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1. A material that is a thermal insulator - (A)Only allows heat to travel through

2. Which of the following will have the most internal energy? - (A)1 kg of steam
3. 1525kJ in 100oC, The specific latent heat of vapor. is 2.26x 10^6 J/kg -
4. Metal block mass is 1.25kg, specific heat capacity is 950J/Kg, How much energy
required to increase from 20oC to 50oC - (A) 35.6kJ {35620}
5. Specific heat capacity of a substance is - the ammount of energy needed to raise
the temperature of 1kg of the substance by one degree Celsius - (C)the amount of
energy need to raise..
6. When the temperature of the particles in a gas is increases... - (C) 1. Kinetic
2. Increases
7. Aim- To investigate how the force pulling toy car along the table affects the
toy car's acceleration, choose the independed variable for this investigation - (A)
8. Student writes: For bike to be at constant speed , resitive forces of friction
and air resistance have to be same as driving force - (D) Correct because Newton's
9. The top speed of a car is the greatest speed that it can go, choose explanation
- (D) A car reaches its terminal velocity when the thrust force is equal is equal
to air resistance
10. Choose the best suggestion for improving the method - (B) Measure the time
taken to travel 25cm intervals.

1. Choose correct steps to get soluble salt -(C) Neutralisation > filtration >
evaporation > crystallisation
2. Which student chose correct - (B)
3. Mr of Pb(NO^3)^2 - (D) 331
4. Structure of magnesium - (A) 2, 8, 2
5. WHy we no longer use plum model - (D) Lates experiments cause the plum model to
be replaced
6. Chemical rection complete: Sodium + water -> ___ + ____ - (D) Sodium hydroxide +
7. ... What is the mass of carbon dioxide - (C) 44g
8. 2.5 dm^3 were used in experiment, concentration is 0.1g/dm^3. What is the mass
of 2.5dm^3 of solution? - (B) 0.25
9. Answer is (C)
10. Water is H2O, how can we seperate its elements it is made from? - (B)

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