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Source Analysis - SAC

Topic areas:
 Weimar: degree of political, economic and social change, causes of hyperinflation
 Stresemann: Political and economic policies implemented
 Munich putsch: role of hitler

Question types:
 3 questions using the sources and your own knowledge - short answer (factual
 One extended response - 8 marks (evaluation)

How it came to be:
Autumn 1918 allies offered the Germans peace on the condition that it became a democratic
country. When the Kaiser refused, sailors in Kiel mutinied This triggered other revolts, the
Socialists led uprisings in towns and ports across Germany In Bavaria an independent
Socialist Republic was declared 9 November 1918 the Kaiser abdicated his throne and left
Germany for the Netherlands 10 November the Socialist leader Friedrich Ebert became the
new leader of the Republic of Germany 11 November he signed an armistice with the allies
A new constitution was drawn up, the Weimar Republic would be democratic • All Germans
over 20 could vote • Proportional Representations • Chancellor needed support of half the
Reichstag • The head of state was the President. He stayed out of day to day running of the
country but in a crisis he could rule the country through Article 48, he would have emergency
powers and would not have to consult the Reichstag The reaction of German politicians was
unenthusiastic There was opposition was from the left and right The right developed a myth
that Ebert had stabbed Germany in the back and caused the defeat in the war On the left
Communists believed that at this stage what Germany actually needed was a Communist
Revolution like there was in Russia in 1917 In January 1919 free elections took place in
Germany’ history Ebert’s party won a majority and a new government was formed in Weimar
due to Berlin being too violent

Political changes:
 Marked the end of the German Monarchy and beginning of a democratic system
 However the system was extremely unstable as it had numerous parties with
conflicting ideas and morals- uprisings
 Increase of women rights
 Unemployment insurance 3% of wages
Economic changes:
 More disposable income
Social changes:
 Bloom in cultural and artistic endeavours
 Increase in art
 Increase in women’s rights
 Living conditions increase
 50-46 wages rose by 25%
Causes of hyperinflation + impact, changes in currency and why:
 War reparations
 Government debt
 Wall street crash
 Printed money
 Loss of productive capacity

Government revenue only A QUARTER OF WHAT IS NEEDED

Unemployment and failing factories mean that theyre getting less tax money
Therefore printing more money 300 paper mills 200 printing shops for bank notes makes
inflation worse prices rise more money printed cycle
Bread 1 mark 1919 1922 100m 1913 100 billion marks normal living becomes impossible
Shops refusing money- barter german marks become worthless against other currencies
Foreign suppliers start refusing german marks
Savings become worthless
Benefit loans decrease
Hoarders make profit
Foreign visitors currencies increases
August 1923 – solution
Republic so much damage- Weimar republic- november criminals
Streseman stabilising inflation Rentenmark new currency tied to the price of gold
Decrease of foreign exchange

Peaked at 1923 suitcases replaced wallets - then wheelbarrows

1933 Weimar republic about to collapse
Great depression created an economic crisis - 6 million unemployed in Germany

Political instability fuelled by disagreements on how to solve economic crisis fear of turning
into communism and changes in political personnelle

Hitler manoeuvred Weimar republic president Hinden burg make him Chancellor- nazi’s did
not have the majority of seats- secured deals with other political parties to give the nazi party
a parliamentary majority in mid 1933
Under Legislation set up to allow Hitler to make laws up to 4 years without the permission of
the government (Reichstag) all parties were banned expect the nazi’s
Night of long knives 29th June 1934 secret asasination to kill powerful opponent- make hitler
Germany’s supreme leader

Stabilised Germany - The Golden Era: (expand on this)
Chancellor for only a few months
Leading member of every government from 1923-1929

Political policies implemented:

 1925 Locarno pact, agree for the changes in border giving up/ respecting the right for
France to keep Alsace/Lorraine
 1926 League of Nations, Germany was allowed to join meaning it was being deemed
as an equal and a large power. It legitimised the German Government Nazi’s no
longer required as they had acquired a national identity.
 Foreign policy based on fulfilment of treaty of versailles peace terms which was
detested by right wings (accepting mistakes)
Economic policies implemented:
 Dawes Plan, which would reduce reparations, USA would provide business loans
and an increase in foreign investment. Germany would only pay as much as she
could afford. Decreasing hyperinflation. 800 million marks renegotiated reparations
 The young plan, reduce reparation for Germany by ⅓ so they would not be entirely
 Called off passive resistance in Ruhr
 Called in worthless marks and burnt them
 Replaced marks with a new currency called the Rentenmark

Wall street crash then great depression all work fell apart

Some money went into business replacing old equipment with latest technology Some went
into providing new facilities for Germany By 1927 German industry seemed to have
recovered well 1928 achieved the same levels of production as before the war and became
the worlds second greatest industrial power Wages rose For many Germans there was a
higher standard of living Reparations were being paid Exports were on the increase
Government was even able to increase welfare benefits and wages for state employees
The boom was precarious, if US loans were recalled it would cause ruin Unemployment
began to rise Peasant farmers were over producing Many small businesses became
disillusioned Small shopkeepers saw their businesses threatened by large department stores
Both the Nazis and Communists were building up their party organisations During these
stable years there were still four Chancellors and it was only the influence of party leaders
which held party coalitions together Worryingly 30% of the vote went to parties opposed to
the Republic Right wing parties were quiet rather than destroyed Parties like the Nazis made
themselves more respectable Hindenburg was elected as President in 1926, he opposed
democracy and even wrote to the Kaiser in exile for approval before taking up the post.
Nationalists attacked Stresemann for signing Locarno, seeing it as an acceptance of the
Treaty Communists also attacked Locarno seeing it as a plot against the Communist
government in the USSR.

Munich Putsch:
Was intiated by __ however, after hitler took power he recruited Hermann Goring, Lundenorff
giving respectability to the Nazi party. End of 1923 they had gain around 55,000 members.
He was inspired by Mussolini’s March on Rome in 1922. In Berlin on the Weimar
Government, the trigger for the Putsch was on Sep 1923 calling off the campaign of passive
resistance and resume paying war reperations. 8th of Nov Von Khar and cheifs of the
bavarian army adressing a crowd in the Munich beerhall. Hitler Goring and 600 SA troops
stormed the meeting and announced the national revolution had begun. Hitler coerced Von
Khar to join his uprising through Ludendorff and to publicly announce his proclamations. The
next day Hitler and his supporters Marched on the Munich town hall where they hoped to
gain the support of the arm and police. They failed and were fired openly by police 14 nazi’s
died and 4 police officers. Hitler, nazi’s and Ludendorff were arrested. Feb 1924 Hitler used
this platform to exuit his ideaolgies. The judges were leniant and gave a sentence of 4 years
which would usually be presented with death, however only served 9 months. Served time in
comfort. Wrote Mein Kompf. Which further expanded his ideologies to others increasing his
party. Realised he could not overthorw the Weimar government thorugh violent forces but
rather legitimising his party and become a politicain destrying it for mthe inside. Temporarily
hindered that party when he was in jail. Which eventually led hitler to rise. —> legislation to
change laws without governments permission. Brought publicity, loss of creditability attempt
to overthrow led in bloodshed and loss undermined credability of Nazi party made it harder
to gain support in the immediate aftermath. Temporary setback removed hitler from the
politcal scene- lacked strong leadership- momentum slowed, ban on nazi party activited
were restricted, hindered parties ability to plan and execute widespread support.

Practice Questions
Source 1: Cashman (2016)
The government realised that I needed to do something to end the hyperinflation spiral. A
new Chancellor, Gustav Stresemann … called off the campaign of passive resistance and in
September, Germany resumed making reparations payments. The mark was abolished as a
form of currency and replaced by the Rentenmark (and later, the Reichsmark), which was
much more stable.
However, not all of the outcomes for the republic were positive. There was lasting
resentment against the Weimar government, which was blamed for the crisis. Particularly by
members of the middle-class who had lost all their savings … This was reflected in the two
Reichstag elections of 1924. Amid the furore at the government, there were political
uprisings from the fringes of the political spectrum.

Q1. Outline the main issues created by the Hyperinflation 1923 - 1924. Include reference to
the changes in currency and why. marks
Q2. Identify and discuss how the Munich Putsch and outcome of the trial helped and
hindered the rise of Hitler and the Nazis party (6 marks)
Q3. Evaluate why 1923 - 1929 was considered the 'Golden Era' in Germany. Your response
should address the political, economic and social factors. Include reference to historical
perspectives and interpretations. 8 marks
Ludendorff took over the nazi's was not a good political leader and had backing of public yet
did know how to run a political party- Hitler's plan- failed to win seats
Lost election, society became stable because of Stresemann- solidified the German public
Nationalistic further was no longer required because national identity was returned
Unemployment decline, hyper inflated declined
PM quit and became a diplomat

Unemployed workers were mainly concentrated in the big industrial towns. This is where
the Nazis did least well in election time the unemployed were much more likely to vote for
the communists.

By the Nazis before Hitler came to power was just over 37% July 1932 elections this meant
that even at the height of their popularity. The nazis were rejected by 63%

Did not use antisemitism wasn't going to tract the people

Hitler the an army with a flag, sun breaking through the clouds God possibly shining on him,
People who live in Germany, the public, Germany by the Nazi's 1933- Goebbels, To get
people on their side to vote Hitler, glorifying Hitler as a savior for their country- fixing the
countries current issues- notional identity- young men who are going to lead the way
Iron cross noble
Loreal wreath crown- Julius Caeser representing one of the greatest leader
A dove symbolling the peace Hitler is going to bring Lifting it up into the air triumph and
power- eagle hunt its prey
"chosen one"

Wall street crash leaders to end of effective financial assistance from USA, unemployment
rises rapidly, hyperinflation recurs, threat of communism, coalition government fails to
address problems successfully

Havok on Reichstag try and get policy pushed across the line nazi's that held seats would
walk out government would fold keep restarting the process

3 options
Print more money a risk hyperinflation
Raise taxes to ay for unemployment benefit
Save money and cut unemployment benefit

Give Hitler a role in Government - Hindenburg

Hitler given role of chancellor not by vote to keep him quiet
Started propaganda machine
Nuremberg rallies designed to show the rest of the world how powerful they were- like
tramp rallies
British PM --> Winston Churchill (racist, sexist)
Nazi's promised to reduce unemployment rates, women would be traditional women-
pushed women back home and men got their jobs
1920's was forbidden to address public meetings in much of Germany

Disrupt the elections- Reichstag fire 1933 Vande Lubbe a communist

Hitler said Communist were trying to take over through terrorism
Able to get communists banned from the Reichstag put in place martial law

SPD Social Democrats – KPD Communist – DDP German Democrats – Zentrum German
Centre Party (Catholic)

1. Enabling act dictorial power no longer had to go through the parliament to change
laws, banned communist from participating in the election - Nazi's won
Enabled anti- semitic laws
Reich laws removes citizenship rights of Jews no longer considered German, no longer
had protection of the police or the law

There was an internal threat the SA Rhome is criticisms the decisions 2nd class to SS
run by Himmler Aryan Nation
Breeding program- Eugenics Blonde hair, Blue eyes strong Nordic laws

• Hitler had to get rid of Rohm. He was too much of a threat. Encouraged by Goebbels
and Goering.
• On the night of 30th June 1934 Hitler’s S.S. killed over 1000 SA members including
• The army were pleased.
• Hitler had gained the support of the army

The night of long knives June 1934

Against all commanding leaders of the SA round them all in one night
Get rid of Rohm He was too much of a threat, encouraged by Goebbels and Goering (gay)
On the night of 30th June 1934 Hitlers SS killed over 1000 SA members including Rohm
The army was pleased and Hitler had gained the support of the army

Romell- Rats of Turbrorkeok

Death of Hindenburg to become prime minister (chancellor) and president

Oath of Loyalty didn't go to Germany or Hitler

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