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Ethiopian governmental foreign policy








1)Ethiopian foreign policy
1.1) Ethiopian government foreign policy

A) Objectives
B) Short term foreign policy
C) Long term foreign policy

I can provide you with some general information about Ethiopia's foreign policy and objectives.

Ethiopia's foreign policy has traditionally focused on promoting regional stability and economic development, as
well as maintaining its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The country has also played a key role in regional politics and
diplomacy, particularly through its leadership in organizations such as the African Union and the United Nations.

Objectives of Ethiopia's foreign policy have included:

1) Building strong partnerships with other countries, especially in Africa and Europe
2)Promoting economic development through trade, investment and economic integration
3)Advancing peace and security, both regionally and internationally
4)Protecting the rights and interests of Ethiopian citizens abroad
5)Participating in global governance and international organizations to promote multilateral cooperation and
address common challlenges
6)Ensuring Ethiopia's sovereignty and territorial integrity

However, please note that these are general objectives and the current government may have different objectives and
policies in place

However, I can provide you with some general information about Ethiopia's foreign policy, which have been
traditionally focused on promoting regional stability and economic development, as well as maintaining its sovereignty and
territorial integrity. The country has also played a key role in regional politics and diplomacy, particularly through its
leadership in organizations such as the African Union and the United Nations.

In recent years, Ethiopia has sought to deepen its economic and political ties with other countries, particularly in Africa and
Asia. This has included increasing trade and investment with countries like China, India, and Saudi Arabia, as well as
participating in regional initiatives such as the Nile Basin Initiative and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development

Ethiopia also continues to be involved in various peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts in the region, such as the
deployment of Ethiopian troops as part of the African Union mission in Somalia
(AMISOM) and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

It's worth noting that the current government led by Prime minister Abiy Ahmed, came to power in 2018 and its foreign
policy strategy is different from previous government's, so the current short term foreign policy could have changed, and I
suggest you to refer to official government sources to get the most recent and accurate information

B) Short term foreign policy

based on recent events, it seems that Ethiopia's government is focused on resolving conflicts with neighboring countries,
particularly Eritrea and Egypt, and stabilizing the situation in the Tigray region. Additionally, Ethiopia is working to
strengthen its relationships with other African nations and the international community.
A)Strengthening economic ties with neighboring countries and other nations in the region through trade and
B)Promoting peace and stability in the Horn of Africa, particularly through efforts to resolve conflicts in South Sudan,
Somalia, and Eritrea.
C)Advancing regional integration and cooperation through initiatives such as the
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the African Union (AU).
D)Maintaining good relations with major world powers, including the United States, China, and the European Union,
in order to secure economic and political support.
E)Managing the country's relationship with Egypt over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and the use of
the Nile river.
F)Continues to work towards maintaining regional stability and addressing issues such as terrorism, piracy, and illegal

c)Long term foreign policy

Ethiopia's long-term foreign policy has been focused on maintaining its sovereignty and territorial integrity, promoting
economic development and regional stability, and fostering positive relationships with other nations. This has included
efforts to resolve conflicts with neighboring countries, such as Eritrea, and to deepen its engagement with the international
community through membership in organizations such as the African Union and the United Nations.

Ethiopia has also sought to strengthen its ties with other African nations, particularly through regional economic
integration and cooperation on security issues. Additionally, Ethiopia has sought to expand its trade and investment
relationships with other countries, particularly in Asia and Europe, in order to promote economic growth and development.
Developing stronger economic ties with other countries and regions, particularly in terms of trade and investment, in order to
promote economic growth and development.
2) Building a more peaceful and stable Horn of Africa through diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and promote regional
3) Maintaining good relations with major world powers in order to secure economic and political support.
4) Playing a leading role in regional and international organizations such as the African Union, the United Nations, and the
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in order to promote Ethiopia's interests and advance regional and global
5) Continues to work towards maintaining regional stability and addressing issues such as terrorism, piracy, and illegal
6) Enhancing the capacity of the country's diplomacy in order to protect the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity,
promote its national interests and strengthen its participation in the international community
7) Increasing the participation of Ethiopia in the global economy, as well as in international trade, tourism and other areas.
8) Building a more peaceful and stable Horn of Africa through diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and promote regional
9) Continues to work towards sustainable development, and addressing issues such as poverty, hunger, and environmental

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