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Lesson Plan

Lesson plan Experience
Starter level Starter/Beginner Readers

A Little Trouble in California Richard MacAndrew

Aims angry and worried. Their father is angry and
everything is very serious.
■ To make students interested in the book.
Now pair students who have studied Illustration
■ To introduce some of the main characters from
2 up with students who have studied Illustration
the book.
3. Ask each pair member to share their notes and
■ To give students the opportunity to do some then to discuss and write down what they think has
simple creative writing. happened in the time between Illustration 2 and
Illustration 3. Feedback to the whole class. How
NB You may find that many of the activities described
similar are everyone’s ideas?
below can be exploited better in your students’ own
language or mother tongue if you speak it. The mother 4 Ask students to write captions for both illustrations
tongue, if used carefully as a resource, can facilitate and then ask them to vote for their favourite. They
your students’ progress in English and help them to should not vote for their own caption.
understand the context of the story, thus preparing them
to understand it better when they read it. 5 Ask students to read Extract 1 and then to talk
about it with a partner and make notes. They
Pre-reading Activities should answer the following questions: What is
happening? What is the man doing? What is going
1 Tell students that the title of the book is A Little to happen next? They will be able to get some of the
Trouble in California and ask them to look at information from the text, but will also have to use
Illustration 1 (the cover of the book). If possible also ideas of their own.
show them a copy of the book so they can see the
colours. Tell students that the people on the cover 6 Tell students to use their notes from What is going to
are called Andy and Mary, who are teenagers. Elicit happen next? to continue writing the scene.
what the cover and the title make students expect.
7 Ask students to read Extract 2 and to make notes
Possible answers: Andy and Mary are the two main about what the extract tells us about Mary and
characters of the story, they will get into trouble, the Andy.
story takes place by the sea in a beautiful place.
Possible answers: They don’t tell their parents
2 Elicit and/or teach some descriptive vocabulary everything if they think they will get into trouble.
to describe the picture on the cover and write Mary doesn’t get scared easily. Andy doesn’t tell
suggestions up on the board. Students may use their his sister what he thinks but her ideas worry him
dictionaries if they wish. sometimes.
Possible answers: sunset, silhouette, beach, calm 8 Ask students to read Extract 3 where information
sea, buildings, colour of fire, fence. about turtles is included in dialogue between the
3 Ask half the class to look at Illustration 2, and the characters. Now ask students to choose an animal
other half to look at Illustration 3. Now ask students and to use their dictionaries and/or books/the
to make some notes about what they think is Internet to find out some vocabulary and facts
happening in their illustration, what the mood is, about it. Next, students write some simple dialogue
how people are feeling etc. between two characters (they can be Andy and
Mary). The dialogue should include some of the
Possible answers: Illustration 2 – It is Mary and vocabulary and information they have found out
Andy’s birthdays. They are thirteen. They are about their animal.
sitting with their mother and father on the sofa and
everyone is happy as the two open gifts. Illustration 9 Ask students to look at Extract 4, which is a mixed
3– the family is outside on the beach. Andy and up scene of A Little Trouble in California. Tell them
Mary have done something to make their parents to put the scene in the right order.
Cambridge Experience Readers   © Cambridge University Press 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Answer: 9, 7, 10, 4, 3, 5, 12, 2, 8, 1, 11, 6.
Alternatively, you could photocopy this extract
several times and cut it up in pieces (so that there
are enough for each student to have a piece of the
scene). Ask students to walk around the room until
they have found people who have the same extract
as them – NB they are not allowed to show their
pieces of paper to anyone, they must read them out.
The next task is for these groups to circulate together
to try to identify the correct order of the scene. The
groups should then stand in the right order and take
it in turns to read out their extract.
10 Ask students to look at Illustration 4. Now divide the
class into two groups – Group A and Group B. Each
group should now write some thought or speech
bubbles for Andy and Mary; Group A’s should be
humorous and Group B’s dramatic. Share with the
whole class.
Post-reading Activities
1 Tell students to talk to a partner about their
favourite part of the book.
2 Ask students to imagine they are journalists
attending a press conference following the arrest
of Officer McMahon. Andy, Mary, their parents
and Daryl are all there. Students should think of
questions to ask them. Act out the press conference.
3 Ask students to write a short newspaper article with
the title Turtles Saved!
4 Ask students to write a short list of questions about
the events of the book and then get them to try them
out on another student to test what they remember.

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Extract 1 My notes
Mary starts taking some photos. Andy is looking out to
sea and listening to his MP3 player.
Then the man sees Mary.
‘Hey! What are you doing?’ he shouts.
‘Nothing,’ says Mary.
‘You’re taking photos of me,’ he says and starts walking up
the beach.
‘I’m just taking pictures of the beach,’ says Mary.
‘Come here!’ says the man.
‘I don’t like this,’ Mary says to Andy. ‘Come on! Run!’
But Andy doesn’t hear Mary or the man.
‘Andy!’ shouts Mary. ‘Quick! Run!’
Andy looks up and sees the man’s face.
He turns and runs fast after Mary.
Extract 2
They run away from Darryl and back to the house.
‘Don’t say anything to Mum and Dad,’ Mary tells Andy.
‘OK,’ answers Andy.
They go into the house.
‘Hi, Mum! Hi, Dad!’ they say.
‘It’s time for bed,’ says David.
‘But, Dad-’ starts Mary.
‘No “buts”,’ says Ellen.
In their bedroom, Mary says, ‘I want to go back to that
beach tomorrow.’
‘Oh no!’ thinks Andy. But he doesn’t say anything.’
Extract 3
‘I love turtles,’ says Andy. ‘Do you know – they swim over
eleven thousand kilometres to get here?’
‘And some people eat them,’ laughs Mary.
‘Mary!’ says Ellen. ‘Stop it!’
Andy laughs too.

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Extract 4 My notes
1 ‘I’m going to look down here,’ she says and turns right.
Andy waits for her. Then he hears her.
2 They run up the street and turn left. And then they stop.
They can’t see the car.
3 Andy stops running.
4 The car drives away and turns right. Andy and Mary run
after the car. The car turns left.
5 ‘He’s in the car, Mary,’ he says. ‘And we’re not.’
6 Andy runs to his sister. The white car is there – it’s in front
of a grey building.
7 ‘Mary, stop!’ says Andy.
8 They look up and down the street, but there’s no white car.
They start to walk back. Mary looks sad.
9 She starts running.
10 But he starts running too.
11 It’s here,’ shouts Mary.
12 ‘Don’t stop,’ says Mary. ‘Come on!’

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Illustration 1 My notes

Illustration 2

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Illustration 3 My notes

Illustration 4

Cambridge Experience Readers   © Cambridge University Press 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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