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Name: Ibrahim Hassan El-sayed

Id: 220210006

The peace Movement

The peace movement is a broad and complex topic that has evolved over time and
takes many forms. It generally refers to the collective efforts of individuals, groups,
and organizations who advocate for nonviolent means of conflict resolution,
disarmament, and the prevention of war.

Historically, the peace movement has been influenced by a variety of factors,

including religious beliefs, political ideologies, and cultural values. Some of the most
influential peace movements in modern history include the anti-nuclear movement,
the anti-war movement, and the human rights movement.

One significant way in which the peace movement has affected global politics is by
promoting the creation of treaties and agreements designed to prevent and reduce
armed conflict. For example, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,
signed in 1968, was a direct result of anti-nuclear activism and advocacy by the peace
movement. The treaty aims to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and promote

Another example of a treaty influenced by the peace movement is the Comprehensive

Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), which was opened for signature in 1996. The
CTBT aims to prohibit all nuclear explosions, both for military and civilian purposes.
Although the treaty has yet to enter into force, it has been signed by more than 180
countries and is widely regarded as an important step towards disarmament.

In addition to these global treaties, the peace movement has also influenced the
creation of numerous regional and local agreements aimed at reducing conflict and
promoting peace. For example, the Good Friday Agreement, signed in 1998, was a
landmark agreement between the British and Irish governments and the political
parties of Northern Ireland. The agreement aimed to end the conflict in Northern
Ireland and promote peace and reconciliation.

Overall, the peace movement has had a significant impact on global politics by
promoting nonviolent means of conflict resolution, advocating for disarmament, and
pushing for the creation of treaties and agreements designed to prevent and reduce
armed conflict.

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