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Nama : Ananta Arina Firdaus

NIM : 30523004
Prodi : D3 RMIK

Exercise 5
Answer the questios after you read the text intensively!
1. How to avoid cardiovascular disease as a severe and potetiantially life

Answer : To avoid cardiovascular disease, which can be severe and

potentially life-threatening, it’s Important to understand the conditions
that can affect the cardiovascular system and seek. Appropriate and
timely medical advice. Regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy
weight, Following a healthy diet, and quitting smoking can also help
prevent these diseases.

2. When does the heart attack happen?

Answer : A heart attack happens when a part of the heart muscle does
not receive enough blood. This can occur due to a blockage, a tear in an
artery around the heart, or if the heart requires more oxygen than is

3. This can occur due to a blockage.... The word occurs is similar in meaning

Answer : Happens.

4. Mention three of the main risk factors of heart attack!

Answer : Three of the main risk factors of a heart attack are: high blood
cholesterol; high blood pressure; smoking.

5. Why does a person experience a stroke?

Answer : A person experiences a stroke when the blood supply to a
part of the brain becomes cut off. This lack of blood supply triggers the
death of brain cells.

6. Is the stroke treatment similar to anybody?

Answer : The treatment for stroke will depend on the type. A person
who experiences ischemic stroke may receive medications to help
break up the blood clot and restore blood flow to their brain. A person
who experiences a hemorrhagic stroke may require surgery to fix the
blood vessel that is bleeding out.

7. When does a heart failure occur?

Answer : Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough
blood to satisfy the body’s needs.

8. What is An arrhythmia ?

Answer : An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm. It may present as

a heartbeat that is too quick, too slow, or has a distinctive pattern.

9. The risk factors of arrhythmia include:heart disease; congenital heart

defect ;____;____; older age; alcohol use ; untreated sleep apnea

Answer : High blood pressure; high cholesterol.

10.What is the translation of untreated sleep apnea?

Answer : Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when a person’s

breathing is disturbed by repeated periods of stopping breathing
during sleep. This condition causes the brain and other parts of the
body not to get enough oxygen.

1. The following options are the conditions and disorders that affect the
nervous system, except:
a. An injured nerve
b. Disease
c. Multiple sclerosis
d. A stroke
e. Healthy kidney

2. The following options are true, except:

a. An injured nerve has trouble sending a message.
b. Nerve injury can cause numbness, a pins-and-needles feeling or
c. Diabetes, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis can cause nervous
system problems.
d. Around 800,000 Americans have a stroke every month
e. A stroke happens when one of the brain’s blood vessels becomes
blocked or suddenly bursts

3. People with _______are more likely to develop nerve damage because

their kidneys have a hard time filtering out toxins.
a. Diabetes
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Kidney disease
d. A stroke
e. Multiple sclerosis

4. People with _______can also develop neuropathy.

a. kidney disease
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Multiple sclerosis
d. Lupus
e. peripheral neuropathy

5. The following options can cause peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage,

a. Chemotherapy medicines
b. Nutritioous substances
c. Illegal drugs
d. Excessive alcohol
e. Poisonous substances

6. As you get older, your neurons’ signals may not travel as fast as they
used to. So... The following impacts support the statement, except:
a. You may feel weaker
b. Yu may feel strong
c. your reflexes may slow down
d. Some people lose sensation in their fingers or toes
e. Some people lose sensation in their parts of their body.

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