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Class: Totemic Druid

You was cursed by nature. The mother nature choose you as their protector and loyal herald. Maybe
this curse had passing generation by generation until it reach you, or maybe it just had happen only
yesterday by a whym of the nature. The fact is that a mystical force who guides the nature purpose
itself had gifted you with the power to see the world with the eyes of ancient feral spirits.

Hit points: A totemic druid gains 1d8 hit points at each level.

Weapon training: a totemic druid is trained in the use of dagger, longbow, longsword, shortbow,
shortsword, and staff. Totemic druids rarely wear armors because the armors are ripped apart whe
he wears the ancient spirits through the Gaia's Call skills.

Alignment: They tend to be as enigmatic as nature itself, so they tend to be neutral. But in some
cases they tread the path of chaos or law, but not without consequences.
Lawful characters lose permanently 2 Luck points and chaotic characters have disadvantage on Will
saving throws.

Animal Empathy: As well as druids, totemic druids respect all living creatures and the nature do the
same with they. Whenattempting to read, calm, or commune with animals they receive advantage
on rolls.

Survival of the Fittest: Totemic druids known as no equal the mind of the feral instincts and doing so
they are expert hunters. This skill allows the totemic druid to find shelter and sustenance (food,
water), to start fire, to find direction and to give some local knowledge (geography, animal, plants).
The totemic druid can follow tracks of any creature, identify them and tell the number. DC 10 is for
familiar terrain, DC 15 if the totemic druid is not alone (between 2 and 8 people) and DC 20 if not
familiar with the terrain or environment or if there is more than 8 people.

Gaia's Call: This skill gives the totemic druid the ability to transform himself into a feral beast for a
period of time and a number of times per day equal his level. While in the feral form the totemic
druid can't speak (and do other things like read, write, etc) but he still can understand langages, and
ordinary clothes and armors are ripped apart during his transformation.
Totemic druid receives a bonus(+)/penalty(­) on the following ability scores: (+)Strenght, (+)Stamina,
(­)Personality, and (­)Intelligence. The value of this bonus(+)/penalty(­) is equal his Character Level
(CL). If the character's Intelligence or Personality score become zero due the effect of this ability, it
means the totemic druid can't resist to spirit feral instinct and in terms of the game, the player loses
the control of the character for 1d24 hours. After this period the character must make a Luck roll, on
a fail the character die.
The totemic druid can respond to the Gaia's call in a similar way a wizard invoque a patron, but the
games's mechanic involved is slight different. He must make a Personality roll + Luck modifier to
attend the call. For failure, success, and duration consult the chart below. Each feral spirit grants a
different bonus (see below).

Personality Check for Gaia's Call

1­ Lost, failure, unable to use for until the next dawn.
2­6­ Failure and the totemic druid receives ­2 penalty on his Strenght ability.
7­ Failure.
8­12­ Successful. Number of rounds equal to totemic druid’s personality score.
13­15 ­ Successful. Number of rounds equal to double totemic druid’s personality score.
15­18 ­ Successful. It lasts for 1 hour.
19­20 ­ Successful. It lasts for 3 hours.
20+ ­ Successful. It lasts for 8 hours.

Gaia's call Granted powers

Ancient Attack's AC's Damage Action Special
Spirit bonus Bonus Dice Dice
Werebear +CL +CL 1d12 regular • Advantage Fort saving throw and checks related
to smell, survival, and strenght.
Wereboar¹ +CL +CL 1d8 type a • Advantage on Will saving throws.
• +2HP for CL.
Wererat² +CL +CL 1d6 type b • Inflict curse on damage: the target must be
successsful a DC 10+CL or become cursed
receiving ­4 penalty on attack rolls for 1 day.
Weretiger³ +CL +CL 1d12 type a • Advantage rolls related to climb, sneak, hide,
swim, and Reflex saving throws.
Werewolf +CL +CL 1d8 type a • Damage reduction 2 until level 5 and 4 from
level 6 up to level 10 (except for silver
¹Avaliable only to lawful characters.
²Avaliable only to chaotic characters.
³Avaliable only to neutral characters.

Herbalism: Once per day, the totemic druid's nature knowledge give him the ability to cure other
creatures throught the use of herbs and plants. If he have the access to nature plants, after at least 1
hour of search, he has a 50% chance to find medicinal ingredients to prepere 1d4 bandages who can
heal a number of dice equal totemic CL/2, round up. Note that the die healed is equivalent to
target's hit die (warriors can heal d12 dice while thives heal d6 dice, for exemple).

Gaia's favor: The nature protect their sons and gve power to enhance the power to their guardian to
survive. Whenever the totemic druid in his natural form (it doesn't apply whe he is na ancient spirit
form of Gaia's call) suffer damage from enemies, he gain a cumulative bonus to attack rolls, damage
rolls, total life, armor class and saving thows of +2 up to +10.

Nature senses: The totemic druid can asks tho mother Gaia a little portion from the power of wild
animals for a fraction of time. For a number of time per day equal his character level (CL) he can roll
1d20 + Personality modifier + Luck modifier with difficult class 14, on a success he can get one of the
special abilities listed below, for 1 hour:
Infravision: The totemic druid can see in the dark up to 60’.
Keen perception: The totemic druid has advantage on rolls related to perception, initiative
checks, and can't be surprised by creatures except shadows, constructs, or other non­organic
Breath under water: The totemic druid can breath under water.

Luck: A totemic druid applies Luck modifier in Gaia's Call skill checks. Note that the lawful Luck
penalty apply to define the final modifier to this effect.

Languages: At 1st level, a totemic druid automatically knows Common. A totemic druid knows one
additional language for every point of Intelligence modifier.

Action Die: A totemic druid can use his action dice for attack rolls or skills.

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