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Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 53–57

Extraction and characterisation of gelatine

from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) skin
Jan Arne Arnesen, Asbjørn Gildberg *

Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd., P.O. Box 6122, 9291 Tromsø, Norway

Received 24 May 2005; received in revised form 23 September 2005; accepted 23 November 2005
Available online 10 January 2006


Gelatine was extracted from Atlantic salmon and Atlantic cod skin by the acid extraction process. After filtration and ion exchange
treatment the extracts were colourless and free from fishy odour. In three separate experiments the average yields of gelatine from salmon
and cod skins were 39.7% (±2.2%) and 44.8% (±0.2%) respectively, on a dry matter basis. Gelatine from salmon contained slightly more
hydroxyproline and proline (16.6%) than cod gelatine (15.4%), whereas the content of serine was lower (4.6% versus 6.3%). Salmon gel-
atine expressed slightly higher gelling temperature (12 C) than cod gelatine (10 C), and higher initial gel strength. During storage at
10 C, gel strengths were increased and more so with gels made from cod than from salmon gelatine. Hence, gels made from cod and
salmon gelatines extracted at 56 C achieved the same gel strength (195 g) after 7 days of storage. Gelatines extracted at a higher tem-
perature (65 C) gave lower gel strengths.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fish gelatine; Atlantic salmon; Skin; Gelatine; Gel strength; Viscosity

1. Introduction and gelatine from fish skin reflect the fish habitat tempera-
ture (Andreeva, 1971; Gustavson, 1953). The content of
Fifty years ago there was still a considerable production imino acids (proline and hydroxyproline) is of particular
of fish glue from fish skin and bones. Fish glue is a crude importance regarding both gelatine gel strength and melt-
gelatine product only suitable for technical application. ing point. Due to the rigidity of their R groups the imino
At present, the fish gelatine production is minor, yielding acids provide rigidity to triple helix structures both in
about 1% of the annual world gelatine production of intact collagen and gelatine gels (Babel, 1996; Haug
250,000 tons. Factors such as the outbreak of BSE (‘‘mad et al., 2004). Apparently, high contents of hydrophobic
cow disease’’) and increasing demand for non-mammalian amino acids have a similar effect, although less prominent
gelatine for halal and kosher food markets have revived (Badii and Howell, 2005). A high content of hydroxylated
interest in gelatine produced from fish raw materials. amino acids, such as serine and threonine, may promote
Recently, several studies of gelatines from the skin of var- regeneration of triple helix structures from random coil,
ious fish species have been published (Gudmundsson, 2002; by creating regular water structures both close to the mac-
Haug et al., 2004; Kolodziejska et al., 2004; Muyonga romolecules and by local formation of hydrogen bonds
et al., 2004; Sadowska et al., 2003; Simon et al., 2002; within and between individual helices (Babel, 1996; Priva-
Terao et al., 2003). lov et al., 1971).
It is well established that many physical properties and, Gelatine with low molecular weight distribution has
particularly, the temperature characteristics of collagen inferior gelling properties compared to high molecular
weight gelatine (Badii and Howell, 2005). Like every pro-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +47 776 29000; fax: +47 776 29100. tein, gelatine is more susceptible to chemical hydrolysis at
E-mail address: (A. Gildberg). increasing acidity and temperature. Hence, the extraction

0960-8524/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
54 J.A. Arnesen, A. Gildberg / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 53–57

conditions applied greatly influence the gelling properties each for 30 min, first in a sulphuric (0.12 M) and then in
of the gelatine. a citric acid solution (0.005 M). The acid solutions were
Although collagen from cold water fish species normally drained and then the samples were washed with cold water.
contains less imino acids than collagen from warm water After the final washing in cold water, a two-step gelatine
fish species and mammalians, the contents of both hydro- extraction (each step 2 h) was performed by gentle stirring,
phobic and hydroxylated amino acids, as well as other first in 1 l water at 56 C and then in 1 l at 65 C. Solubi-
properties such as molecular weight distribution and gela- lized gelatine was separated from residual skin fragments
tine viscosity, seem to be species specific (Gómez-Guillén by filtration through a 250 lm mesh nylon filter. Gelatine
et al., 2002; Gudmundsson, 2002; Johnston-Banks, 1990). was further filtered through a Whatman No. 4 and GF/C
To reveal such properties, gelatine from each actual species filter. The gelatine solution was demineralized by adding
must be studied. Purolite cation- and anion exchange resins. After 16 h the
In Northern Europe farmed Atlantic salmon has resins were removed by filtration through a 250 mesh nylon
become a significant fish resource. The annual production filter. The gelatine extract was then concentrated in a rota-
in Norway alone amounts to about 400,000 tons. Until vapor (40 C, 30 min) before drying as a thin film in plastic
now salmon skin has not been available in large quantities, trays at 50 C in a heated cabinet until the water content
since most of the fish have been exported as skin-on was below 6% (w/w).
products. At present, a market for more processed salmon
products without skin is being developed, and the skin, 2.3. Chemical and physical analyses
comprising about 5% of the whole fish, has become an
interesting raw material for gelatine production. Although Molecular weight distribution in gelatine extracts was
salmon collagen has been studied briefly (Eckhoff et al., estimated by gel filtration chromatography on a HPLC
1998; Simpson et al., 1999; Yunoki et al., 2003), little is instrument as described by Arnesen and Gildberg (2002).
known about salmon gelatine. A TSKgel 4000 SWXL column (Tosohaas) equilibrated
The aim of the present work was to study extraction with a buffer (pH 5.3) containing 0.01 M NaH2PO4,
yield and some chemical and physical characteristics of gel- 0.1 M Na2SO4 and 1% SDS was used, and the flow rate
atine from the skin of Atlantic salmon. Gelatines from pig was 0.5 ml/min. Compounds leaving the column were
and Atlantic cod skin, which have been thoroughly studied detected by measuring optical density at 227 nm and data
previously, were used as references. were analyzed by EZChrom (Scientific Software). Viscosity
and gel strength were also determined as described pre-
2. Methods viously (Arnesen and Gildberg, 2002) except that in the
present work a Stable Micro Systems TA.HDi texture
2.1. Chemicals and raw materials analyser was used for gel strength measurements. Gelatine
solutions (6.67% w/v) were made by dissolving dry powder
All chemicals used in this study were of analytical grade. in distilled water and heating to 60 C. Viscosity was deter-
DGF Stoess Eberbach Germany provided porcine gelatine mined with a Brookfield RVT viscometer equipped with a
type A (extracted by the acid process). Salmon skin was No. 1 spindle at 100 rpm by starting at 60 C and then
provided by Fjord Aqua Group AS, Kristiansund, reducing temperature (0.25 C/min) until the solutions
Norway. The skins used for gelatine extraction were were gelling. Gel strength was determined by forcing a
obtained by deep skinning of farmed Atlantic salmon plunger (U = 12.7 mm) 4 mm (1 mm/s) into a 6.67% gel
(Salmo salar) (3–5 kg). The skin was frozen ( 20 C) in a Bloom jar. Amino acid analysis was performed on
before and during transport to Tromsø. The frozen skin hydrolyzed gelatine samples essentially as described by
was cut into pieces (approximately 10 · 10 cm) with a meat Pedersen et al. (2003). Gelatine samples were hydrolyzed
saw. After thawing overnight at 4 C, residual meat and fat for 24 h at 110 C in 6 M HCl with 0.05% phenol under
was removed manually with a filleting knife. Atlantic cod an atmosphere of nitrogen. Phenylisothiocyanate derivates
skin was provided by a local fish processing plant and of the free amino acids were analyzed by RP-HPLC with a
stored frozen ( 20 C) until further use. gradient of acetonitrile in Pico Tag Eluent on a C18 col-
umn (Waters, USA).
2.2. Gelatine preparation
3. Results and discussion
Gelatine was prepared by the acid extraction method,
essentially as given by Gudmundsson and Hafsteinsson 3.1. Extraction recovery
(1997). One kilogram of skin was stirred gently for
30 min in 3.3 l volumes of various solutions. The skin Deep skinning leaves a layer of subcutaneous fat on the
was first washed in cold water (about 8 C ) and then incu- skin. This is done to get a better quality of the fillet. The
bated twice in cold sodium hydroxide solutions (0.04 N) for ‘‘deep skinned skin’’ contained approximately 64.3%
30 min each time. After washing out NaOH with cold (±0.6%) (w/w) of muscle tissues and 35.7% (±0.6%) skin.
water, two successive acid incubations were performed, This muscle fraction is suitable for production of salmon
J.A. Arnesen, A. Gildberg / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 53–57 55

oil and fish protein hydrolysate. The remaining salmon of the peptides in both salmon gelatine extracts apparently
skin contained 36% dry matter. The first extraction of sal- occurred between the corresponding fractions of cod
mon gelatine at 56 C gave 11.3% (±1.4%) and the second gelatine. Gelatine from cod extracted at 56 C contained
at 65 C gave 4.0% (±0.8%) yield (dry gelatine/wet peptides with molecular weight above 800 kDa whereas sal-
skin · 100%). The corresponding yields of cod skin gelatine mon gelatine extracted at the same temperature did not.
were 10.1% (±0.2%) and 1.8% (±0.1%) respectively. How- Whereas the major peak of cod gelatine above 300 kDa
ever, since the dry matter content of cod skin was only completely disappeared when the extraction temperature
25%, the total gelatine yield on a dry matter basis was was increased from 56 to 65 C, only minor changes
slightly lower from salmon skin (39.7% ± 2.2%) than from occurred in the molecular weight pattern of the salmon gel-
cod skin (44.8% ± 0.2%). The higher content of dry matter atines. This indicates that not only intermolecular, but also
measured in salmon- than in cod skin may have been intramolecular crosslinks are more thermostable in salmon
caused by some water evaporation from the skin during than in cod collagen. Hydrolysis in gelatine is the combined
the manual removal of fat muscle tissues. Reporting gela- effect of splitting peptide bonds and intramolecular cross-
tine yield as dry gelatine weight compared to the weight links between peptide chains. Since the primary structure
of wet skin is common, but not very reliable. Water content is fairly similar in collagens from various species, the nature
may vary because of different treatment of the skin (freez- and frequency of intermolecular crosslinks must be of pre-
ing, salting, scraping, draining, etc.). Therefore gelatine mium importance for molecular weight composition of gel-
yield should rather be reported as the amount of dry gela- atine preparations (Babel, 1996).
tine compared to the amount of dry matter in skin.
Gelatine recoveries from salmon and cod at 56 C were 3.3. Gel strength
74.3% and 84.8% respectively. The difference in gelatine
recovery from the two species can be attributed to differ- Fig. 2 shows the Bloom value (gel strength after storage
ences in the extent of intermolecular crosslinking in the for 18 h at 10 C) and gel strength as a function of storage
collagens. Most probably this is due to a slightly higher time of the different gelatines. The porcine gelatine had the
thermal adaptation temperature of the salmon connective highest Bloom value (216 g). Salmon gelatine extracted at
tissues (Andreeva, 1971). Hence, a moderate increase in 56 C had a higher Bloom value (108 g) than cod gelatine
extraction temperatures may improve the gelatine yield (71 g) extracted at the same temperature. After 6 days of
from salmon skin to the same level as for cod skin. further storage, however, the gel strengths of the two sam-
During the treatment with ion exchange resins, the pH ples were identical (195 g). It is well known that gelatine
in the gelatine solutions increased from 4.4 to 6.4 due to gels strengthen during storage. It should be noted, how-
net removal of anions. After filtration and ion exchange ever, that the relative strengthening of fish gelatines was
treatment the gelatine extracts were colourless and free found to be much higher than the strengthening of porcine
from fishy odour. gelatine. The gel strength of cod gelatine extracted at 65 C
increased by 250% with further storage for 6 days after the
3.2. Molecular weight distribution Bloom value was measured, whereas the corresponding
strength increase of porcine gelatine gel was only 23%.
HPLC-gel filtration (Fig. 1) showed that gelatines from Hence, the measurement of standard Bloom value may give
both salmon and cod extracted at 65 C were more hydro- an incorrect impression of the potential gel strength of fish
lyzed than the gelatines extracted at 56 C. The major part gelatines. Gel strengthening during storage is mainly attrib-
uted to regeneration of helical structures between collagen
peptide chains, but is also due to formation of hydrogen
Relative OD (220 nm)

Salmon 56 °C
Salmon 65 °C
Cod 56 °C
Cod 65 °C 250
Gel strength (g)

Salmon 56 °C
150 Salmon 65 °C
Cod 56 °C
Cod 65 °C
10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1
MW (kDa) 0 2 4 6 8
Time (days)
Fig. 1. HPLC gel chromatography of gelatines extracted from the skins of
pig, Atlantic salmon and Atlantic cod. Relative OD at 220 nm is given as a Fig. 2. Gel strengths of gels made from pig, Atlantic salmon and Atlantic
function of molecular weight. cod skin gelatines as functions of storage time at 10 C.
56 J.A. Arnesen, A. Gildberg / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 53–57

bonds between hydroxylated amino acids and incorporated 100

water molecules (Babel, 1996; Haug et al., 2004). Porcine
Salmon 56 °C
3.4. Amino acid composition 80
Salmon 65 °C
70 Cod 56 °C

Viscosity (MPas)
Table 1 shows that gelatine from salmon skin had a 60
1.2% higher molar content of imino acids than gelatine
from cod skin. Apart from this, the only significant differ- 50
ence was that cod gelatine had a higher content of serine. 40
Probably the hydroxyl side chains of serine and other
hydroxylated amino acids play an important role in the
generation of hydrogen bonds and helical structures during 20
the storage gel strengthening. The amino acid compositions 10
of gelatines from each species were identical regardless of
extraction temperature. Accordingly, the extent and ther- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
mostability of intermolecular crosslinks must be an essen- Temperature (˚C)
tial factor influencing the extractability of gelatine from
various skin tissues at different temperatures. Fig. 3. Viscosities of solutions of gelatine extracted from pig, Atlantic
salmon and Atlantic cod skin as functions of temperature.

3.5. Viscosity

Fig. 3 shows the viscosity of gelatines from salmon, cod 4. Conclusions

and pig. At high temperature, gelatines from cod and sal-
mon extracted at 56 C had higher viscosity than porcine The physical properties of salmon skin gelatine were
gelatine. As the temperature approached the gelling point, quite similar to those of cod skin gelatine extracted under
the viscosity increased dramatically. It is well known that the same conditions. The salmon gelatine had a slightly
porcine gelatine has a much higher gelling point than gela- higher content of imino acids, and this is probably the main
tines from cold water fishes. The gelling point of gelatine reason for the slightly higher gel strength and melting point.
from salmon extracted at 56 C was slightly higher The major chemical difference was the lower content of ser-
(12 C) than that for cod gelatine (10 C) extracted at the ine in salmon gelatine. It is suggested that the high content
same temperature. This corresponds with the higher con- of this hydroxylated amino acid in Atlantic cod gelatine,
tent of imino acids in salmon gelatine (Table 1). compared to all other gelatines investigated (Badii and
Howell, 2005; Arnesen and Gildberg, 2002; Gómez-Guillén
et al., 2002), may promote a slow regeneration of helical
structures resulting in the considerable gel strengthening
Table 1 observed during long term storage at low temperature.
Amino acid composition of gelatine from skin of salmon and cod
extracted at 56 and 65 C
Amino acid Salmon Cod
56 C 65 C 56 C 65 C Financial support from The Research Council of Nor-
Aspartic acid 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.2 way is acknowledged.
Glutamic acid 7.4 7.4 7.1 7.3
Hydroxyproline 6.0 6.0 5.6 5.6 References
Serine 4.6 4.6 6.3 6.3
Glycine 36.6 36.4 35.8 36.2
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Histidine 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.2
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