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SMDM Project

1.A There are 1581 Rows are and 14 Columns are there in the dataset and Object type, float
and integer types are there.

1.B Here we iden fied the bad data in columns of Gender and Parter_salary. There were
spelling mistake was no ced in the Gender Column and there were null values. In the
Partner_salary column there was bad data (0.00) was no ced.
Here all spelling Mistakes were corrected

Male 1199
Female 327
Femal 1
Femle 1
Name: count, dtype: int64

Male 1199
Female 329
Name: count, dtype: int64

Here all bad treated with mode value of the Gender Column. we can no ce it in Gender Row

Here we treated bad data with the mean value of the column of Partner_Salary. So now our
data set is cleaned

1.C Exploring all the features of the data separately by using Histogram and Barplots
to visualize all feature and drawn insights that can be utilized by the business.
Here I used histogram to visualize the Price column
Here I used histogram with kde to visualize the insight of Salary column

Here I used histogram to visualize the Patner_salary column

Here I used histogram with kde to visualize insight of the Age column

Here I used Barplot to visualize the No_of_Dependents column

Here I used Barplot to visualize the Gender column

Here I used Barplot to visualize the profession column

Here I used Barplot to visualize the Marital_status column

Here I used Barplot to visualize the Education column

Here I used Barplot to visualize the Personal_loan column

Here I used Barplot to visualize the House_loan column

Here I used Barplot to visualize the Parter_working column

Here I used Histogram with KDE to visualize the insight of total_salary column
Here I used countplot to visualize the make column

1.E1 Ans. False. According to gragh “Women prefer SUV by a large margin, compared
to the Men”
1.E2 Ans is True. According to the graph a salaried person is more likely to buy a Sedan

1.E3 Answer is False

D. Univariate
mul variate

My Analysis on the Dataset:.

There are 1581 Rows are and 14 Columns are there in the dataset and Object type, float
and integer types are there. Here we identified the bad data in columns of Gender and
Parter_salary. There were spelling mistake was noticed in the Gender Column and there
were null values. In the Partner_salary column there was bad data (0.00) was noticed.
Here all bad treated with mode value of the Gender Column. we can notice it in Gender
Row. Here we treated bad data with the mean value of the column of Partner_Salary. So
now our data set is cleaned. According to gragh “Women prefer SUV by a large margin,
compared to the Men”. . According to gragh “Women prefer SUV by a large margin,
compared to the Men” According to the graph a salaried person is more likely to buy a

F1. There are 1252 men and 329 women are working.

Male 1252
Female 329
Name: count, dtype: int64

Yes 792
No 789
Name: count, dtype: int64
F2. There are number of Men are having personal loan compare women. Since there less
number of women they can appoint more woman candidate they can reduce men workers.


Married 1443
Single 138
Name: count, dtype: int64

Male 1252
Female 329
Name: count, dtype: int64

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