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White Cosmic Dog

Tone 13: Cosmic - Universal Movement

White Dog is your Conscious Self - who you are and
who you are becoming.

One of the gifts of White Dog is the calling in and recognition

of other companions of destiny. Other beings with the same
longing are waiting to meet and acknowledge you - beings who
can see you as you authrentically are. When you have truly
been seen, you feel empowered, and remembrance of a shared
sacred trust is ignited. This is a natural process, divinely
designed for recognition through vibrational affinity, freed
from personal expectations.

White Dog can be seen as an access point for developing

relationships with guides, totems, allies and guardians. There
are many ways to work with these spiritual guides, including
guided visualizations, shamanic journeys, and meditation. A
useful construct is viewing them as aspects of yourself, part of
your life stream that is asking to be integrated. Remember,
there is no 'other'. In this grand adventure, you are being asked
to embody all that you are.
Profound insights are garnered through shared purpose and
relationship with others who are willing to be in their truth and
integrity about the light and shadow aspects they perceive in

Similarly, intimate relationships can be viewed as unique

opportunities to bring forward in each other deep emotional
patterns to be transformed. In this case, those you have drawn
to you hold the ability to assist you in your own integration as
well. There are no mistakes. Be willing to look deeply into the
truth held within any relationship. The expression of intimacy
is a gift of love; the lack of it may be a symptom asking for
honest communication and healing. It may also be guiding you
to reevaluate your relationship and the purpose it is serving.

White Dog signals a breakthrough in your life: new beginnings,

new perceptions, new allies and friends. As you express more
authentically who you are, you draw your true family closer to
you.With your guides and companions, you have the ability to
manifest your inspired visions and dreams. Recognize the eyes
and hearts that spark the remembrance of a sacred trust.

The harmonic wisdom of White Dog is affinity, the attraction

of like vibration or substances for one another. Spiritual affinity
is not limited to family kinship - it is part of the natural affinity
between companions of destiny. Such companions of are drawn
together by the same aligned force that draws iron filings to a
magnet. Companions of destiny are drawn togther to do work
that is naturally harmonious.
On the surface at times, it may seem that you have little in
common with these companions, yet the attraction remains.
This is because Essence Selves are often committed to work
together long before they meet in the physical world. This is a
natural process of affinity, rather than a process motivated from
personal desire. Follow this guidance into your unfoldment
within the larger pattern.

White Wizard is your Higher Self & Guide.

White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers are activated by

wisdom that emanates from the heart. Such wisdom is not the
intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the
wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart. An
open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing
yourself to 'not know' opens the door of the mind to a deeper
understanding of the universe. White Wizard asks you to fully
utilize this aligned mind to participate in magic.

White Wizard invites you to step into self-empowerment.

Empowerment comes from self-acceptance, integrity, and
commitment to your evolution. Self-empowerment is not to be
found outside oneself. Anything outside that brings you
empowerment also has a divine foundation within you. If you
feel a need for the approval of others, look to self-
empowerment. When you feel effectively engaged, doing what
gives you joy, your energy naturally expands to inlcude more
of who you are, and magic flows synchronistically into your
life. Claim your alignment with the highest wisdom. Call forth
divine action in all that you do!

Align your own will with divine will and your Essence Self. Be
transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you
rather than needing to create it. Open to heart-knowing and
limitless possibilties.

Blue Monkey is your Subconscious Self and Hidden


Blue Monkey represents the Divine Child, the child that is ever
in a state of open-hearted wisdom, innocence, trust, simplicity
and joyful wonder. What would it feel like to actually BE a
magical child in this culture and time? The secret that very few
know - because they may feel more comfortable trying to
protect themselves - is that the divine child offers the strongest
of all protections, the invulnerability of openhearted Love.
Through innocence, a kind of immunity is created that allows
the divine child to be TRANSPARENT so that the apparent
'slings and arrows' of the world can pass right through without
being personalized into wounds, reactions or hurt feelings. This
is the path of innocence regained. Transparency is the path of
the new consciousness.

Look deeply into the eyes of a happy two year old. There you
will see the innocent trust, openheartedness, and spontaneous
joy that typifies the divine child. Imagine yourself as an
enlightened two-year old, in a state of ecstatic communion and
delight. In childhood, you didn't have to remember to be
playful - you could easily and fluidly express your emotions.
You didn't have to understand whys and wherefores - you knew
with your heart. This if your natural state of being, the state of
ecstasy, the path of revealed innocence.

In Western culture, many people have a distorted understanding

about what it is to be a human being. We are often taught that
sucessful adults are responsible, serious, rigid, controlled and
goal oriented. In your journey with society, your developmental
stages may have been incomplete. The natural sensitivity,
fluidity, and freedom of the child may have been left behind in
partial passage. Perhaps your inner child was wounded or
treated insensitively, and you carried this unresolved process
into adulthood. Blue Monkey encourages you to bring forth this
incomplete or wounded part for integration and healing.

In this New Myth, your spontaneous, divine child will usher in

and anchor the new frequency. How can you heal your inner
child? Explore what truly gives you joy. Find types of work
that support your sensitivity and create deep satisfaction. Be
simple: love, play, dance, draw, colour, sing. These activities
are for all divine children - they serve the expression of the
magical child in everyone. Consciously make time for the
joyful freedom and magic of play!

The number for Blue Monkey is eleven, the vibration wherein

novelty and spontaneity break down resistant forms. When
unity merges with Essence Self, a mystical foundation is
created that disintegrates old patterns. This is actually
integration in disguide. As your walls tumble down, they crack
into a smile, and the illumination of self shines through.

Yellow Sun represents your Challenge and Gift. With

maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a
Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime.

In the shadow of Yellow Sun, you may be unaware of or feel

disconnected from your own true nature. Thus, the light of
Yellow Sun reflects your shadow's potential. On this journey,
you are being offered release from all past identities, lifetimes,
and karma. This process retrieves any separated parts of self,
restoring all potential into the union of wholeness. By facing
and integrating your shadows, you can free yourself into the
greater constellation of being.

The shadow of Yellow Sun also reflects your limiting views of

self in relation to your concept of God. It is important to
remember tha thow you see divinity is how you see yourself! If
you do not see yourself as an integral part of the Divine you are
functioning in th shadow of Yellow Sun.

Another shadow of Yellow Sun is conditional love, which is

really part of the process of learning how to express
unconditional love. Conditionality often implies fear,
separation, and issues of self worth. Unconditionality expresses
without judgement, limitation or expectation. Unconditional
love is your original state of being, that which you naturally

You are the model of what it means to be fully human. In

Yellow Sun's shadow are the ideals of society. Look at your
personal ideals. You are being asked to release them and to
embody the limitless principles of the light. As you become a
model of loving acceptance, shadow and light embrace as one,
and the world is lifted. You become the new myth emerging.
Through the embodiment of unconditional love, one person at a
time, the new world is born.

As you express unconditional love, you become more than you

previously perceived yourself to be. You become illumined, the
full manifestation of your divinity. In the embrace of your
humanity, accept yourself and others unconditionally. Magnify
your full presence. Yellow Sun will come in myriad forms to
assist you. Be limitless. Accept and understand the nature of
judgement, fear, light and dark within yourself and others.
Love and accept yourself and others as you are, freed from
previous boundaries. You are the dawning of the solar age.

Red Moon is your Compliment - something that comes

naturally to you.

Red Moon is the cosmic seed of awakened awareness.

Consume it like a fruit, and let it blossom within you. You are
on the quest of self-remembrance, of Godseed. If you work
with the energy of Red Moon with clear awareness and
attention, an awakened state of remembrance will naturally
blossom within you. Remembrance means having direct access
to your expanded presence through an intrinsic perception of
unity. Remembrance is your recognition of the larger pattern
and your connection to it, often facilitated through dreams, art,
music, colors and creative pursuits. With focused attention,
meditate on Red Moon and you will receive help with self-

Red Moon is also a beacon or transmitting station. As you open

to self-remembrance, you become a beacon and receiver for
cosmic consciousness. This communication creates the gradual
opening of the third eye, the eye within the mononlith of self.
As this eye opens and your communication becomes more
refined, you will notice more signs, signals and understanding
coming to you. These are all for your growth and evolution - a
feedback system from which you can gain insight about your

The number for Red Moon is 9, which symbolizes the

recurrence of great cycles. An example of such recurrence is
the periodic return of master teachers to help awaken human
beings on Earth. Nine is the number of Quetzalcoatl, buddha,
and Christ. Red Moon is a symbol for great teachers who have
come to translate univeresal wisdom to humanity, to embody
the awakened state of consciousness that is accessible to all.
Such teachers serve as a connection to the Divine and hold the
promise of full self-mastery.

Take off the veil of forgetfulness. Become the beacon of

awakened awareness. As you open to self-remembrance, you
will freely receive divine guidance. Be with others who support
your fullest expression.

Your Tone is Tone 13 - Cosmic

Wild card, unseen forces, unexpected change, open system,

touch of destiny, interdimensional shift.

Thirteen is the ray of universal movement, the foundation of

self within the foundation of Essence Self combined with the
rhythm of the trinity. The Cosmic Tone of 13 touches you with
the hand of unseen forces and radical change. It will catalyze
into movement whatever resists change or is unexamined or
stationary. You are being touched by fate, moved through
identifications of self into open consciousness.

Olin, the Mayan goddess of movement, asks you to surrender

to the perfection of the larger pattern of your Essence Self.
From the perspective of surrender and trust, what movement is
being called for? Pay attention to synchronicities and seeming
coincidences that jump into your awareness. Thirteen provides
the possibility of a radical "frequency shift," offering you
limitless new openings. Become a skywalker. Be open and
flexible, allowing changing reference points to become
dynamic allies. Open to the workings of destiny offered by
universal movement.


These excerpts were taken from the book, "The Mayan Oracle -
Return Path to the Stars" by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner
- Click here to email Ariel and purchase a signed copy!


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