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Ethiopia, a country with a rich history and cultural heritage, has been actively engaged in various forms of diplomacy to navigate
the complex global landscape. Ethiopians have leveraged their strategic location, diverse population, and rich cultural heritage to
establish diplomatic ties with various nations and international organizations. This essay will explore the different dimensions of
Ethiopian diplomacy, including multilateral diplomacy, bilateral diplomacy, summit diplomacy, and the manipulation of actors and
the instrument of international organization.

Ethiopian Multilateral Diplomacy:

Multilateral diplomacy refers to the engagement of a country with multiple nations or international organizations to address
common issues and pursue shared interests. Ethiopia has been a prominent participant in various multilateral forums, leveraging
its unique position to contribute to global discussions and negotiations.

1. African Union (AU): Ethiopia hosts the headquarters of the African Union, reflecting its commitment to regional integration and
collective decision-making. Ethiopia has played a crucial role in shaping the AU's policies and initiatives, particularly in areas such as
conflict resolution, economic development, and environmental protection.

2. United Nations (UN): Ethiopia has been an active member of the United Nations since its inception. The country has contributed
significantly to UN peacekeeping operations, with its troops serving in various missions around the world. Additionally, Ethiopia has
advocated for the interests of developing nations within the UN framework, particularly on issues related to development, climate
change, and global security.

3. World Trade Organization (WTO): As a member of the WTO, Ethiopia has engaged in multilateral trade negotiations to secure
favorable terms for its economic development. The country has leveraged its position to advocate for the interests of least-
developed countries (LDCs) and to promote fair and equitable trade practices.

4. G77 and China: Ethiopia has been a member of the G77 and China, a coalition of developing nations that aims to amplify the
voices of the Global South in international forums. Through this group, Ethiopia has collaborated with other member states to
address issues such as poverty alleviation, technology transfer, and climate change.

5. Regional Economic Communities: Ethiopia has actively participated in various regional economic communities, such as the
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). These
platforms have allowed Ethiopia to coordinate regional policies, strengthen economic ties, and promote regional integration.

Ethiopian Bilateral Diplomacy:

Bilateral diplomacy refers to the direct engagement between Ethiopia and another country or entity to address specific issues,
forge partnerships, and advance mutual interests.

1. China: Ethiopia has cultivated a strong and multifaceted relationship with China, characterized by significant investments,
infrastructure development, and cultural exchange. The two countries have collaborated on various projects, including the
construction of the Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway and the expansion of Ethiopia's industrial parks.

2. United States: Ethiopia has maintained a strategic partnership with the United States, focusing on areas such as regional
security, counter terrorism, and development assistance. The two countries have worked together to address regional conflicts and
promote stability in the Horn of Africa.

3. European Union: Ethiopia has established close ties with the European Union, engaging in political dialogues, development
cooperation, and trade negotiations. The EU has provided substantial support for Ethiopia's economic and social development

4. Israel: Ethiopia and Israel have enjoyed a longstanding relationship, with cooperation in areas such as agriculture, technology,
and security. The two countries have also collaborated on regional issues

Summit diplomacy
Ethiopia Summit Diplomacy refers to the strategic meetings and negotiations held by Ethiopia with other countries or organizations
to address important regional or global issues, promote cooperation, and advance its foreign policy goals. This type of diplomacy
often takes place in the form of summits, where high-level officials from multiple countries convene to discuss key issues and reach

Example 1: African Union Summit - Ethiopia has been a key player in the African Union, hosting several summits where African
leaders come together to address common challenges, such as peace and security, economic development, and regional
integration. These summits provide Ethiopia with a platform to influence decisions that impact the continent and strengthen its
position as a leader in African affairs.

Example 2: Nile Basin Initiative Summit - Ethiopia has been involved in diplomatic initiatives within the Nile Basin region to address
water resource management issues and foster cooperation among riparian countries. By hosting summits and engaging with
countries such as Egypt and Sudan, Ethiopia aims to promote a more equitable sharing of the Nile River waters and enhance
regional stability and development.

Example 3: United Nations General Assembly - Ethiopia participates in the annual sessions of the United Nations General Assembly
to address global challenges, advocate for its interests, and engage with a wide range of international actors. Through its
diplomatic engagements at the UN, Ethiopia leverages alliances with other countries and organizations to advance its priorities on
issues such as peacekeeping, human rights, and sustainable development.

Manipulation of Actors and Instruments of International Organizations:

In the context of Ethiopia Summit Diplomacy, the manipulation of actors and instruments of international organizations refers to
the strategic use of platforms and alliances to advance Ethiopia's interests and influence outcomes. This can involve leveraging
relationships with key players within international organizations, shaping agendas, or mobilizing support for specific initiatives.

Actors: Ethiopia strategically engages with key actors within international organizations, such as influential member states, regional
blocs, or multilateral institutions, to garner support for its positions and initiatives. By building coalitions and alliances, Ethiopia can
amplify its voice and increase its leverage in diplomatic negotiations.

Instruments: Ethiopia also utilizes various instruments within international organizations to advance its interests, such as
diplomatic channels, forums like summits and conferences, and mechanisms for conflict resolution or peace building. By actively
participating in these processes and shaping discussions,

Ethiopia's diplomacy is characterized by a multifaceted approach that includes multilateral engagement, bilateral cooperation,
summit diplomacy, and the strategic manipulation of actors within its international organization. By actively participating in global
forums, building strong relationships with other countries, and leveraging high-level summits, Ethiopia seeks to advance its
national interests, promote regional stability, and contribute to global peace and development. Through effective diplomacy,
Ethiopia aims to position itself as a respected player on the international stage and play a constructive role in addressing the
complex challenges facing the world today.

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