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22/09/2023 01:49 Ressources apprentissage anglais: 23.

Les adjectifs: 23 Les adjectifs - exercices

23 Les adjectifs - exercices

1) Suffixes : formez un adjectif à partir du mot propose et insérez-le dans la phrase. Attention à la différence actif/passif (-ed/-ing) ou à la
terminaison à utiliser (-able, -ful, etc)

2) How do you expect me to perform in front of a _____________audience? (BORE)

3) The project she described was undoubtedly an _____________one. (EXCITE)

4) Who could have told that they would be so _____________by my visit? (SURPRISE)

5) You knew all along that there was a _____________option, didn't you? (PREFER)

6) I found his first novel quite _____________, unlike the following two. (INTEREST)

7) The exercise was very _____________, I now understand the rules better. (HELP)

8) They were so _____________by the monster that they screamed very loudly. (FRIGHTEN)

9) He told me _____________ stories about his years in Vietnam. (END)

10) Never forget to be _____________about what you do to avoid making mistakes. (CARE)

2) Ordre : remettre les adjectifs dans l’ordre correct

1. He owns a (house – white – big).

2. Henry was a (man – clever – small).

3. She explored the (horrible – bedroom – small)

4. Julie is a (dark-haired - tall - woman).

5. My neighbor was a (kind - old - joyful - woman).

6. He wore (cotton - grey - old - pants) and a (belt - leather - black).

7. The girl was looking at a (big - butterfly - beautiful).

8. It was a (film - American - old - good).

9. He was wearing a (shirt – dark blue - baseball).


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22/09/2023 01:49 Ressources apprentissage anglais: 23. Les adjectifs: 23 Les adjectifs - exercices 2/2

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