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● Angelic Healing [$250 USD] - everyone have their ● Crystal Reprogramming [$50 USD] - Adds
own unique situational needs. We will try to address all of complimenting etheric programs, magic circles, and etheric
them. Activities during the session may include: runes to ALL of your crystals to gain new functions and amplify
● Psychic Surgery ● Dark Entity Removal or it’s innate attributes
● Ancestral Healing Transmutation
Reiki/Purple Flame Removal of Curses, Hex,

Coming soon..
● ●
● Arcturian Healing Implants, Seals, Tags.. etc
● DNA Activations ● Post Treatment Checkups

● Akashic Record Reading [$111 USD] - Akashic ● C1: Navigating 5D and Beyond [$??? USD] -
Records is an etheric or spiritual library containing all This course will help you accelerate your spiritual journey.
information of a certain person, place, or thing. You need an Equipping you with the right tools and mindset that will propel
akashic record reading, if you want to heal certain past events you to the future of your dreams. Be it in wealth, health,
or lives, release present blockages, and get guidance on relationships, or spirituality

● Higher Self Drawing [$100 USD] - Your selection ● C2: I am now a Psychic! Now what?
[$??? USD] - This course will help you master and learn more
of your higher self or the higher self who wants to be drawn.
This helps when you do full body embodiment as now you can
visualize your higher self, anchoring them more to this reality. advance psychic abilities which are used by all-rounder
lightworkers/starseeds. Enabling you to expand your earth
experience and may also be used as a new business modality.

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