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Задание по английскому языку за курс основной средней школы

(для общеобразовательных школ).
3 вариант
Place for stamp
Examination work
in English
for the course of the basic secondary school
student of the 9th «__» grade
(last name, first name of the student)
Read the text and then do the tasks given below.

The British royal family is in shock. Queen Elizabeth’s grandson Prince Harry has
decided to leave the UK and walk away from the royal family. Harry and his wife will
move to Canada. They both want a life away from the media in the UK. Harry's mother,
Diana, Princess of Wales, died because paparazzi photographers chased the car she was
in. Harry thinks journalists might affect his wife and baby son and he doesn’t want
journalists to affect their life. Harry told the world about his decision on social media, on
Instagram. He wrote on Instagram: "We intend to step back as 'senior' members of the
Royal Family." He added that living in Canada would provide his family, "with the space
to focus on the next chapter".
The UK media reported the Queen was not happy with Harry's decision. The Queen,
Harry's father Prince Charles and brother Prince William talked to Harry about his future.
Charles might cut off money to his son. Harry and Meghan have titles as members of the
royal family. They say that Harry and Meghan may lose their titles. Reporters say they
hope to make money from their fame. People in the UK divided their opinion. Some say
Harry is a traitor; others support Harry and say the media was racist towards Meghan.
London's museum Madame Tussauds has removed Meghan and Harry from its display.
Can anybody predict Harry’s future?

Task A Match the words with their definitions

Example: (0) pleased - happy
1. chased a. celebrity
2. traitor b. forms of address
3. titles c. stage
4. chapter d. betrayer
5. fame e. pursued

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the words given.

Example: The UK media said the Queen was not happy with Harry's decision.
The UK media announced: “……………………………”
Answer: The UK media announced: “The Queen is not happy with Harry’s decision”

6. He wrote: "We intend to step back as 'senior' members of the Royal Family."
He wrote that … [1]
7. If they leave the UK, they may lose their titles.
… they may lose their titles. [1]
8. Charles might cut off money to his son.
His son … [1]
9. Living in Canada will provide Harry’s family with the space to focus on the next
If Harry’s family … [1]
10.The UK media said the Queen was not happy with Harry's decision.
The UK media said: … [1]
11.They say that Harry and Meghan may lose their titles.
If they leave the UK … [1]
12.People in the UK divided their opinion.
The opinion of people in the UK … [1]
13.Harry thinks journalists might affect his wife and baby son.
Harry does not want … [1]
14.He wrote: "We intend to step back as 'senior' members of the Royal Family."
He wrote that … [1]
15.Can anybody predict Harry’s future?
Can Harry’s future …? [1]

Task C Answer the questions

16.Why does Prince Harry want to be away from the media?


17.What are Prince’s plans about his family’s life in Canada? Give two reasons.

18.Why is the opinion of people about Prince Harry’s decision different?

Giving two reasons explain whose point of view do you support?

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