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Revelation 2:12-17

One of the more popular symbols of our time is the serpent, used by medical professionals all over. This
is because the serpent is the image of the pagan god of healing, Esclapius. He was the chief of four gods
in the majestic city of Pergamum, center of culture and learning, origin of the precious product
pergameno, and home to the 200,000 volume library gifted by Anthony to Cleopatra. People from all
over the world flocked to this city every year to seek relief and healing from this god. Amidst such
opulence, idolatry and sophistication, a small church was trying to defend its faith, the church in
Pergamum, the second recipient of the letter of Jesus Christ to the churches. Many were tempted and
persecuted. Some withstood it, many gave in, others simply compromised and invented their own brand
of Christianity. Jesus had one message for them – NO COMPROMISE!

Controlling Question: How can we avoid compromising our faith?


It is possible for all Christians to be corrupted (v19). It is for this reason that corruption must not be
allowed to gain a foothold in our lives. These Christians were sincere, hardworking, loving and had faith.
The only fault they had was their tolerance of the evil in their midst which if left unchecked would bring
about their downfall.

The did not deny the faith

They remained loyal to the name of Jesus by not denying the faith. They were right at the center of
the conflict and controversy, where Satan dwells. Such a description is a direct allusion to the cults
and their influence among the people.
 They were tempted to compromise.
 They were persecuted to death as illustrated by Antipas. The name means “against all” which
could be an indication of the extent of the received persecution.

They desired more what God had to give

They did not even know it at the time but Jesus promised them:
 Hidden manna – a promise of nourishment. Manna was a food in the wilderness. In the midst
of such deprivation, God assures them of spiritual and physical sustenance.
 White stone with new name written on it. During ancient times, people were given small
stones with things written on them as an assurance of their acceptance. If you were to a
royal party, it becomes your passport to enter. The value is not on the stone but on what is
written on it. The promised stone therefore was an assurance to these Christians that
although the wicked world around has rejected and persecuted them, Jesus accepts and
welcomes them in the fold.

Illustrate: The occasions of torture and persecution in KSA where Christians are forced to deny
the faith. Some do so for convenience’s sake and justify themselves one way or the other.


Balaam is mentioned here in particular and compared to the Nicolaitans. This is the principal form of
compromise that many among them make to escape the isolation and the persecution. What was wrong
with Balaam? His sin is described in the bible in 3 ways.

The teaching of Balaam (Rev 2:14; Numbers 31:15-16)

 Balaam urged King Balak to corrupt Israel by urging them to intermarry with heathen and
thus be exposed and commit idolatry and immoral practices.
 The teaching of Balak therefore was for the people of God to compromise their faith and
purity by intermarriage with the immoral and idolaters.
 ILLUSTRATE: The companies we keep can uphold or corrupt us in our faith.
 APPLY: Choose your friends, employers, and alliances well.

The way of Balaam (2 Peter 2:15-16)

 Here Balaam sold his prophetic gift for money but was rebuked by God. He was hired by
Balak, king of Moab to curse Israel but God forbade him by having an ass speak to him.
 ILLUSTRATE: The Nicolaitans who compromised their faith for social acceptance and material
 APPLY: Let us evaluate properly the gifts of the Lord had entrusted to us and make the
commitment to use them for him and not for ourselves.

The error of Balaam (Jude 1:11)

 The error of Balaam is PRESUMPTION. He presumed that God would follow his own caprices
and dictates. He was thus surprised that instead of curses, it was blessings that came out of
his mouth.
 ILLUSTRATE: What presumptions do we make about God and His will?

Jesus here is introduced as the One who has the two-edged sword. This description is repeated many
times in the Bible and it refers to the Word of God through Jesus. The word of God is two-edged because
it brings condemnation and salvation at the same time, condemnation to the stubborn and salvation to
those who hear. It separates the true from the false, the pure from the adulterated. We are challenged
today not to compromise our faith by remaining faithful to the Lord until the end and avoiding the sins of
Balaam, trying to please both the Lord and others at the same time. Today, even as always, we cannot
serve two masters.

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