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Imaging of the Pubic Symphysis: Anatomy and

Pathologic Conditions
Connie C. So, MD • Lillian S. Niakan, MD • Ricardo D. Garza-Gongora, MD
Author affiliations, funding, and conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.
See the slide presentation here.

Knowledge of the anatomy of the pubic symphysis is import- The ligaments surrounding the pubic symphysis are the
ant for understanding pathologic conditions of the joint. Un- anterior, posterior, superior, and inferior pubic ligaments, of
recognized pathologic conditions of the pubic symphysis can which the anterior and inferior pubic ligaments blend with the
lead to anterior pelvic instability and cause inguinal pain. The fibrocartilaginous disk and provide stability. Myotendinous at-
anatomy includes the pubic bone landmarks, pubic symphy- tachments also contribute to anterior pelvic stability, of which
seal joint, pubic ligaments, and surrounding myotendinous at- the rectus abdominis, adductor longus, and rectus abdominis–
tachments. The pubic crest, pubic tubercle, and pectineal line adductor longus (RA-AL) aponeurosis are the most important
are bone landmarks, which are identifiable on radiographs and (Fig 2). The rectus abdominis and adductor longus act as antag-
can help predict locations of soft-tissue attachments. The pubic onists. Injury to one alters the dynamic balance across the pu-
symphyseal joint is structurally classified as a secondary carti- bis and commonly extends to involve the RA-AL aponeurosis,
laginous joint (composed of fibrocartilage and found at the skel- such as in athletic pubalgia.
etal midline) and is functionally classified as an amphiarthrosis Various pathologic conditions of the pubic symphysis ex-
(permitting a small amount of movement). The joint consists of ist. In acute trauma or postpartum symphyseal injury, pubic
a wedge-shaped fibrocartilaginous disk lying between the hya- diastasis can occur and is diagnosed as separation of the pu-
line cartilage–lined surfaces of the pubic bones (Fig 1). bic symphysis by more than 10 mm without accompanying
The shape of the bones differs with age owing to apoph- pubic fracture. In patients with osteoporosis, parasymphyseal
yses at the symphyseal margins. Awareness of apophyses insufficiency fractures tend to orient parallel to the symphy-
averts misdiagnosis as avulsion fractures in younger patients. sis. Misdiagnosis can occur owing to an irregular appearance,
In adulthood, the bones at the symphyseal margins are usu- but an ipsilateral sacral or contralateral pubic ramus stress
ally parallel, but apophyseal injury may cause the adolescent fracture helps establish the correct diagnosis. Athletic pubal-
configuration to persist. gia is a general term for myotendinous or osseous injury of

Figure 1. Anterior view illustration of the

pubic symphyseal joint shows the fibrocartilag-
inous disk (white) situated between the hyaline
cartilage (light blue) lining the pubic bones.
During growth, apophyseal cartilage under-
goes enchondral ossification with irregular
islands resulting in small subchondral ridges
along the pubic bones. Alternating ridges
and grooves may help protect against vertical
shearing forces. A small fluid-filled cleft, the
primary cleft, is seen in the posterosuperior
portion of the disk in approximately 10% of
adults and is believed to occur during develop-
ment due to weight-bearing forces.

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understanding of the pubic symphysis is fundamental for ac- curate image reporting and enhanced patient care. The pubic
Slide Presentation Content Codes: CT, MK symphysis is integral to anterior pelvic stability, and a high-
Abbreviation: RA-AL = rectus abdominis–adductor yield review of the anatomy and pathologic conditions of the
pubic symphysis can better equip the radiologist when evalu-
TEACHING POINTS ating inguinal pain.
„ The pubic symphysis is a secondary cartilaginous joint, with a fibrocartilag-
Author affiliations.—From the Musculoskeletal Section, Department of Ra-
inous disk lying between hyaline cartilage–lined pubic bones. The anterior diology, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center, 2401 S 31st St, Temple, TX
and inferior pubic ligaments blend with the disk and provide stability. 76508. Presented as an education exhibit at the 2021 RSNA Annual Meet-
„ The rectus abdominis and adductor longus are the most important muscles
ing. Received March 20, 2022; revision requested April 14 and received
April 27; accepted May 3. Address correspondence to C.C.S. (email:
for maintaining anterior pelvic stability and counterbalance each other via
their aponeurosis.
„ Various pathologic conditions of the pubic symphysis can lead to anterior Acknowledgment.—The authors acknowledge the artwork collaboration by
pelvic instability and cause inguinal pain. Bryan D. Moss, AAS, and Connie C. So, MD.

Disclosures of conflicts of interest.—All authors have disclosed no relevant

the pubic symphysis occurring during athletic activities, es- relationships.
pecially soccer, ice hockey, and American football. Osteitis
pubis is noninfectious inflammation of the pubic symphysis Suggested Readings
and should be distinguished from osteomyelitis, with the lat- Gibbon WW, Hession PR. Diseases of the pubis and pubic symphysis: MR
imaging appearances. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1997;169(3):849–853.
ter typically having more profound bone marrow edema and Koulouris G. Imaging review of groin pain in elite athletes: an anatomic ap-
soft-tissue fluid. The pubic symphysis may also be affected by proach to imaging findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2008;191(4):962–972.
degenerative disease, metabolic bone disease, chondrocalci- O’Connell MJ, Powell T, McCaffrey NM, O’Connell D, Eustace SJ. Symph-
yseal cleft injection in the diagnosis and treatment of osteitis pubis in
nosis, seronegative spondyloarthropathy, and rheumatoid athletes. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2002;179(4):955–959.
arthritis. Parasymphyseal tumors include metastatic disease, Omar IM, Zoga AC, Kavanagh EC, et al. Athletic pubalgia and “sports
multiple myeloma, and primary malignancies such as chon- hernia”: optimal MR imaging technique and findings. RadioGraphics
drosarcoma, osteosarcoma, and fibrosarcoma. Vix VA, Ryu CY. The adult symphysis pubis: normal and abnormal. Am J
In this slide presentation, we review the anatomy and patho- Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 1971;112(3):517–525.
logic conditions of the pubic symphysis. Having a thorough

Figure 2. Anterior view illustration shows the myotendinous attachments surrounding the pubic symphysis, with the muscles shown
on the left and their attachments shown on the right. Emphasized with asterisks, the rectus abdominis (red) and adductor longus (dark
blue) are the most important muscles for maintaining anterior pelvic stability via their aponeurosis (black zigzag). Paired adductor longus
tendons merge across the midline, which has been described as a “moustache” configuration. In the sagittal plane (rotated rectangular
cutout on the right), the counterbalance of the rectus abdominis and adductor longus is depicted. A = anterior, L = lateral head of rectus
abdominis, M = medial head of rectus abdominis, P = posterior.

Volume 43 Number 2 •

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