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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 1 (00:39):
You can never reach the house of virtue unless you spend from what you love and whatever you spend for
Allah, Allah knows it. Today we will read only one verse of this verse, we will see the translation of it first,

Speaker 1 (01:03):
then we will see how this verse was revealed and how it affected the lives of the companions. And then we will
see how we can implement it in our own lives. There are a lot of words in Arabic like maa, naa, but nan means
you will never reach it, tanalu is derived from the word anneal,

Speaker 1 (01:37):
anneal is the expression of the thing that a person can hold in his hand. So you are saying that you will not be
able to hold the bir in your hand, you will not be able to reach it, you will not be able to hold the bir in your
hand. The word bir in Arabic is basically the opposite of the word bhar,

Speaker 1 (02:12):
meaning the sea, which is not always stable, it is always moving, and this is the opposite of it. So this is
khushki, khushki means the jungle, which is big and wide, number one is wide and number one is stable,
which means that you cannot reach such virtues that are based on vasti and which have stability.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
So this is the word vir, meaning the two meanings of the word vir, one is stability and the other is vastness.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Now this is that the vastness can be found in many things, the vastness can be found in the results of that virtue,
the vastness can be found in the greatness of that virtue, so there are a lot of meanings in that. But if we want to
reach that level, then we should spend as much as we can. Now in this there is the word anfaku,

Speaker 1 (03:32):
otherwise normally in the Quran there is anfaku or bin maal, which means to spend from your wealth, in this
Allah has not specified wealth, you can spend from anything, you can spend from anything that you have a lot
of love for, then you have spent for Allah, so if you spend then you will reach that level of virtue. Now there
are two things in this, this word Allah has used,

Speaker 1 (04:01):
this has been addressed to us, Allah has said that you cannot reach that level of virtue, normally in the Quran
Allah says that Allah has addressed every listener, you cannot reach that level of virtue until you search for the
one from whom you have a lot of love. So this is one thing, the second thing is that Allah can use the word
khair instead of birr,

Speaker 1 (04:36):
khair also means virtue, but as I mentioned with you that the difference between khair and birr is that the birr is
the one who works, he is the one who spreads his wealth, he is the one who is stable and long lasting, then the
next word is nantanaaloo birra, hatta tun fikoo mimmaa turhi, this word mimmaa, but this is also a blessing of
Allah that Allah has said that we cannot reach that level of virtue until we spend from that level of virtue, from
which we have a lot of love,

Speaker 1 (05:09):
if Allah had said that maa turhi boon, that means to spend everything, then whatever we have a lot of love for,
we have to spend from that level of virtue, this is the special message of Allah, that we can reach that level of
virtue, we don't have to spend everything,

Speaker 1 (05:32):
we don't have to spend all our wealth, we don't have to spend all our wealth.

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