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Global Governance

Global governance refers to a broad,

dynamic and complex process of interactive
decision making at the global level,
involving formal and informal mechanisms,
as well as governmental and
nongovernmental bodies.
Global Governance

It is a movement towards political

cooperation among transnational actors,
aimed at negotiating responses to
problems that affect more than one state
or region.
Global Governance
It is a framework of institutions, rules,
norms, and procedures that facilitate
collective action and co-operation among
countries and other actors
The Rise of Global Governance

The rise of international organizations nevertheless provides an indication of the growing

significance of global governance

The end of World War 1 is the emergence of the League of Nations

The end of World War II marked the emergence of a global governance system with the
creation of the United Nations and the institutions of the Bretton Woods system

After the Cold War, global governance flourished even more as it is now also concerned
with peace and international political progress as the number of bodies spawned by
international organizations themselves has continued to grow
The Rise of Global Governance
Liberals such as Robert Keohane tend to explain such developments in terms of
growing interdependencies amongst states, associated with concerns about
power politics, economic crises, human rights violations, development
disparities and environmental degradation

This view, states will cooperate when each calculates that it will make ‘absolute’
gains as a result.
The Rise of Global Governance

Realists, in contrast, tend to explain the growth of global governance in terms of

the emerging hegemonic role of the USA, which saw the pursuit of US national
interests and the promotion of international cooperation as mutually sustaining

Critical theorists tend to view international organizations as devices constructed

to serve the dominant interests of the global system – the hegemonic power;
western industrialized states generally; TNCs and social, ethnic and gender elites
across the global North.
The Rise of Global Governance
Global governance is a process of interactive decision-making that allows
still-sovereign states to engage in sustained cooperation and, at times,
undertake collective action. The growth in the number and importance of
international organizations has certainly been a key factor in the emergence
of a system of global governance
Sources of Global Governance

Treaties and Organizations

International NGO’s

Powerful transnational Corporations

International Governmental Organization

Often refers to international intergovernmental

organizations of groups that are primarily made up of

United Nations
European Union
World trade organization
World health organization
Transnational Corporations

They are the leading factor of globalization

of economy, placing separate parts and
stages of reproduction processes on
territories of different countries.
Transnational corporations not only affect the
economic, political and
social state of society, but also act as a
leading factor in world development.
International Non-Governmental Organization

It is made up of private citizens.

NGOs do not enter into treaties or
other international agreements.

The World Wildlife

Fund, Greenpeace and Amnesty
International are examples of non-
governmental organizations.
Examples of Global Governance Ac

NGO Movement in Global Governance

2005 the World Medical Association passed a Statement on Reducing the Global Impact
of Alcohol on Health and Society, which urged consideration of a Framework Convention
on Alcohol Control similar to that of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco
Control. This was followed in 2006 by a statement from the American Public
Health Association, which also urged the adoption by the World Health Organization of a
binding international treaty, modeled after the Framework Convention on Tobacco
Examples of Global Governance

The Paris Agreement on Climate Change

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate

change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference
(COP21) in Paris, France, on 12 December 2015. It entered into force on 4
November 2016.

Its overarching goal is to hold “the increase in the global average

temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and pursue
efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial
Examples of Global Governance

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone

document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with
different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the
Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in
Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a
common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations.
• The International Monetary Fund
• The World Bank
• The World Trade Organization.
World Trade Organization

Plays vital role in the regulation of trade. The only institutions regulating
worldwide trading system to help raise economic efficiency and decrease costs
by major principles established by themselves.

International Monetary Fund

Managed to liberalize capital by removing restrictions on transactions as a consequence

of globalization and the liberalization of world trade.

The World bank

Supports investments in countries that underpin long-term growth and that

help to meet the needs of their citizens .

Heart of the emerging system of Global Governance

The principal aims of the UN are as follows:

To safeguard peace and security in order ‘to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war’.

To ‘reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights’.

To uphold respect for international law.

To ‘promote social progress and better standards of life’

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