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*Ethiopian Multilateral Diplomacy**


Ethiopia is a country in East Africa that has a long history of engaging in diplomacy on the global stage. Ethiopian diplomacy has
evolved over time to address various challenges and opportunities in the international arena. In this paper, we will explore the
concept of Ethiopian multilateral diplomacy, including bilateral diplomacy, summit diplomacy, the role of different actors, and the
impact of internal organization. We will provide examples to illustrate each concept and discuss the implications for Ethiopia's
foreign policy.

**Definition of Multilateral Diplomacy**

Multilateral diplomacy refers to the process of conducting diplomatic and negotiations involving multiple or countries. It typically
involves discussions agreements, and decision-making among three or more nations or international organizations to address
challenges or achieve shared objectives

Multilateral diplomacy refers to the practice of coordinating foreign policy and engaging with multiple countries or international
organizations to address global issues and achieve common goals. It involves negotiating and collaborating with several partners to
find solutions to complex problems that transcend national boundaries.
Examples of multilateral include:

1. United Nations (): The UN serves as a key for multilateral diplomacy, member states come together to address global issues such
peace and security, human rights, and sustainable.

2. European (EU): The EU engages multilateral diplomacy to coordinate and actions among its member states on issues, including
trade, change, and regional security.

3 G7 and G20mits: These forums bring together leaders from the world's economies to discuss economic and financial matters as
well as global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and climate.

4. World Organization (WTO): The WTO facilitates multilateral negotiations among its member to establish rules for international
and resolve trade disputes.

. Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Paris Agreement is an example multilateral diplomacy where countries came together
address climate change by committing to reduce gas emissions and enhance climate.

6. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT The NPT is multilateral treaty aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and
disarmament, with member states working together to these objectives.

Overall,multilateral diplomacy plays a crucial role in fostering cooperation promoting peace, and addressing global challenges that
require collective action.
Multilateral diplomacy plays a crucial role in promoting peace, security, economic development, and cooperation among nations.

**Ethiopian Bilateral Diplomacy**

Bilateral diplomacy involves interactions between two countries aimed at advancing common goals, resolving disagreements, and
strengthening overall relations. It allows countries to engage in direct communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution on a
multitude of issues, including trade, economics, security, culture, and environment.
Examples of Bilateral Diplomacy:
Ethiopia has a long history of bilateral diplomacy with various countries, including neighboring states and global powers. For
example, Ethiopia has strong bilateral ties with the United States, China, Russia, and European nations.

 One example of Ethiopian bilateral diplomacy is its relationship with Egypt over the issue of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance
Dam (GERD). The GERD is a major hydroelectric project on the Blue Nile River that has been a source of tension between
Ethiopia and Egypt. Through bilateral negotiations and dialogue, Ethiopia has sought to address Egypt's concerns while
asserting its rights to use the Nile River for development purposes.

**Trade Agreements**: Bilateral trade agreements between countries, such as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
(USMCA), facilitate economic cooperation and promote mutually beneficial trade relations.
**Defense Partnerships**: Bilateral defense agreements, like the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, enhance military cooperation,
security coordination, and defense capabilities between the signatory nations.

**Cultural Exchanges**: Bilateral cultural exchange programs, such as the British Council in partnership with various countries,
foster cultural understanding, language education, and artistic collaborations.

**Environmental Partnerships**: Bilateral environmental agreements, such as the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality
Agreement, promote conservation efforts, pollution control, and sustainable resource management across shared ecosystems.

**Immigration and Visa Policies**: Bilateral agreements on immigration and visa policies govern cross-border movement,
temporary work permits, and dual citizenship arrangements between countries like Australia and New Zealand.

Summit Diplomacy**

Summit diplomacy involves high-level meetings between leaders of different countries to discuss important issues, build
relationships, and make strategic decisions. Summits provide a platform for leaders to engage in direct dialogue, negotiate
agreements, and demonstrate leadership on global challenges. Ethiopia has been actively involved in summit diplomacy,
participating in regional and international forums to advance its interests and strengthen its ties with other nations.

Example of Ethiopian summit diplomacy is its participation in the African Union (AU) summits. As one of the founding members of
the AU, Ethiopia plays a key role in shaping the organization's agenda and promoting peace and security in Africa. Ethiopian leaders
have attended AU summits to discuss issues such as conflict resolution, economic development, and regional integration.

Summit diplomacy allows Ethiopia to engage with a diverse set of actors on a range of issues, from political stability to economic
cooperation. It provides a platform for Ethiopia to showcase its leadership in Africa and amplify its voice on the global stage. By
participating in summit diplomacy, Ethiopia can influence decision-making processes, negotiate favorable outcomes, and build
alliances with other nations.
Another example of summit diplomacy is the annual G7 Summit, where leaders from the world's largest advanced economies
gather to discuss economic and security issues. Another example is the North Korea–United States Singapore Summit in 2018,
where the leaders of North Korea and the United States to discuss denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula.

manipulation and actors of international organization

Manipulation in the context of international organizations refers to the act of influencing or controlling events, outcomes, or
decisions to serve one's interests. This can involve using various strategies, such as deception, coercion, or misinformation, to gain
an advantage or achieve specific goals within the organization.

Actors in international organizations can be individuals, states, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or other entities that
participate in the decision-making processes and activities of the organization. These actors can have different roles and levels of
influence within the organization, and they may engage in manipulation to further their agendas or preferences.
Examples of actors in international organizations include member states, secretariat staff, international NGOs, and private sector

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