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Focus on stability and resource security: The Middle East is a crucial source
of oil for Japan, so ensuring regional stability is paramount. Japan avoids
military intervention but advocates for peaceful resolutions and diplomacy.
2. Active diplomacy and partnership building: Japan engages with various
Middle Eastern countries through bilateral relations, regional forums, and
international organizations like the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
3. Humanitarian assistance and development cooperation: Japan is a major
provider of humanitarian aid and development assistance, focusing on
infrastructure, education, healthcare, and refugee support.
4. Promotion of peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Japan supports the two-
state solution and provides financial assistance to both parties. However, it
avoids taking sides and prioritizes regional consensus.
5. Countering violent extremism: Japan collaborates with regional and
international partners to address terrorism and its root causes. This includes
capacity building and promoting interfaith dialogue.
6. Balancing interests with principles: Japan navigates a balance between
safeguarding its economic interests in the region and upholding its values of
human rights and democracy.
7. Growing engagement in maritime security: With expanding trade and China's
growing presence, Japan cooperates with regional partners to ensure
freedom of navigation and maritime security in the Middle East.
8. Evolving role: Japan's Middle East policy is continuously evolving with new
regional dynamics and domestic debates. Its future role will depend on factors
like China's influence, energy security considerations, and global security

1. Support for Two-State Solution: Japan consistently advocates for a two-

state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the need for an
independent and viable Palestinian state living side by side in peace with
2. Diplomatic Engagement: Japan actively engages in diplomatic efforts to
encourage dialogue between Israel and Palestine, working towards a
negotiated and lasting peace settlement.
3. Humanitarian Assistance: Japan provides humanitarian aid to alleviate the
suffering of Palestinians affected by conflict, supporting initiatives for
healthcare, education, and infrastructure development in the region.
4. Concern for Security and Stability: Japan is concerned about the security
and stability of the Middle East and the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict on the broader regional landscape. It seeks ways to contribute to
peace and stability in the region.
5. Non-recognition of Jerusalem as Capital: Japan, like many other countries,
does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It maintains its embassy
in Tel Aviv, adhering to the international consensus on the status of Jerusalem.
6. Critique of Settlement Activities: Japan expresses concerns over Israeli
settlement activities in the West Bank, viewing them as obstacles to the peace
process. It calls for a halt to settlement construction and the removal of
existing settlements.
7. Promotion of Economic Cooperation: Japan encourages economic
cooperation between Israel and Palestine, believing that economic
development can contribute to building trust and fostering peaceful relations
between the two parties.
8. Support for UN Resolutions: Japan aligns its stance with relevant United
Nations resolutions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, supporting international
efforts aimed at finding a just and lasting solution.

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