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04/02/2023 Alexander Baxter

Module 2 Units 3 & 4 Review Questions

Module 2 Unit 3
1. What shows the structure of code without using the specific syntax of any one language?
This is what is referred to as pseudocode, which is a way to describe the steps and functions of
code or an algorithm by using plain text.

2. What is an interpreted language?

An interpreted language is a coding language in which the program being used does not need to
be compiled into executable binary before it can run. It uses an interpreter to convert the written code
into machine code at runtime. This means the program may run slower than in other computer
languages but it is much more versatile, as in it can likely be run on any device or platform for which you
have an interpreter.

3. How is a markup language different from a compiled language?

A compiled language is a programming language used to write programs in which you must first
transform the written code into an executable binary format before running it, turning your code into
what is known as machine code. A markup language is not a programming language at all, it is a means
of using nested tags (such as <body>, <h1>, or <html>) in order to tell a program how to display and
structure a document.

4. What are constants and variables examples of?

Constants and variables are examples of programming identifiers, which are names assigned and
supplied to things such as functions and labels within your program.

5. What type of programming concept allows for a variable size container?

A variable size container is allowed through the use of a vector, while fixed size containers use
arrays. Vectors are containers that are able to grow and shrink in size as elements are added to or
removed from said container.

6. You want to check whether a condition has been met, and if it has, perform one action. Otherwise,
you want your program to perform a second action. What sort of programming operation would help
achieve this?

To achieve this, you would use what is known as a conditional branch, for example an if-then
statement. This statement will check if the condition is met, and if it is it will perform the specified first
action. If the condition is not met, the code will skip down a line and execute the second action specified
under the label ‘then’.
7. In a program, what does a loop do?

A loop is a programming operation which will continue to perform and repeat a specified action
until a condition is met.

8. What is the difference between a procedure and a function?

A procedure is a programming operation which can check if a condition is met, and then perform
an action within the code. A function can do the same as a procedure, but it is also able to return a value
or result back to the code.

9. What three things define an object?

Attributes (the value data types which define the object), methods (which define what you can
do to or change with an object), and properties (which represent alternative ways of accessing a field

10. What three scripting operations are commonly used in Windows 10 to perform administrative

Batch files (collections of command-line instructions that can be called through the command
line), Windows PowerShell (a program which allows you to perform management tasks and is fully
integrated into the OS), and VBScript (a scripting language used by network administrators to perform
repetitive tasks).

11. True or false? You do not need to install a web application to your computer; it would be accessed
via a browser.

This statement is true, as the only client required to run said web applications is a compatible
web browser.

12. What is the advantage of a local network hosted application, in terms of data storage?

In terms of data storage, local network hosted applications are easier to create backups for and
to apply access controls to.

Module 2 Unit 4
1. What are the structural elements of a database table?
The two structural elements of a database table are its rows and columns. Each row of a
database table represents an individual record within the database, and each column represents an
individual field within said record.

2. What term is used to describe selecting and viewing information in a database?

The term used to describe viewing information in a database is querying / a query. A query
allows an individual to specify certain criteria which is checked against the data in the database so that it
may return only results that pertain to the information of interest.

3. How does an RDBMS such as Microsoft SQL Server differ from Microsoft Excel when used to store a

Microsoft Excel is what is known as a flat file system. These systems, while they have the same
structural elements of a database, usually only support a single user at a time and cannot scale
effectively. RDBMS systems on the other hand are able to enforce specific data types per row and
column, manage multiple tables and link said tables to create complex schemas, support upwards of
thousands or millions of users, are very easily scalable, and provide access controls to protect the data
entered into them.

4. What language is usually used to request data from an RDBMS such as Oracle?

In order to request and maintain data from an RDBMS, they use structured query language, or
SQL. SQL allows for the stream processing of within an RDBMS.

5. What is it that defines the relationship between tables in an RDBMS?

A relational database is a database that is capable of having multiple linked tables within it. To
achieve this, each record in any given table must be unique in some way. Each table is assigned a unique
value in a field known as the primary key, which is used to define the relationship between one table and
another table in the database. If this primary key value is referenced within another table, it is referred
to as a foreign key.

6. Give an example of unstructured data.

Unstructured data is a type of data which has no defined rigid formatting of that data. Examples
of this include text files, PowerPoints, and Word documents.

7. Give two examples of semi-structured data stores.

Semi-structured data is a type of data that while it may not have the structure of a formal
database, it also has associated information known as metadata which can help identify data within the
database. Two examples of semi-structured data stores are key/value pai databases and markup
language document stores.

8. Is an INSERT statement an example of a definition or manipulation language statement?

An INSERT statement is an example of data manipulation language (DML). DMLs are commands
that allow you to insert data, query data, and update data.

9. You need a development environment with a library of database functions. What type of interface
are you using?

In this scenario you are using programmatic access.

10. How can a client-server application architecture be described if there is the potential for the
structure of the application platform to be developed further?

A client-server application architecture with the potential to be developed further can be

referred to as a two-tier client-server application. This architecture separates the database engine from
the application and presentation layers, allowing the database engine to run on one server while the
layers run on the client. This two-tier client-server application can then be developed further into a
three-tier application by specifying application, presentation, and data layers within the architecture.

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