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Hello teacher and everyone, Today my team would like to talk about advice with colleagues, to motivate you to

make better progress at work.

SANG: Do you like your current work area?

KIỀU: I'm not very satisfied. Do you think I should change it?

CHÂU: Well, I think you should rearrange your desk because your documents are not organized and there are a lot
of unnecessary things on the desk.

SANG : I have some tips for changing your desk.

First, you should assess your needs. Do you need more space to store documents? Understanding your needs will
help you make more informed decisions in arranging your work area.

Second, you should have things you can note on your work area. You can record your important tasks for better
management. (mé nịt mần)

CHÂU: Hey, Do you like trees? Or something that makes you comfortable or motivated to strive?

KIỀU: Yes, I really like the little decorative bamboo plants.

CHÂU: Oh, You can arrange it in a corner to create a happy feeling for yourself.

SANG: How do you organize client documents on your computer?

KIỀU: I just sort by customer name.

SANG : I think it's very difficult for you to manage customers. You should sort by month, by day, then by customer

KIỀU: What you think about my work schedule? I've been finding it a bit challenging to balance my work
and personal life lately.

CHÂU: Of course, I'm happy to help you find a solution that works. Can you tell me more about the
specific issues you're facing?

KIỀU: Oh, I have some clients that need to be done outside of business hours. And sometimes,
unexpected emergencies arise that require my immediate attention. It's hard to be ready to meet a
client right away.

CHÂU: I understand. Have you researched the customers you currently have? I think you should arrange
each customer's information completely from personal information, interests, personality, needs... Then
you should divide customers by industry classification or by date to easily search.

SANG : You should back up customer files on many media such as drive, mail, zalo, messenger... so that
you can quickly search when you have an unexpected appointment with a customer.

KIỀU: That sounds like a good idea. I would follow this kind of arrangement.

KIỀU:I totally get it. You know, getting organized can make a huge difference, not just in managing tasks but also
in how you present yourself.
CHÂU: Really? How so?

SANG : It ties into that whole "appearance affects success" thing we've been talking about.

CHÂU: Well, think about it. When you're organized, you appear more in control and put-together.

SANG :So, here are a few tips to help you get started:

SANG : Prioritize tasks: Identify what needs immediate attention and what can wait. It helps in managing your time

CHÂU: Create a schedule: Having a daily or weekly plan can do wonders. It keeps you on track and reduces the
chance of forgetting important stuff.

KIỀU:Those sound possible. But where should I start?

SANG : Begin by setting small, achievable goals.

CHÂU: Plus, when you appear more organized, people tend to trust you more.

KIỀU:I never thought about it that way. Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a shot!


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