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Introduction to visualization: 

Home assignment. TASK 1


Learning outcomes:
You will learn how to visualize different kinds of data 

for analysis.
Scenario/task description
You are a data analyst for an international pharmaceutical company.
The company has kept an accurate track record of its employees
and their activities. Still, the end of the year is coming, and they
want to understand better where their employees are operating,
their earnings, and other important information. You have been
tasked with analyzing to obtain this information for the company.

Use pivot tables to collect the right information and make charts to
answer the questions.
We want to make sure we are an equal opportunities employer.
How many employees of different ethnicities do we have?
What is our annual salary by the city? Show your information
from the city with the lowest salary to the largest.
We want to see the breakdown of the number of men and
women per business unit. Can we see some trend here? Make
sure to label men and women in different colors on your chart so
that we can see everything clearly.
Show the sum of the annual salary compared to the sum of the
bonus by department. Is there a connection between salary and
We want to see how the number of hires has changed over the
years at the company. Show the historical trend of the number
of hires at our company from year to year and comment if you
notice any pattern.
Make sure you use the appropriate chart type for each question.
This is an exercise on visualization, so we want to see that you
understand which chart represents each dataset the best.
Need help with this assignment? Check out Supporting Materials.

Each question should contain the appropriate dataset and chart. If
the question asks you for analysis, provide a written comment
based on the trends you see.
This task needs to be submitted for review.

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