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r and feel it and look at it Square in the eye what makes you angry why are you angry

it's the source of it sometimes in the process you'll discover some things about yourself so
people want to know about ideas about channeling anger and chaning that kind of dark energy
it's something very personal to me because I've explained it before or I have kind of deep
degrees of anger to me I tended to be when I was younger a somewhat passive person an
observer of things and then I would resent stuff and anger would kind of stay inside of me and
I've learned since then that I have to deal with it that I can't just let anchor sit there or repress
it and so what I was able to write the 48 loss of power all of that anger all that feeling of
resentment towards people who were mean to me to all the Egos and all the politicking and all
the things that I hated in life and all the people that I thought were mediocre but had risen to
power based on all of their ability to brown nose and and kind of politic their way to power I
was able to like stick the knife into them in the 48 Laws of Power I was able to have my
revenge on it I vented my anger indirectly so when you read the book you don't see Robert
going I hated this person you never hear me but through my stories and through the tone of it
you can detect an undercurrent of anger and so what I tell people is the worst thing you can do
is to try and repress it and tap it down right of course you don't want to do the opposite either
you don't want to like be venting and yelling at people and yelling at your spouse your partner
your children that's not good either but what most people do is they were pressed they don't
deal with with it they try and ignore it because they know it's going to get them in trouble but
when you repress it it comes out in other ways it comes out when you're not expecting it
suddenly you'll burst out in anger with someone you yell at them and you'll really regret it
because you didn't mean to you didn't control it it's that repressing that bursts out of you in
moments where you can't control it right it'll come out in other ways it's never good to repress
these things what do you do what is the strategy well I'll tell you what that is first of all go
Inward and look at your anger and see it and and feel it and look at it and look at it Square in
the eye what makes you angry why are you angry what is the source of it sometimes in the
process you'll discover some things about yourself you discover that you have some
resentments you've never dealt with about your parents a lot of anger is what we call
unfinished business unfinished business from your childhood things that you forgot you're not
dealing with anymore issues with those authority figures your parents early on maybe your
teachers or an older sibling and they've sit in you and they create these patterns of anger that
go on that trail you throughout your life so look at the your anger go Inward and try and
analyze it and see what makes me angry what makes me the angriest and why do I feel that
way and bring some intelligence to it instead of just the pure RW emotional aspect of it some
awareness to it once you have that what you really need to do is you need to channel that
anger into something productive now there's several ways to do that so let's say you're angry
about the world about politics about global warming about those selfish politicians that are
governing us us things that are so massive that you just want to kill somebody it makes you so
angry the best way to channel that kind of anger is to become an activist to create some kind
of movement some kind of action committee or some kind of protest that will energize other
people and you'll Channel your anger into actually getting things done as opposed to whining
and complaining saying God I hate these people blah blah blah do something for God's sake
and make it productive make it like channeled and organized and disciplin anger tends to be
all over the place it's just it's like a river that just floods everywhere you want that need
control little channel of water and you can direct that anger by organizing it into some kind of
focused purpose and Direction and goal the other way is through ambition and being
competitive I know ambition to be competitive has a dirty connotation nowadays but it
shouldn't you want to make the it's not like you want to hurt people in your rise in creating
something great it's not like you want to crush or upset people or humiliate them your
ambition your competitive nature is to making yourself incredibly great at what you do so
good that nobody can compete with you icon of that that I've mentioned many times before is
Kobe Bryant a young man who had lots of anger issues he was very Frank about it he took
that he put it on the basketball court right and we see the results he was so competitive
nobody could beat him at anything Michael Jordan was like that to a degree that was maybe
even a little more unhealthy than Kobe Brun because he brought that into gambling and other
things but that sense of I'm the best at what I do nobody's going to beat me in sports that
works great it can also work great in business as long as you're not humiliating people and
using it as a form of upsetting and creating pain in this world the other thing I tell people is if
you're an artist a filmmaker a writer follow my path and put that anger in there because we
live in a culture that is so politically correct that is so godamn woke that all of us are holding
our tongues we don't dare say anything we're so frightened we're shivering all the time if I say
this I'm going to be cancelled if I display this behavior I'm going to be canceled no I better be
careful we resent it we create levels of anger that just sit inside of us because we have to be so
careful right if you take your work and you create a film or a book or whatever it is and you
put that anger in there in a way that's kind of direct that expresses it people are going to love it
they're going to be attracted to it they're going to be drawn to it because they feel so repressed
unfortunately politicians tend to play on people's anger in a way that's demagogic and that is a
negative way because they're not creating something productive they're using it as a way to
kind of deceive people and to kind of Channel their anger for their own purposes and I'm not
advocating that I'm advocating channeling your anger to help people to help Express things
that they feel that they are repressing and that you put into your creative work and that kind of
give us all a sense of release ah somebody's finally talking about that somebody's finally
expressing the anger that we're all feeling there are other ways to make it productive but those
would give you some ideas do not repress your anger but find a way to channel it into
something p

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