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Hãy khoanh tròn vào phương án đúng duy nhất trong mỗi câu dưới

Câu 1. Chọn câu trả lời đúng:

A. Số hữu tỉ 0 là số hữu tỉ âm;

B. Số hữu tỉ 0 không là số hữu tỉ âm, cũng không là số hữu tỉ dương;

C. Số hữu tỉ 0 là số hữu tỉ dương;

D. Số hữu tỉ 0 vừa là số hữu tỉ âm, vừa là số hữu tỉ dương.

Câu 2. Số đối của số hữu tỉ 9494 là

Câu 3. An tính √ 100 100 như sau:

√ 100 =(1)√ 64+36 =(2)√ 64 +√ 36 =(3)√ 82 +√ 62 =(4)8+6=14100=164+36=264
Cô giáo chấm bài của An và nói rằng An đã làm sai. Vậy An đã làm sai ở
bước nào?

A. Bước (1);
B. Bước (2);

C. Bước (3);

D. Bước (4).

Câu 4. Trong các phát biểu sau, phát biểu nào sai?

A. Nếu a ∈ ℚ thì a không thể là số vô tỉ;

B. Nếu a ∈ ℤ thì a không thể là số vô tỉ;

C. Nếu a ∈ ℕ thì a không thể là số vô tỉ;

D. Nếu a ∈ ℝ thì a không thể là số vô tỉ.

Câu 5. Chọn khẳng định đúng:

Câu 6. Viết phân số 16151615 dưới dạng số thập phân vô hạn tuần
hoàn ta được:
A. 1,(06);

B. 1,(07);

C. 1,0(6);

D. 1,067.

Câu 7. Điểm nào trên trục số biểu diễn giá trị x thoả mãn |x| = √ 3 3 ?
A. Điểm A;

B. Điểm B;

C. Điểm O;

D. Điểm A và điểm B.

Câu 8. Cho đẳng thức ad = bc (a, b, c, d ≠ 0). Tỉ lệ thức nào sau đây
là sai?

Câu 9. Hai đại lượng nào sau đây không phải hai đại lượng tỉ lệ nghịch?

A. Vận tốc v và thời gian t khi đi trên cùng quãng đường 12 km;

B. Diện tích S và bán kính R của hình tròn;

C. Năng suất lao động N và thời gian t hoàn thành một lượng công việc

D. Một đội dùng x máy cày cùng năng suất để cày xong một cánh đồng
hết y giờ.

Câu 10. Cho hai tấm bìa sau:

A. Chỉ tấm bìa ở Hình 1 ghép được hình hộp chữ nhật;

B. Chỉ tấm bìa ở Hình 2 ghép được hình hộp chữ nhật;

C. Cả hai tấm bìa ở Hình 1 và Hình 2 đều ghép được hình hộp chữ nhật;

D. Cả hai tấm bìa ở Hình 1 và Hình 2 đều không ghép được hình hộp
chữ nhật.

Câu 11. Cho hai đường thẳng xx’ và yy’ cắt nhau tại O tạo thành góc
xOy có số đo bằng 80°. Gọi Ot là tia phân giác của góc xOy, Ot’ là tia đối
của tia Ot (hình vẽ).

Số đo của góc x’Ot’ bằng

A. 20°;

B. 40°;

C. 80°;

D. 120°.

Câu 12. Qua một điểm nằm ngoài đường thẳng d có:

A. hai đường thẳng vuông góc với đường thẳng d;

B. duy nhất một đường thẳng vuông góc với đường thẳng d;

C. ít nhất một đường thẳng vuông góc với đường thẳng d;

D. vô số đường thẳng vuông góc với đường thẳng d.

PHẦN II. TỰ LUẬN (7,0 điểm)

Bài 1. (1,5 điểm) Tính giá trị của các biểu thức sau (tính hợp lí nếu có

Bài 2. (1,0 điểm) Tìm x, biết:

Bài 3. (1,5 điểm) Bạn Nam đi mua vở và nhẩm tính với số tiền hiện có
thì chỉ mua được 10 quyển vở loại I hoặc 12 quyển vở loại II hoặc 15
quyển vở loại III. Biết rằng tổng giá trị tiền 1 quyển vở loại I và 2 quyển
vở loại III nhiều hơn giá tiền 2 quyển vở loại II là 4 000 đồng. Tính giá
tiền của mỗi quyển vở loại III.

Bài 4. (1,0 điểm) Một khối gỗ hình lăng trụ đứng tứ giác có đáy là hình
chữ nhật có kích thước là 5 dm, 6 dm và chiều cao 7 dm. Người ta
khoét từ đáy một cái lỗ hình lăng trụ đứng tam giác, đáy là một tam
giác vuông có hai cạnh góc vuông là 3 dm, 4 dm và cạnh huyền là 5 dm
(hình vẽ).

Người ta cần sơn toàn bộ các mặt của khối gỗ, tính thể tích khối gỗ và
diện tích bề mặt cần sơn.

Bài 5. (1,0 điểm) Cho hình vẽ dưới đây.

a) Vẽ lại hình và viết giả thiết kết luận.

b) Chứng minh AM // CN.

c) Tính số đo góc ABC.

Bài 6. (1,0 điểm)

a) Một cửa hàng thời trang có chương trình giảm giá 20% cho tất cả các
sản phẩm. Đặc biệt nếu khách hàng nào có Thẻ thành viên của cửa
hàng thì được giảm giá thêm 10% trên giá đã giảm. Chị Phương đến
cửa hàng mua một chiếc áo dạ, khi thanh toán hóa đơn, chị Phương chỉ
cần trả 2 160 000 đồng do có thẻ thành viên. Hỏi giá niêm yết của chiếc
áo là bao nhiêu?

b) Tìm giá trị lớn nhất của biểu thức −√ x2+16 +2030.

Tiếng Anh

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. A. nation B. station C. mention D. question
2. A. Asia B. sugar C. usual D. vision
3. A. leisure B. unsure C. pleasure D. treasure
4. A. chef B. cherry C. chilli D. chicken
5. A. shoped B. laughed C. loved D. walked
6. A. visited B. painted C. added D. knocked
7. A. special B. musician C. offcial D. cello
* Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. I think model making is an expensive hobby.’ ‘________ . It’s incredibly cheap.
A. That’s alright. B. Certainly C. No, not at all D. No problem
2.I love ____ trees in my backyard.
A.plant B. planting C. plants D.planted
3.My friend _____ karate twice a week.
A. goes B. has C. does D. plays
4.He likes _____ activities such as cleaning up the park and donating food for
A. sport B. tutor C.indoor D. community
5. I’m not as _______ as my brother. He plays the guitar very well.
A. clean B. responsible C. fit
6.My favorite ________ is roast chicken. D. artistic
A. biscuit B. juice C. dish
7.If you want to study at this school, you have to pass a(n) ________. D.
A. entrance exam B. midterm C. final exam
8. She usually exercises to keep ___. D. school library
A. unhealthy B. clean C. tidy
9. I like cartoons, but I ___________ them much. D. fit
A. don’t watch B. not watch C. doesn’t watch
10. We _____ hiking and stayed overnight in a tent last month. D. not to
A. did B. went C. played
11. Jim hates horse ______. D. had
A. rides B. ride C. riding
12. My brother ____ I go for a walk together after dinner. D. to ride
A. and B. but C. so
13. Trinh Cong Son _____ a lot of excellent songs long time ago. D. or
A. compose B. composed C. composes
14. Tony studied a lot _____ failed the exam. D. is composing
A. and B. or C. so
15. The piano is her favorite ______. D. but
A. sculpture B. drawing C. instrument
16. Coconut is a basic ____ for many curries and other Asian dishes. D. concert
A. factor B. ingredient C. recipe
17. He doesn’t have ______ books. There are only two books in his bag. D.
A. much B. many C. some
18. She paints ____ an artist. D. any
A. like B. as C. to
19. Naomi is _______________ beautiful as her sister. D. from
A. not like B. not to C. not the same
20. Jack: How _____ water ____ in the world's largest swimming pool?
Jill: 250 million litres. D. not as
A. much - are B. many - is C. much - is
21. She is very tired today because she didn’t get _____ sleep last night. D.
many - are
A. many B. a lot C. some
22. Emma and Leo are not them same height. Emma is _______ Leo. D. much
A. as tall as B. not as tall as C. more tall than
23. Don’t worry. We have _______ time to finish the project. D. not tall than
A. a B. any C. many
24. I don’t want sweetened drink, but _____ sugar is okay. D. lots of
A.many B. a lot of C. some
25. Kelly: How ______ litres of blood ____ there in a human body?
John: 5 litres. D. any
A: many - are B. much - are C. many - is D. much - is
26. Candice doesn't look like her father and her mother. Her physical appearance
is __ her parents.
A. same B. the same as C. different from D. different than
27. The dolphin looks ____ a fish but in fact it’s a mammal.
A. like B. same as C. different from D. the same like
28. My favorite ____ is beef noodle soup.
A. menu B. drink C. dish D. broth
29. Lucy: How _______ eggs _____ he need to make pancakes? Lara: Four eggs
A. much - does B. many - does C. much - do D. many - do
30. This restaurant _____ delicious dishes such as beefsteak, spring rolls and eel
A. eats B. drinks C. uses D. serves
31. How about going to a concert tonight?
A. Never mind. B. I’d love to but I’m really busy. C.You’re welcome.
32. Did she buy _____ souvenirs on the trip to Da Nang? D. Don’t mention
A. lot of B. much C. some D. any
33. We are in the _______. We are doing scientific tests.
A. gym B. laboratory C. sports hall
34. He wants ____ jam and ______ butter for his toast. D. studio
A. some - some B. much - many C. some - many
35. There are lots of snacks at my school’s _____ . D. many – some
A. garden B. canteen C. computer room
36. We cooked ______ food for dinner because we invited many friends. D.
A. lots of B. many C. some
37. Bella: How ____ languages can he speak?
- Joe: Seven languages. D. no
A. a lot of B. many C. much

38. How _____ are five kilos of rice?

- They’re 150,000 dong. D. some
A. much B. many C. some D. any
39.I saw an old friend ___ the bus ____ Friday evening, but he didn’t see me.
A. in - on B. in - in C. on – on D. at - at
40.The film starts _____ 8 p.m _____ Saturday.
A. in - on B. at - on C. in - at D. at - in
41.Oxford University is one of the oldest universities ____ the UK.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
42.Children should ______ outdoor activities for physical and mental health benefits.
A. take place B. take part in C. build D. occur
43.The girls like skipping rope or playing badminton ____ .
A. on break time B. in break time C. at break time D. in time break
*Circle the underlined part that needs correction in each sentence.
44.The plane takes off in 6:00 tomorrow morning.
45. She is doing yoga on the club now.
46.Her style is quite different to mine.
47.How many are six cartons of orange juice?
48.We spent any money traveling to Thailand last month.

I - Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
best answer to each of the questions.
Richard is a well-known writer. He likes fishing very much. He is very good at
fishing. He usually goes to the river behind his house to fish. He often catches a lot
of fish but he only keeps the big ones and releases the small ones. He says that
fishing gives him the inspiration to write.
One summer, he decided to go to the seaside and stayed in a cheap hotel. He
went to the sea to fish. He was very glad to catch a lot of big fish on the first day,
the second day and so on. He gave all the fish to the kitchen of the hotel and the
chef cooked the fish for the guests there. The guests were very happy to eat the
fresh fish every day.
After a month of staying in the hotel, he decided to come back home. He paid for
the hotel room, the meals and he was surprised to receive a 30 USD extra bill for
cooking oil, (1 USD/ a day for oil to fry fish).
1. What is Richard's hobby?
A.writing B.talking C.playing 2.
What does he usually do when going fishing?
A. He write lots of children’s books.
B. He keeps the big fish and releases the small ones.
C. He listens to music
D. He likes keeping small fish.
3. What is the benefit of his hobby?
A. He can find out the inspiration to write. B. He can relax after work.
C. He can eat fresh fish. D.He can go swimming.
4.Why were the guests at the hotel happy?
A.Because they stayed in a cheap hotel.
B.Because they ate the fresh fish every day.
C.They didn't have to pay for the meals.
D.They received the fresh fish from my uncle every day.
5.Why did Richard have an extra pay for the hotel?
A.He ate fish every day
B.He used the cooking oil
C.He caught a lot of fish
D.The chef used the cooking oil to fry his fish.

II. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each gap.
My name is Alice. I’m a student at Wonderland Talent School. Wonderland is not
(1) ______ any other schools in the area because it is a school of arts and (2)
____. It teaches students to play musical instruments, sing, dance and paint. To
become a student at Wonderland, you must pass a (3) _____ exam. Then, the
teachers will put you in a class that is suitable for your talent. Besides (4) _____,
you can join arts and music clubs. For example, you can be a member of the
(5) ____ to perform on special occasions. It’s fun to learn here.
1. A. like B. as C. Same D. such
2. A. photography B. music C. drawing D.
3. A. performance B. singing C. open-book D.
4. A. celebrating B. playing C. learning D. cleaning 5. A. student
B. choir C. group D. team
III. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate
the best answer to each of the questions.
It’s very important to have healthy teeth. Good teeth help us chew our food. They
also help us look nice. How does a tooth go bad? When germs and bit of food
collect in a little crack in the enamel covering of the tooth, the decay
subsequently begins. Then the decay slowly spreads inside to the tooth.
Eventually, poison goes into the blood, and we may feel quite ill.
How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we should see a dentist twice a year.
He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can
examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way.
Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at
least twice a day - once after the breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can
also use wooden toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal.
Thirdly, we should reduce chocolates, sweets, biscuits and cakes, especially when
we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they stick to our teeth
and cause decay.
1. What do good teeth help us?
A. be funny
B. have good eyesight
C. chew our food
D. be more beautiful
2. What happens to our tooth if food and germs collect in a small crack?
A. become hard
B. send poison into the blood
C. begin to decay
D. make us feel quite ill
3. When do lots of people see a dentist?
A. Their teeth grow properly
B. They have holes in their teeth
C. They have some loose teeth
D. They don’t have any toothbrush.
4. When should we clean our teeth?
A. After breakfast
B. Before breakfast
C. Before bedtime
D. Both A &C
5. What kind of foos shouldn’t we eat a lot?
A. red rice B. fresh fruit C. fish D. sweets
IV. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each gap.
The first reason why many families (1)___ volunteer work is that they feel
satisfied and proud. The feeling of fulfillment comes from (2)_____ the
community and other people. In addition, volunteering is a great way for families
to have fun and feel closer. But many people say they don't have time to
volunteer because they have to work and take care (3)____ their families. If that's
the case, try rethinking some of your free time as a family. You can select just one
or two projects a year and make them a family tradition. For instance, your family
can make and (4)____ gift baskets to the old homeless people on holidays. Your
family can also spend only one Saturday morning a month (5) _____ rubbish in
your neighborhood. 1. A. play B. do C. go D. talk
2. A. helping B. controlling C. complaining D. littering
3. A. from B. for C. about D. of
4. A. make B. donate C. exchange D. reuse
5. A. throwing B. picking C. collecting D. dropping
V - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False
In Vietnam, family meals with many traditional Vietnamese foods are one of the
unique cultural features. People still appreciate the family meals even if they are
getting busier with their business. In some big cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh, parents are always busy. They get up early in the morning and take their
children to school before going to work. The children study and have lunch at
school and the parents usually work and eat lunch at offices. Therefore, dinner
becomes the most important meal of the day for most of the families in Vietnam
because it connects family members together and helps them share a meal and
talk together after a hard day’s work.
1.Dinner is the most important meal of all families in Vietnam.
2.Meals with traditional food are one of the unique cultural features.
3.Children in big cities in Vietnam usually have lunch at home.
4.They dislike the family meals when they become busier with their work.
5.Having dinner together helps family members become closer.
* Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. cooking / in / She / her free time. / loves / painting/ and
2. movies/ aren’t / Her/ like / mine. / favorite
3. stay up/ You / not/ too late. / should
4. put / I / some / my toast. / butter/ on
5. learned / English / Her brother / the UK. / in

* Rewrite the following sentences, using the prompts

11.Cycling is faster than than walking. (as)
12.Pop music is not like folk music. (different)
13.Let’s meet at 7:45 outside of the theatre. (about)
14.Children should join in outdoor activities with their friends. (take)
15.Which do you prefer, pizza or fried chicken? (better)

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