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hi guys it's oli here in today's video

i'm going to show you how to make these

electric matches i'm using my homemade

nitro cellulose lacquer which you can

see performs pretty good

to waterproof them i cut a few pieces of

visco fuse

if you don't have visco i will show you

a version later which has uh which uses

normal matches

so i strip the insulation from these

copper wires and i'm using this kanthal

wire it is

very similar to nichrome it's a point 16

millimeter stick

and i'm just going to twist it around

this bare copper

wires i'm using this power resistor just

to have a good spacing in between it can

be a piece of wood whatever

it will be removed anyways

unfortunately kanto cannot be soldered

maybe nichrome can i'm not sure but i

anyway wouldn't trust the soldering

this folding back method is much more

reliable i have never had an e-match an

electric match or igniter which have

failed due to bad contact it has never

you can see on the right side how it

heats up

i just form it with the plier and then

i'm using the unsealed end of the visco

and just gently

pull this candle wire in it

and seal it up with

just one little drop


this nitrocellulose lacquer

and when that

lacquer dries it dries pretty fast


then i just

make sure that this candle wire is

properly conformed to the visco

and then i dip the whole thing into the

nitrocellulose lacquer this waterproofs

it and keeps the whole thing together it

will not fall out it could be after

drying it could be used this way

but sometimes i just like to put a

little sleeve around it like a little

paper tube

i usually use gum to tape but if you

have no access to it i'm going to show

i'm just showing how to i mean everyone

knows how to make a paper tube

i just make it and then insert this

ready image basically

and then on the bottom end i pinch

together the paper and i like to tie it

up with the with the thread or the yarn

just to make sure that it holds properly

and just with the use of a little lipo

it's very easy to ignite and it gives


a pretty amount of

flame and sparks

this is with the match version the same

thing you just actually

loop around this

this uh


of the head of the match and tie it off

with the with the thread

i didn't even dip it into the

nitro cellulose macro if someone does

not have access to it

that's all it gives much less flame of

course but it still works and here i

just put up five images on my

homemade fireworks system

so you can see how they were they're

very reliable actually

i used them for many many years now this

is a short video for those who bought my

earlier project
so they can use it for the purpose of it

and it's intended

as always guys thanks for watching

share your thoughts and questions in the

comment section

and check out my other videos as well

don't forget to subscribe

thanks guys


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