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Colours in the structure of phraseological units.

Phraseological units originated in the language represent the reflection of the culture of
people and create rich lexical material and demonstrate a close connection between the
existing language and the society spoken in this language. The lexical group of colour
designation is significant in creation and expression of a language picture. Colour names are
widely used to describe different things, the environment, human appearance, features, and
actions, emotional and physical state.Colors are represented by a rich phraseology both in
English, and Georgian languages.
There are many expressions using the word "black" to convey misfortune or cruelty.
To be in the black - is said for a bank account in credit (черный список);
Black and blue - having the skin darkly discolored as the result of being hit, especially
repeatedly (быть в синяках);
Black economy - an unofficial system of employing and paying workers without observing
legal requirements (нелегальное производство);
Black sheep - someone who is thought by other members of their group to be a failure or to
have brought shame on the group (позор для группы);

The color of the clear sky or of the deep sea on the fine day. It also expresses
sadness, that someone is depressed and without hope.
Once in a blue moon - very rarely, seldom (когда рак на горе свиснет);
Out of the blue - unexpectedly (как гром среди ясного неба);
Blue blood - of high or noble birth; an aristocrat, from the upper class of society (голубых
Blue funk - -a state of great terror or loss of nerve (замешательство, испуг, паника).

Often means "new". It is also used to mean something immature. Many fruits and
vegetables are green when they are too young to eat, changing colour as they mature.
Be not as green as one is cabbage-looking - be not so stupid as it may seem (быть не
таким уж глупым, как может показаться);
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence - said of the people who never seem
satisfied and always think that others have a better situation than they have (хорошо там,
нас HET);
The rub of the green - a piece of bad luck that has to be accepted (чёрная полоса)
the color of blood or fire, is also used as a sign of danger and in signs on roads
meaning "stop"
Be like a red rag/a red Flag to a bull - (informal) to be likely to cause uncontrollable anger
(быть болезненным для кого-либо);
Red alert - a condition of readiness to deal with a situation of sudden great danger
готовности перед лицом опасности);
Red coat - английский солдат
It's the color of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity, sunshine
and spring.
Yellow brick road - a road which leads to a place where a person can find something good
(путь, в конце которого человека ждёт достижение цели или воплощение мечты);
Yellow line - (in Britain) a line of yellow paint at the edge of a street, which shows that
parking of vehicles is not allowed at certain times (жёлтая линия);
Yellow journalism - - means irresponsible, exaggerated, lurid, and even slanderous
(жёлтая пресса);
Yellow card - a card held up by a football or rugby referee to show that a player is to be
(жёлтая карточка).

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