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Alvina Dhalait

12th Science B

6th July 2023

Shantiniketan Junior College

Respected Sir/Maam

I am writing to express my interest in applying for the position of class

representative for Class 12 SCIENCE B . I believe that I possess the qualities and
skills necessary to effectively represent the interests and concerns of my
I would like to highlight a few reasons why I believe I am a suitable candidate
for the role:
Leadership Skills: Throughout my academic journey, I have developed strong
leadership abilities. I have actively participated in group projects,
extracurricular activities, and volunteer work, where I have successfully
coordinated and motivated team members to achieve goals. I believe these
experiences have equipped me with the necessary skills to lead and represent
my class effectively.
Responsibility and Reliability: I understand the importance of being punctual,
meeting deadlines, and fulfilling commitments. If selected as the class
representative, I will be accountable for carrying out my duties.
Communication Skills: I consider effective communication to be an important
aspect of successful representation. I am confident in my ability to listen
attentively, express ideas , and communicate the needs and concerns of my
classmates to the concerned individuals.
If given the opportunity to serve as the class representative, I will strive to
create a positive and open environment where all students feel heard, valued,
and supported. I will actively work towards encouraging open communication
between students and teachers, ensuring that our concerns and suggestions
are considered.

Thank you for considering my application. I am confident that I can fulfill the
responsibilities of the class representative and contribute positively to my class
and school community.



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