors. Record types can be used in conjunction with
page layouts to display different sets of fields and information for different record types.

Together, page layouts and record types provide a flexible way to manage and organize
data within Salesforce, allowing administrators to customize the platform to meet the
unique needs of their organization.

What is Lead?

Leads are potential customers or contacts in Salesforce that have expressed interest in a
company's products or services. They are typically entered into the system by sales
representatives who have had initial interactions with these individuals and have
determined that they are qualified prospects for the business. The lead status and
information is tracked and managed in Salesforce, allowing sales teams to follow up and
convert leads into customers.

What is an App in Salesforce?

An app in Salesforce is a collection of custom or pre-built features, functions, and

components that can be added to a Salesforce org to help users perform specific tasks or
manage specific data. Apps can be created by Salesforce or by third-party developers
and can be installed and configured by Salesforce admins within their org. Examples of
apps in Salesforce include the Sales Cloud app for managing sales activities, the Service
Cloud app for managing customer service, and the Marketing Cloud app for managing
marketing campaigns.

What are OOPS concepts? Relate it with apex.

OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming) concepts are a set of principles and techniques

used to design and develop software applications. These concepts include object-
oriented design, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that is based on the

concept of "objects", which can contain data and code that manipulates that data. OOP
languages are designed to be used in an object-oriented way, meaning that they support
the creation and manipulation of objects.

There are several concepts that are important in OOP, including:

1. Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the idea of bundling data and the methods that
operate on that data within a single unit, or object. This helps to keep the data
safe from outside interference and misuse.
2. Abstraction: Abstraction is the idea of exposing only the essential features of an
object, while hiding the implementation details. This helps to reduce complexity
and increase reusability.
3. Inheritance: Inheritance is the ability of a class to inherit properties and
methods from a parent class. This allows you to create a new class that is a
modified version of an existing class, without having to rewrite all of the code in
the new class.
4. Polymorphism: Polymorphism is the ability for a class to take on multiple
forms. For example, a single class might be able to represent multiple types of
objects, depending on how it is used.

By using these concepts, OOP languages allow you to develop programs that are
modular, flexible, and easy to maintain.

In Apex, these concepts are used to create and manage classes, objects, and interfaces.
For example, Apex allows developers to create custom objects, which represent real-
world entities such as accounts, contacts, and opportunities. These objects can then be
inherited by other classes to share common attributes and behaviours. Polymorphism
allows Apex classes to have multiple methods with the same name, but different
implementations, while encapsulation ensures that the internal details of a class are
hidden from the outside world. Abstraction allows developers to define the essential
characteristics of an object without exposing its internal implementation details.

Overall, the OOPS concepts in Apex provide a structured and organized approach to
developing software applications, which can help improve their maintainability,
reusability, and extensibility.

What is the difference between SAAS and PAAS?

SAAS (Software as a Service) is a model of software delivery where a software

application is hosted by a third-party provider and made available to customers over
the internet. The provider is responsible for managing the infrastructure and
maintaining the software, allowing customers to access the application on a
subscription basis.

PAAS (Platform as a Service) is a model of cloud computing where a provider offers a

platform for developing and deploying applications over the internet. This platform
typically includes infrastructure, operating system, middleware, and runtime
components, allowing customers to build and run their applications without having to
manage the underlying infrastructure.

The main difference between SAAS and PAAS is that SAAS provides a pre-built software
application that customers can use, while PAAS provides a platform for customers to
build and deploy their own applications. SAAS is focused on delivering a specific
application to customers, while PAAS is focused on providing the infrastructure and
tools for customers to build their own applications.

Write the snippet of an apex code.

// Apex code snippet to retrieve a list of accounts

List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id, Name, Industry FROM Account];

// Iterate through the list of accounts and print their names

for (Account acc : accounts) { System.out.println(acc.Name); }

// Apex code snippet to update the industry field for a specific account

Account myAccount = [SELECT Id, Name, Industry FROM Account WHERE Name = 'My
Company']; myAccount.Industry = 'Technology'; update myAccount;

Write a JavaScript Code.

function greetUser(name) { console.log("Hello, " + name + "!"); }

greetUser("John"); //

Outputs: "Hello, John!"

Write a C Code.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int a = 5;

int b = 10;

int c = a + b;

printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, c);

return 0;

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