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The Crystalline Structures

of the Future

Crystal Healing Certification Course I

Jhadten Jewall - Sacred Spaces
3657 West 1st Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6R 1H1
(604)733-3473/fax (604) 733-8174/
A Workshop with Jhadten Jewall
exploring the new possibilities to activate the 12 strand DNA with the energies
of the minerals and crystals now available to us.

Crystal Healing Certification Course

Jhadten Jewall is a graduate of the Crystal Academy

of Advanced Healing Arts (Katrina Raphaell Taos,NM/San Diego CA/Kauai
HI). He has been working in this field for over 12 years and has taught crystal
healing certification courses based upon his studies with Katrina Raphaell over
the last ten years. In this workshop he is endeavoring to teach the basic
procedures of crystal healing in a new light. Since the 12/12/1994 the
consciousness within the Earth realms has shifted, as the God/Goddess
consciousness of Unity was grounded into the Earth planes through the Great
Pyramid of Egypt. The shift in consciousness within the mineral kingdoms
reflects the shifts on cellular levels of our bodies - for our bodies are but
microcosms of the great macrocosm of the planet Gaia. Over the last 25 years
many new crystals have surfaced on the planet, unknown to us before. They have
appeared to assist in our evolution by mirroring certain qualities that are essential
to our evolving consciousness. Other minerals have taken on ‘new job
descriptions’ so to speak, their shift in consciousness reflects new qualities and
properties hitherto not accessed by healers and teachers. Jhadten will discuss
many of these ‘new’ crystals and crystal properties as well as accelerated
techniques in healing/aligning processes using crystals. No matter what
discipline of healing or spiritual work you are involved in, this workshop
promises to shed new light upon your work and create some powerful energetic
transformations for you. The work with the solar/stellar light body activations
as well as the Cities of Light has led to the realization that the work with crystals
is intimately connected to the land in question and to the national
mission/purpose of that land in the globally unfolding Divine Plan. Hence there
are specific stones and energies that need to be incorporated in each land and in
the awareness of those living there. This workshop will also explore that aspect.

Bring as many of your own crystals as possible as well as a blanket and wear
comfortabel clothing as we shall be doing a special kind of yoga every morning.

Crystal Healing Certification Course

Before and after crystal healings, it is important to take care of yourself.
By doing these exercises before a crystal healing, you ensure that you are
clear of any personal imbalance, your nervous system is energized so that
you may channel the optimal amount of healing energy and you are able
to move into a place of centredness that is higher than you usually have.
For the period of the healing, you will wish to be free of personal
concerns and be there totally for the
client. After the healing, you will wish to recentre yourself and energize
your own
systems that may be depleted though this should not be the case. In this
way, you take the time to ensure that you have taken nothing of the
client’s process on and have time to reflect on the ‘mirror’ that your
client provides you with. Realign with Spirit and surrender the issue, the
client and yourself to the Creator.

This process of personal physical maintenance is a parallel to

maintaining your healing space.


Before your client comes, it is important to prepare yourself and your

space. The healing space should be purified (smudge, incense, white
light, etc) and the altar set and energized. You energize the altar by
setting a clear intent to be a clear vessel of unconditional love and
healing energies. Usually the altar should include the four elements of
earth (crystals), wind (incense), fire (candles) and water (flowers and a
bowl of water to absorb negative energies). Check your stones and purify
them as well. It is useful to attune to the client coming and meditate with
your stones to receive guidance from them. The space should be clean,
tidy and everything conveniently in its place, so that you may devote your
full attention to the client. Have intake and maintenance records
ready,have paper and pens ready, the crystals ready, the table prepared,
the candles lit, and have the music ready as well if you use it, etc.
After the healing, it is important to clear the space of any residue
energies left from the healing. Smudge the room or purify it in any way,
make sure your records are clear and concise and properly filed, take
time now to clear the stones as well of any residue energies, and then in
this cleared space, you may clear yourself by doing yogaerobics or a
quick meditation.


When you client arrives and you take down their information,
you are sitting close enough to them that your auras are intersecting: this creates a
common field of resonance and in
this energy attunement you can receive impressions as to what
is really being said. Therefore, it is important to listen carefully
and with a very open heart and consciousness to what is being
said. This is a period of attunement to the client - already your higher selves have
begun to work together more intensely, though this has been occuring since the client
made an appointment. However, it is important here to make the client feel safe,
understood and heard by truly listening from a place of love and compassion as well
as from centredness and strength. The presence of whatever discomfort the client
has, even if this be a spiritual need for advancement, makes them vulnerable and
insecure- hence it is your role as a therapist to create the centredness and strength in
which they may feel safe. After the intake, clarify the process of the healing with the
client and assure them that they are safe.


After having the client lie down on the table, make sure that they have gone to the
bathroom, and that they are comfortable. Make sure the room is warm enough and
that there are blankets
available in case the client cools down too much (often happens during healings).
Decide your policy and preferences as to whether the client should wear clothes or
not and of course,
accommodate the wishes of the client; if clothes are worn, they should be loose and
non-restrictive, remove belts and especially any restrictions to breathing. After the
client is comfortable, play music if you wish, ask the client to close their eyes and
focus now on their breathing to create the centre line of light in the spine as you place
the stones on the body,
assuring them that some may feel heavy or cool but after a while they will not notice
their weight or temperature, that any sound in the room or outside the room will only
take them deeper into their energy and core pillar of light, that if their breathing
moves one of the stones or it falls off, that that is ok and meant to be. Continue to
direct the client to breathe in the light and exhale any tension or thoughts, to become
clear, calm, peaceful, quiet and empty as well as relaxed and heavy. Your voice
should reflect your inner state of calm, peacefulness, lovingness, compassion and
strength and centredness: speak rhythmically and hypnotically to gently rock the
consciousness into the deeper states of awareness as a hynotherapist does. Your
focus is to release the awareness from its limited perspective so that it may be free to
move and travel through the body and into other dimensions of the energy fields.
Follow the basic layout but allow your intuition to guide you as well, trusting this and
review the overall layout when complete to ensure that it is complete.


Having laid the stones, centred the client’s focus on the breath and central line of
light, and affirmed that all stones are in place, it is now time to call upon the
Universal Life Force and all guides. Follow your own formula here and I give you
mine as a guideline: “I call upon the highest powers of Love and Light to come into
this room and work upon these stones and effect a healing. I call upon all my guides,
teachers, and masters and I call upon all guides teachers and masters of client’s
name to be in this room, here and now, fully present, to guide, assist, protect and
enlighten us. We ask it, we beseech it, we mark it and so be it.”


It is now time to connect the client with their soul symbol. This ensures their
connection with their higher self and its guidance at this time. The formula may go
like this: “We call now upon the Soul Essence of client’s name to come forth and
present to client’s name ‘s mind a symbol, a color, a feeling or a thought, in some way
make its presence known unto us today. And when you receive an impression just
share that with me.”
Some clients are very visual and some more feeling or intuitive. Be open to work with
either channels. If it is a feeling, then have the client associate a color with it and use
this. Be sure to
get as clear a feeling or image or color as possible. Then have the client breathe this
color and energy into the heart, to fill the heart, then the upper cavity, the lower
abdomen, the arms, legs, hands, feet, neck, and head until that energy radiates out all
around them forming a bubble of that colored light. Direct the client to breathe
deeply into the centre of this bubble, to become more and more relaxed and to start
drifting and becoming lighter and lighter, guiding their awareness into the deeper
states of consciousness, and then have the client scan the body to find the point where
the attention keeps returning to the physical body, being able to see within this bubble
of awareness into the body, organs, tissues and cells. Now direct their focus, to allow
the bubble to reduce to the size of a pingpong ball and to travel into that area of the
body. Ask them about the feelings they have, if it is large or small there, dark or light
and what color needs to be there, asking the body for this information, projecting that
color into that area. In this procedure it is important to keep the guidance focused on
feeling the area. Whenever the client becomes intellectual about the procedure,
return their awareness to the feeling of the space.
Follow the directions of the client to energize those areas with your generator with
the appropriate color of energy (you can also modulate the energy by associating the
elements of earth, wind, fire and water with them). After clearing this area, ask
where the attention now goes and repeat the procedure until the whole body seems
clear. First time clients should only be under the stones for a maximum of one hour.
Later the time can be extended as the client becomes used to the vibrations. Upon
completion, ask the client to hold that vision and feeling of completeness, open flow of
energy, as you remove the stones.

Procedure for Crystal Alignments

‚ As you are placing the stones on the body, induce the trance state by saying: “
Breathe deeply into your spine, visualize a ball of golden light above the top of your
head and breathe this golden light all the way down to the base of your spine, all
sounds in and outside the room will only take you deeper, the stones will feel perhaps
heavy at the beginning, ........”
‚ Once all stones are in place, do the invocation: “I call upon the highest powers
of love and light to come into this room, work upon the stones and effect an
alignment, (then calling upon all guides and angels of self and client), we ask it, we
beseech it, we mark it and so be it!”
‚ Now call forth the soul essence of client: “I call forth now the soul essence of
(clients name) that it come forth into his/her mind and make itself known unto
him/her through a color, shape, symbol or sound. Once you have a sense of this share
that with me.”
‚ Create the bubble of light by having the client breathe the color shape and
energy of the soul essence symbol into their heart through a pink ray of love and
acceptance that connects the heart with the essence symbol, into heart, lungs,
shoulders, arms, abdomen, hips, genitals, legs and feet, neck, back of head, top of
head, face and into the centre of brain, all around the body and lifting now the
consciousness of the client up to scan the body for the area of concern and directing
the bubble to become the size of a golf ball and entering that area.Use color and
element (earth, wind, fire and water) to clear the area and allow symbol of wholeness
to appear there. Continue until you feel a golden light of completion around the body.

Basic Energy Charge

Direct generator at crown

chakra and pass other
crystal through the auric
field from pubic bone to
join generator at crown.

Energize deficient points

with generator, visualize
energy joining other crystal.

Small Quartz clusters at

forehead, heart and navel.

Chart 1
Chakra Charge Layout

Energize the chakra that needs

it by placing the appropriate
stone in the centre of the four
small crystlas and directing
energy through a generator.
More chakras can be energized
by moving the four small crystals
and adding a different crystal
aligned with that chakra.

Have one crystal facing the crown

and two facing the soles of the

Chart 2
Pink/Green Tourmaline Spiral
Use this layout to disperse
emotional trauma debris:
using the high frequency of
tourmalines to dissipate the
energy and release the pain
of suppressed emotions.
Ground this process with
black tourmaline at groin.

Move the tourmaline wand

in an upward spiral above
the spiral at heart, drawing
the pain up to the surface
and releasing it. Monitor
breathing of client!

Chart 3
Fluorite Octahedron Layout

This is an excellent layout:

used regularly, it can assist
in opening the mental
body to be energized by
the pure creative forces of
the universe. The client
should breathe slowly and
regularly, no pauses in the
breath and clear the mind
of all thoughts and enter a
place of neutrality and

Chart 4

Side view of Generator crystal. Although the

“airplane nose” is ideal, any crystal that forms
a sharp termination of six sides is acceptable.

Single Double Termination

Termination l

Tabular (”tabby”)from side and from above (this is a double

terminated tabby but they also appear as signle terminated ones too.

Record Keepers have triangular extrusions on the face of

the facets of the crystal. These are like microchips with
lots of information stored within them. Hold them in your
left hand and gently move your thumb over the surface
of the records to attune to the information.

Phantom Quartz are ones that

stopped growing and then started
to grow again, leaving a shostly
imprint of the first crystal stage behind.
This is an excellent reflection of the
spiritual insight that our growth
never ends.
.It also reminds us to honor the
plateaus of our growth.

Chart 5
Basic Layout

Third Eye
Deep blue stones

Throat Chakra
Light blue stones

Pink and green stones

Solar Plexus
blue/green stones

Yellow stones

Sacral Chakra
Orange stones
Quartz balls
Root chakra
Red stones
Black tourmaline or
brown stones for grounding

Obsidian ball or other

strongly earthy stone for
Chart 6 grounding
Channeling Elestial
Add your logo, name and address and phone number to this space. The
intake is for your records. Keep the notes you make during the session and
fill in the maintainance form for the client (if possible with carbon copy for


Name: ___________________ Date: ____________________

Birthdate/place: _____________________________________

Profession: _________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

Previous experience with crystal healing: ________________

Chronic Illnesses: ____________________________________

Currently weak in what part of the body: ________________

Incarnational therapy: _______________________________

Meditation: ________________________________________

Emotional states: ___________________________________

Expressional states: _________________________________

Focus of work today: ________________________________

Add your logo, name and address and phone number to this space. The
intake is for your records. Keep the notes you make during the session and
fill in the maintainance form for the client (if possible with carbon copy for


Name: ___________________ Date: ____________________

SOUL SYMBOL:____________________________________



Breakthroughs: _____________________________________


Specific visualizations from session: ________________



Affirmations: ___________________________________

Specific instructions and/or messages from soul level, re-

integrated parts of self, guides, angels, etc

(continue on back of page if necessary)

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